To use with nordvpn:
- Create vlan 8 in you switches/accesspoints/whatever
- Create the subnet for the clients and attach it to vlan 8
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --ip-range= -o parent=eth0.8 vpnvlan
- Go to and pick a server that supports openvpn
- Download the config for OpenVPN UDP and save it as config.ovpn
- Edit the downloaded config and replace the line
withauth-user-pass /cred
- Put you username and password in a file called cred, username on the first line and password on the second
- Build the container with
docker build -t vpn-defgw .
- Run the container with
docker run -dit --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --name vpn-defgw vpn-defgw
- Attach vlan 8 to the container
docker network connect vpnvlan vpn-defgw
To change vlan, change eth0.8 to eth0.<vlan_id> in the command above
To change ip-network you have to replace it in the command above and in the files run and udhcpd.conf
To use with different vpn provider:
- Make sure the provider supports openvpn
- Replace dns-servers in udhcpd.conf
- Do rest of the steps from nordvpn