On Twitter, you often see that when you hover your mouse over a user's username, the person's profile is displayed in a tiny popover. This is true for Facebook and LinkedIn as well. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add popovers to our Flask app.
You can find the completed project on this flask popovers github repository.
For your reference, these are the sections included in this tutorial:
- Section 1:Create a simple web application
- Section 2: Web Forms
- Section 3: Working with Databases
- Section 4: User Login
- Section 5: User Posts
- Section 6: Implement Popover
- Section 7: Private Messaging and User Notifications
We will take advantage of the following packages to build this application:
- Python3 for programming
- Flask framework
- Flask-WTF for web form creation
- Flask-Bootstrap for styling (already used)
- Flask-SQLAlchemy for database integration
- Flask-Migrate for database migrations
- Flask-Moment for displaying timestamps
- Python-dotenv for loading environment variables
- Email validator for email validation
- Flask-Login for user authentication
I have already created a simple application that we will further build on. You can follow through by checking the start a flask server tutorial.