How best can you appreciate your users or online clients? Say they have successfully purchased a product or service, and you want to show gratitude as a business. Or, they may be loyal clients who have stood by you for some time as a business, or as an organization.
One way can be to top up their voice call time. You can give them airtime. After successfully purchasing a product or service (in the case of an e-commerce site), you can send some airtime to their phone.
- Welcome to Africa's Talking (AT)
- Getting Started With the Airtime API from AT
- Putting It Together
- Notes
Africa's Talking aims to power communication solutions in Africa, hence the name. They have quite a number of valuable services from SMS to USSD, Voice, Payments, and Airtime. In this article, I will show you how you can utilize their Airtime API to add the appreciation feature to a web application, Flask web app to be exact.
import africastalking
username = "sandbox"
api_key = "your-api-key"
africastalking.initialize(username, api_key)
airtime = africastalking.Airtime
phone_number = "+2547xxxxxxxx"
currency_code = "KES" # Change this to your country's code
amount = 50
response = airtime.send(
except Exception as e:
print(f"Encountered an error while sending airtime. '
'More error details below\n {e}")
This is a very simple and direct Python script that makes use of the Airtime API from Africa's Talking, AT in short. The API needs the following to work:
- SDK (
) - Customer
- Your country's
- The
to send
These are the things you will need to do to work with the Airtime API:
Africa's Talking has a comprehensive tutorial on the Airtime API. To get started, you will need to create an account with them. It is FREE.
The SDK needs two things: username
and api_key
. These are found when you create an app. Africa's Talking provides a default "sandbox" app to start with.
The username
can be found at the top-right of the app. With the sandbox app, you are required to use "sandbox" for the username
. The api_key
can be found by clicking on "Settings > API Key" as seen below.
Enter your password to generate an API Key. Copy it somewhere because it will not be shown to you again. Remember, the value of the api_key
is SECRET, so be sure to maintain it as such. Within your application, you may save it in a .env file.
Access them as environment variables.
import os
class Config(object):
# Africa's Talking configurations
AT_API_KEY = os.environ.get("AT_API_KEY")
AT_USERNAME = os.environ.get("AT_USERNAME")
With the SDK in place, it is time to initialize the airtime service.
from app import app
africastalking.initialize(app.config["AT_USERNAME"], app.config["AT_API_KEY"])
airtime = africastalking.Airtime
The service is stored in a variable airtime
. It will be used below to send a customer some airtime.
Before crediting a customer's airtime balance, we at least need to identify them and specify what we would like to send them.
phone_number =
amount = app.config["AIRTIME_AMOUNT"]
currency_code = app.config["CURRENCY"]
Once again, the values are sourced from environment variables. Only the phone_number
is gotten from the app's context.
The airtime.send()
function is used to send a customer airtime.
response = airtime.send(
# See the output
except Exception as e:
# See any possible errors
print(f"An error occured. More info:\n\n {e}")
To ensure that the application does not crash in the event an error occurs, we can use the try-except
block. We try sending some airtime. If not successful, then we print the error on the terminal so we can know what went wrong.
The final script that sends a customer airtime is as below:
# Import AT package (pip3 install africastalking)
import africastalking
from app import app
from flask_login import current_user
def airtime():
# Initialize SDK
# Connect to the airtime service
airtime = africastalking.Airtime
# To client
phone_number =
amount = app.config["AIRTIME_AMOUNT"]
currency_code = app.config["CURRENCY"]
# Send
response = airtime.send(
# See the output
except Exception as e:
# See any possible errors
print(f"An error occured. More info:\n\n {e}")
Remember, to use the africastalking package, you will need to install it in your active virtual environment:
# Activate your virtualenvironment
$ python3 -m venv venv # create
$ source venv/bin/activate # activate
# Alternatively, you may use virtualenvwrapper
# It creates and activates a virtual environment
$ mkvirtualenv venv
# Install
(venv)$ pip3 install africastalking
It is always recommended to do the installation in an active virtual environment primarily to isolate the needs of one application from another.
Now that the airtime module is in place, we can now show some appreciation to the customer.
from app import app
from app.airtime import airtime
def thank_you():
return render_template("index.html", title="Thanks")
The sandbox app is ideal for testing. You should be able to see the necessary output in your terminal due to the use of the print()
statements. However, the recipient identified by the current user's phone number will not receive the airtime top-up. You will need to switch to a "live" app, one credited with cash, and enabled by Africa's Talking team. To get started with the "live" app,
Return to the home page
Click on any of the existing teams or create a new team.
Click on the "Create App" button to create a new app.
Your app will be listed in the new team.
Click on the app name (in my case "test_test").
The app currently has KES 0.00 balance in the wallet. As much as the script may work, the recipient will not get any airtime until there is some money in her wallet. So, be sure to top up the wallet. Head over to "Billing > Payment Methods" on the left sidebar menu. Select your preferred method, and follow the steps.
The last step would be to enable the Airtime service. This is done by Africa's Talking itself. Send an email to [email protected], notifying them of your intention to use the service. You will be asked to provide a few information for verification. If you are a Kenyan, you may be asked to provide a copy of your National ID card too.
Hoping all goes well, and you should be good to go. You can test out the script.
If you would like to see an example of a project utilizing the service, check out sending-free-airtime-after-purchase on GitHub.