Containers are built on a lightweight virtualization technology that allows an application, along with its dependencies and configuration to run in complete isolation, but without the need to use a full blown virtualization solution such as virtual machines, which need a lot more resources and can sometimes have a significant performance degradation in comparison to the host. A system configured as a container host can execute many containers, all of them sharing the host's kernel and direct access to the host's hardware. This is in contrast to virtual machines, which have to emulate a complete system, including CPU, disk, other hardware, kernel, etc.
In spite of having to share the kernel, the level of isolation in a container is pretty high. A container has its own file system, and can be based on an operating system that is different than the one used by the container host. For example, you can run containers based on Ubuntu Linux on a Fedora host, or vice versa. While containers are a technology that is native to the Linux operating system, thanks to virtualization it is also possible to run Linux containers on Windows and Mac OS X hosts. This allows you to test your deployments on your development system, and also incorporate containers in your development workflow if you wish to do so.
While Docker isn't the only container platform, it is by far the most popular. There are two editions of Docker, a free community edition (CE) and a subscription based enterprise edition (EE). In this tutorial, Docker CE will be sufficient.
To work with Docker CE, you first have to install it on your system. There are installers for Windows, Mac OS X and several Linux distributions available at the Docker website. If you are working on a Microsoft Windows system, it is important to note that Docker CE requires Hyper-V. The installer will enable this for you if necessary, but keep in mind that enabling Hyper-V prevents other virtualization technologies such as VirtualBox from working.
Learn how to install docker
I am of the assumption that you already have a flask application built. I will show you how to build a container image from that flask application. For the purposes of demonstration, I will use my beautiful flask tables project.
The first step in creating a container for our app is to build an image for it. A container image is a template that is used to create a container. It contains a complete representation of the container file system, along with various settings pertaining to networking, start up options, etc.
I will show you how to generate a container through a script.
The command that creates scripted container images is docker build
. This command reads and executes build instructions from a file called Dockerfile
, which I will need to create. The Dockerfile is basically an installer script of sorts that executes the installation steps to get the application deployed, plus some container specific settings.
Dockerfile: Script installer
FROM python:alpine
RUN adduser -D table # Without the -D option, you will encounter password unchanged error
WORKDIR /home/software_development/python/current_projects/beautiful_flask_tables
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN python -m venv beautiful_flask_tables
RUN beautiful_flask_tables/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip
apk update && \
apk add build-base && \ # Fixes installation issues due to greenlet
apk add postgresql-dev gcc python3-dev musl-dev && \ # Dependencies for psycopg2
beautiful_flask_tables/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt && \
beautiful_flask_tables/bin/pip3 install gunicorn
COPY app app
COPY migrations migrations
RUN chmod +x
RUN chown -R table:table ./
USER table
Each line in the Dockerfile
is a command. The FROM
command specifies the base container image on which the new image will be built. The whole idea is that you start from an existing base container image, add or change some things, and you end up with a derived image. Images are referenced by a name and a tag, separated by a colon. The tag is used as a versioning mechanism, allowing an image to provide more than one variant.
Above, the image used is python
, the official Docker image for Python. The tags for this image allow you to specifiy the interprter version and the base operating system. The alpine
tag is from Alpine Linux. You can be more specific with the kind of tag you want to use. Say, 3.8-alpine
tag selects a Python 3.8 interpreter installed on Alpine Linux. The Alpine Linux distribution is often used instead of the more popular ones such as Ubuntu because of its small size. You can see what tags are available for the Python image in the Python Image Reposistory.
command executes an arbitrary command in the context of the container, similar to you typing the command in a shell prompt. The adduser -D table
command creates a new user named table
. Most container images have root
as the default user. It is never a good practice to run an application as root
, so we need to create our own user.
command sets a default directory where the application is going to be installed. When I created the table
user above, a home directory path was created, so now I'm we are making that directory the default. The new default directory is going to apply to any remaining commands in the Dockerfile
, and also later when the container is executed.
command transfers files from your machine the container file system. This command takes two or more arguments, the source and the destination files or directories. The source files must be relative to the directory where the Dockerfile is located. The destination can be an absolute path, or a path relative to the directory set in a previous WORKDIR
command. Above, we are copying the requirements.txt
file to the table
user's home directory path in the container file system.
With requirements.txt
in the container file system, we can create a virtual environment using RUN
command. Above, I have created a virtual environment called beautiful_flask_tables
in which I install all the requirements needed for our application. It is also possible to explictly install packages in your container. In our example, we are installing gunicorn
which we are going to use as a web server. Altenatively, you can have gunicorn
added to the requirements.txt
commands that follow install the application to the container, by copying the app
package, the migrations
repository with the database migrations and the top-level files
. Additionally, We are also copying a new file
(top-level file).
The RUN chmod
command ensures that this
file is set as an executable file. If you are in a Unix based file system and your source file is already marked as executable, then the copied file will also have the executable bit set. I added an explicit set because on Windows it is harder to set executable bits. If you are working on Mac OS X or Linux you probably don't need this statement, but it does not hurt to have it anyway.
command sets an environment variable inside the container. We need to set FLASK_APP
which is required to use the flask
The RUN chown
command sets the owner of all the directories and files that were stored in /home/software_development/python/current_projects/beautiful_flask_tables as the new table
user. Even though we created the this user near the top level of the Dockerfile, the default user for all the commands remain the root
user. So, all the files need to be switched to the table
user so that this user can work with them when the container is started.
command in the next line makes the new table
user the default for any subsequent instructions, and also for when the container is started.
command configures the port that the container will be using for its server. This is necessary so that Docker can configure the network in the container appropriately. We have chosen the standard flask port 5000
, but this can be any port.
command defines the default command that should be executed when the container is started. This is the command that will start the web server. To keep things well organized, we will now make a separate
script file:
: Docker container start up script
source beautiful_flask_tables/bin/activate
flask db upgrade
exec gunicorn -b :5000 --access-logfile - --error-logfile - table:app
Above, we activate the virtual environment, upgrade the database through the database migration framework, and finally run the server with gunicorn
In a shell script, exec
triggers the process running the script to be replaced with the command given, instead of starting it as a new process. This is important because Docker associates the life of the container to the first process that runs on it. In cases like this one where the start up process is not the main process of the container, we need to make sure that the main process takes the place of that first process to ensure that the container is not terminated by Docker.
In Docker, anything that container writes to stdout
or stderr
will be captured and stored in the logs for the container. For that reason, the --access-logfile
and --error-logfile
are both configured with a -
, which sends the log to the standard output so that they are stored as logs by Docker.
With the Dockerfile created, now we can build a container image:
$ docker build -t table:latest . # Don't forget the . (dot)
The -t
argument in docker build
command sets the name and tag for the new image. The .
indicates the base directory where the container is to be built. This is the directory where the Dockerfile is located. The build process is going to evaluate all the commands in the Dockerfile and create the image, which will be stored on our own machine.
To obtain a list of all the images that you have locally, run the docker images
$ docker images
# Output
table latest 39fa5cda1776 10 seconds ago 206MB
python alpine 8744555ae7bb 6 days ago 42.3MB
The listing will include your image as well as the base image on which it was built. Any time you make changes to the application, you can update the container image by running the command again.
With the image already created, we can run the container version of the application using docker run
command, which usually takes a large number of arguments.
$ docker run --name table -d -p 8000:5000 --rm table:latest
# Output
The --name
option provides a name for the new container. The -d
option tells Docker to run the container in the background without which the container runs as a foregroung application, blocking your command prompt. The -p
option maps container ports to the host ports. The first port is the port on the host computer, and the one on the right is the port inside the container. The above example exposes the 5000
port in the container on port 8000
in the host, so you will access the application on 8000
, even though internally the container is using port 5000
. The --rm
option will delete the container once it is terminated. While this is not required, containers that finish or are interrupted (I mean successful or not) are usually not needed anymore, so they can be automatically deleted. The last argument is the name and tag of our container image.
After you run the command above, you can access the application on http://localhost:8000.
To see what container is running, use docker ps
$ docker ps
# Output
08b68c8afe5f table:latest "./" 23 seconds ago Up 22 seconds>5000/tcp table
You can use a more useful variant such as docker ps -a
instead of docker ps
if you do not see any output. Note that the CONTAINER ID is shortened compared to what was generated by docker run
If you do not see any containers running, remember that initially we used the
option to delete the container once it was terminated. It is an option. You can remove it when running the container.
Note that
does not usebash
for its executable file. Instead, it usessh
which is a shell. This is becausealpine
is a minimal Linux distribution that does not have a bash shell. If you are using a Linux distribution that has a bash shell, you can usebash
instead ofsh
. See this solution for more information.
Every time you come across an error you are not sure about, always run the logs to see what is happening. In this case, you can use
docker logs -f <container_ID>
(obviously having removed the--rm
option when building your image) to see the logs of the container.
If you want to stop a running container, use docker stop <CONTAINER ID>
$ sudo docker stop 08b68c8afe5f
# Output
To delete a container, use docker rm <CONTAINER ID>
$ docker rm 08b68c8afe5f
Additionally, if you have several containers as seen in your docker ps -a
list, and would like to delete all of them at once rather than having to rundocker rm <CONTAINER ID>
for each one of them, run:
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -a -f status=exited)
You can know the status of your container by checking the column STATUS
when you run docker ps
$ docker ps
# Output
To delete an existing container image, check the image's REPOSITORY and IMAGE ID using docker images
before running docker rmi
$ docker rmi <REPOSITORY> <IMAGE ID>
Multiple images can be deleted as follows:
$ docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
As you work with Docker, it’s also easy to accumulate an excessive number of unused images, containers, and data volumes that clutter the output and consume disk space. Docker gives you all the tools you need to clean up your system from the command line.
Images, containers and other volume data not successfully built or created to completion are defined as dangling. You can use a single command to lean up any resources — images, containers, volumes, and networks — that are dangling (not associated with a container):
$ docker system prune
To additionally remove any stopped containers and all unused images (not just dangling images), add the -a flag to the command:
$ docker system prune -a
An application normally has a number of configurations that are sourced from environment variables. For example, the Flask secret key, database URL and email server options are all imported from environment variables.
We need to set these envrionment variables inside the container. The ENV
command was used earlier in the Dockerfile
to set environment variables, and it is handy for variables that are going to be static. For variables that depend on installation, however, it is not convinient to have them as part of the build process, because you want to have a container image that is portable. If you want to give your application to another person as container image, you want that person to be able to use it as is, and not have to build it with different variables.
So, build time environment variables can be useful, but there is also a need to have run-time environment variables that can be set via the docker run
command, and for these variables, -e
option can be used.
Setting email configuration in Docker container
$ docker run --name table -d -p 8000:5000 --rm -e SECRET_KEY=my-secret-key \
-e -e MAIL_PORT=587 -e MAIL_USE_TLS=true \
-e MAIL_USERNAME=<your-gmail-username> -e MAIL_PASSWORD=<your-gmail-password> \
Assuming you have SQLite as your database of choise, what we know is that the application saves all its data on a file on disk on the local machine. What do you think is going to happen when the to the SQLite file when you stop and delete the container? The file is going to disappear!
The file system in a container is ephemeral, meaning that it goes away when the container goes away. You can write data to the file system, and the data is going to be there if the container needs to read it, but if for any reason you need to recycle your container and replace it with a new one any data that the application saved to disk is going to be lost forever.
A good design would be to make the container application stateless. If you have a container that has application code and no data, you can throw it away and replace it with a new one without any problem. This container becomes truly disposable, which is great in terms of simplifying the deployment of upgrades. But this means that the data must be put somewhere outside of the application container. This is where the Docker Registry comes into play.
The Registry is a stateless, highly scalable server side application that stores and lets you distribute Docker images. By putting images in a registry, you can store static and immutable application bits, including all of their dependencies, at a framework level. You then can version and deploy images in multiple environments and thus provide a consistent deployment unit.
The Docker Container Registry contains a large variety of container images, for example the python
container image we have looked at already. Docker maintains images for many other languages, databases and other services in the Docker registry. Companies and regular users alike can publish our own container images.
What you will do:
- Get
image from the MySQL public registry - Update the Dockerfile to add a
client package (pymysql
) - Link server to application
MySQL has public container images available on the Docker registry. MySQL relies on environment variables that need to be passed to docker run
. These configure passwords, database names etc. We will use the officially maintained image by mySQL team here.
Start MySQL server
$ docker run --name mysql -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes -e MYSQL_DATABASE=table \
-e MYSQL_USER=table -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=<database-password> mysql/mysql-server:latest
# Output
Unable to find image 'mysql/mysql-server:5.7' locally
5.7: Pulling from mysql/mysql-server
03e20c09154c: Pull complete
989c25a93b15: Pull complete
1fe2b817a6cb: Pull complete
0807146aa37b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:96f7f199868eaaf9dd9c3cff47021831f5525047b41b0c6a8bf1187936a3e9d2
Status: Downloaded newer image for mysql/mysql-server:5.7
# Use of \ allows for a rather long command to go to a new line. Do not include it in your command
On a Docker installed machine, you will get a fully installed MySQL server with a randomly generated root password, a brand new database called table
, and a user with the same name that is configured with full permissions to access the database. Enter a proper password as value for the MySQL_PASSWORD
environment variable.
is the docker registry account used by MySQL.mysql-server:latest
is the image from MySQL.
You should have the MySQL container running. Check:
$ docker ps
# Output
5c7baceab352 table:latest "./" 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds>5000/tcp, :::8000->5000/tcp table
1572ace01e37 mysql/mysql-server:latest "/ mysq…" 37 minutes ago Up 37 minutes (healthy) 3306/tcp, 33060-33061/tcp mysql
With the MySQL server started, we need to add a MySQL client package. We will use pymysql
. We will also need to add the cryptography
package that MYSQL uses for authentication against the MySQL server.
Dockerfile: Add MySQL client
# previous commands
apk add libffi-dev && \ # this is required for the MySQL client
beautiful_flask_tables/bin/pip3 install gunicorn pymysql cryptography
# previous commands
With this change to our Dockerfile (or the application itself), the container image needs to be rebuilt:
$ docker build -t table:latest .
We will need to start our table
again, this time linking it to the database container so that both can communicate through the network:
$ docker run --name table -d -p 8000:5000 --rm -e SECRET_KEY=my-secret-key \
-e -e MAIL_PORT=587 -e MAIL_USE_TLS=true \
-e MAIL_USERNAME=<your-gmail-username> -e MAIL_PASSWORD=<your-gmail-password> \
--link mysql:dbserver \
-e DATABASE_URL=mysql+pymysql://table:<database-password>@dbserver/table \
The --link
option tells Docker to make another container accessible to this one. The argument contains two names separated by a colon. The first part is the name or ID of the container to link. The second part defines the hostname that can be used in this container to refer to the linked one. dbserver
if a generic name that represents the database server.
With the link to the two containers established, we can set the DATABASE_URL
environment variable so that SQLAlchemy is directed to use the MySQL database in the other container. The database URL is going to use dbserver
as the hostname, table
as the database name and user, and the password that you selected when you started MySQL.
Sometimes the MySQL container takes a few seconds to be fully running and ready to accept database connects. If you start MySQL container and then start the application container immediately after, when the
script tries to run flask db upgrade
it may fail due to the database not being ready to accept connects. Retry database connection
source beautiful_flask_tables/bin/activate
while true; do
flask db upgrade
if [[ "$?" == "0" ]]; then
echo Upgrade command failed, retrying in 5 secs...
sleep 5
flask translate compile
exec gunicorn -b :5000 --access-logfile - --error-logfile - table:app
The loop checks the exit code of the flask db upgrade
command, and if it is non-zero it assumes that something went wrong, so it waits five seconds and then retries.
The application is up and running on Docker, using two containers (where MySQL comes from a publicly available third-party image). We can make this application available to others by pushing it to the Docker registry from where anybody can obtain the image.
- Click here to create an account with Docker. Pick a username that you like.
- Run the command
sudo docker login
in your terminal. Provide your account username and password. - Rename your image to include your account (remember the MySQL image?) as seen below:
$ sudo docker tag table:latest <your docker registry account>/table:latest
- Publish you image to the Docker registry using the
docker push
$ sudo docker push <your docker registry account>/table:latest
Your image should be now publicly available. Feel free to document how to install it and run from the Docker registry. Check this MySQL example.
This was a great lesson. I hope you enjoyed it. There are more deployment methods you can use to get your application up and running. I recommend that you check out others such as: