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HCL Security AppScan Source Gradle Plugin

The AppScan Source Gradle plugin is used to automate the scanning of Java and Java web projects in Gradle. It generates AppScan Source project files for Gradle projects that have the "java" plugin and/or "war" plugins applied. It can also generate and run a CLI script for executing a scan.


To use the AppScan Source plugin, add the following lines to build.gradle:

plugins {
	id "" version "1.1.13"

apply plugin: ''

Or use the following:

buildscript {
	repositories {
    		maven { url "" }
	dependencies { classpath "" }

apply plugin: ''


  • A local installation of HCL Security AppScan Source.

    NOTE: As of version 10.0.7, AppScan Source has an updated installation path. Version 1.1.13 of the AppScan Source Gradle plugin has been updated to handle both the old and new installation paths by default.

  • Enable AppScan Source to scan .class files. To do so:

    • In AppScan Source For Analysis go to Edit -> Preferences -> Project File Extensions. On the Java tab, double-click the .class extension and choose "Scan files with this extension".


    • Open <data_dir>/file_extensions.xml in a text editor and locate the FileExtensionSet named "java". Edit the "class" extension and set the "assess" attribute to a value of "true". <data_dir> maps to the following directories, by default:

      Windows - C:\ProgramData\HCL\AppScanSource\ltd

      Linux - /var/opt/hcl/appscansource/ltd

      Mac - /Users/Shared/AppScanSource/ltd


Create a cli.token to persist the user credentials, so they do not need to be included in the generated CLI script. To generate the .token, execute a "login" command using the interactive AppScan Source CLI. For example, at a command prompt run:

AppScanSrcCli.exe (Windows)

appscansrccli (Linux or Mac)

Then execute a login command using the "-persist" flag. For example:

login <server> <username> <password> -persist


  • createProject: Creates an AppScan Source project file (.ppf) for the given project and adds it to an AppScan Source application file (.paf).

  • createCLIScript: Generates an AppScan Source project file (.ppf) for each subproject and creates a CLI script that can be run with the "runScan" task.

  • runScan: Generates a CLI script using the createCLIScript task and runs a scan using the script $scriptdir/cliscript.txt".

Configurable Options:

appname								The name of the generated .paf file.
appdir						rootProject.projectDir							The location of the generated .paf file.
projectdir					project.projectDir							The location of the generated .ppf file.
scriptdir					"$appdir/appscan"								The location of the generated CLI script.
install						Varies by platform								The AppScan Source installation directory.
configdir					Varies by platform								The AppScan Source shared data directory.
logdir						"$appdir/appscan/"								The location of the generated scan log.
tokenfile					"$user.home/.ounce/ouncecli.token				The token file to use for login.
username					""												The username for authenticating with ASE. Leave blank if using a cli.token (recommended).
password					""												The password for authenticating with ASE. Leave blank if using a cli.token (recommended).
acceptssl					true											Whether or not to accept untrusted certificates.
server						"localhost"										The ASE server to authenticate with.
scanoptions					""												Options passed to the CLI "scan" command. See the AppScan Source Utilities Guide for valid options.
sourceexcludes					"test"											A ; delimited list of source set names that should be excluded from scanning.
scanconfig					null											The scan configuration to use for the scan.
reporttype					null											The report type to generate.
reportformat					null											The format of the generated report.
reportlocation					null											The location of the generated report.
publishfolder					null											The AppScan Enterprise folder where results will be published.
publishapp					null											The AppScan Enterprise application where results will be published.
publishname					null											The name of the published assessment in AppScan Enterprise.
publishASE					false											Whether or not the results should be published to AppScan Entrerprise (requires additional configruation).
compilecode          false                               If set to true, it will compile code prior to scan. If set to false, it will reuse the bytecodes already generated.

To set options, add an "appscansettings" block to your build script specifying the settings you want to change and the desired value. For example, to change the directory for the generated CLI script and the generated scan log to "/myApp/temp_files", add the following:

appscansettings { scriptdir = "/myApp/temp_files" logdir = "/myApp/temp_files" }

NOTE: The install, appdir, and projectdir options can now be specified using Java properties on the command line using the following syntax: -Dappscan.install= -Dappscan.appdir=<directory to store .paf> -Dappscan.projectdir=<directory to store .ppf>

Example Usage:

Below is an example of applying the AppScan plugin to a build.gradle for the root project of a multi-project build. Executing the ":runscan" task will compile all java projects and execute a scan.

NOTE: It's recommended to execute the runscan task as ":runscan" so the task will only be executed once for the root project. Executing "runscan" will result in the runscan task executing for each project in the build, which is generally not the desired behavior.

apply plugin: ''

appscansettings {
	server = ""


All files found in this project are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.