- Verify authorization
- Collect tweets from main page
- Collect comments from tweets
- Collect reactions on tweets
- Post
- Tweets
- Tweets with images
Collect user followers (different than me)not required atm - Collect user tweets (by statusid)
- Collect user comments
Background Queue for requests (twitter limit)not here, in Analyzer
Write Read to file
- Hold Temporary Tweets
- Load Tweets
- UTF-8 Support
- Cleanup csv
- Rearrange csv
- Save DF
Collect Samples
- Random walk
- Snowballing
ML Analysis of Tweets
- Count Comments / Reactions
- Normalize Tweets
- Lowercase text
- Analysis influence in time
- Same id post
- RT impact
- Analysis Followers/Friends Tweets
- Analysis random peoples being active in tweets
- Suggest following new
- Suggest stop following
- Inform about friends attitude
- Classify Tweets (3 Filters of Sokrates)
- Good
- Truth
- Useful
- Sort DF (? is this necessary ?)
- Train model for predictions
- Start making cool stuff
- Enjoy
Show Tweets
- Decision model
- Buttons
- Login, Status, Load CSVs
- More Buttons
- Download more tweets
- Display log Console
- Display CSV File Tree
- Threading background
- Background requests
- Threads status, Checking, removing reference (release memory)
- Threads feedback
- Filter tweets
- Inverted filtration
- language
- English
- Polish
- by input
- user_id / username
- post_id
- by time range
- Date Posted
- Tweet age
- Find words and phrases
- in text
- in every field or key
- Find tweets with non empty fields
- Display tweets
- Display single tweets
- Browse tweets in current data frame
- Pretty display
- Short users
- Hide empty fields
- Quoted tweets are prettier
- Display Tweet activity
- show comments quantity
- show classification prediction
- Manage CSV files
- Load selected CSV
- Save current DF to file
- Merge files
- Auto Arrange files
- Combine CSV groups
- Combine selected
- Combine without duplicates
- Auto Combine/Filter by User
- Keep Popular
- Other features
- Delete / AutoClean
- Old
- prioritize new files if limit is reached. (1GB ? defined by user)
- already used
- Small
- With low tweet amount
- Combine CSV groups
- Venv compatibility
- Installing modules
- Importing
- Setup.py
- Requirements.txt