File tree
1,042 files changed
lines changed- cpp
- 100.SameTree
- 101.SymmetricTree
- 102.BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal
- 103.BinaryTreeZigzagLevelOrderTraversal
- 104.MaximunDepthOfBinaryTree
- 107.BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversalII
- 108.ConvertSortedArrayToBinarySearchTree
- 109.ConvertSortedListToBinarySearchTree
- 110.BalancedBinaryTree
- 111.MinimumDepthOfBinaryTree
- 112.PathSum
- 113.PathSumII
- 114.FlattenBinaryTreeToLinkedList
- 115.DistinctSubsequences
- 116.PopulatingNextRightPointersInEachNode
- 117.PopulatingNextRightPointersInEachNodeII
- 118.PascalsTriangle
- 119.PascalsTriangleII
- 12.IntegerToRoman
- 120.Triangle
- 121.BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock
- 122.BestTimeToBuyAndSellStockII
- 124.BinaryTreeMaximumPathSum
- 125.ValidPalindrome
- 127.WordLadder
- 128.LongestConsecutiveSequence
- 129.SumRootToLeafNumbers
- 13.RomantoInteger
- 130.SurroundedRegions
- 131.PalindromePartitioning
- 134.GasStation
- 136.SingleNumber
- 137.SingleNumberII
- 138.CopyListWithRandomPointer
- 139.WordBreak
- 141.LinkedListCycle
- 142.LinkedListCycleII
- 144.BinaryTreePreorderTraversal
- 146.LRUCache
- 147.InsertionSortList
- 148.SortList
- 150.EvaluateReversePolishNotation
- 151.ReverseWordsInAString
- 152.MaximumProductSubarray
- 155.MinStack
- 16.3SumClosest
- 160.IntersectionOfTwoLinkedLists
- 164.MaximumGap
- 165.CompareVersionNumbers
- 167.TwoSumII-InputArrayIsSorted
- 168.ExcelSheetColumnTitle
- 169.MajorityElement
- 17.LetterCombinationsOfAPhoneNumber
- 171.ExcelSheetColumnNumber
- 172.FactorialTrailingZeroes
- 173.BinarySearchTreeIterator
- 179.LargestNumber
- 18.4Sum
- 187.RepeatedDNASequences
- 189.RotateArray
- 190.ReverseBits
- 191.NumberOf1Bits
- 198.HouseRobber
- 199.BinaryTreeRightSideView
- 200.NumberOfIslands
- 201.BitwiseANDOfNumbersRange
- 202.HappyNumber
- 203.RemoveLinkedListElements
- 204.CountPrimes
- 205.IsomorphicStrings
- 206.ReverseLinkedList
- 207.CourseSchedule
- 208.ImplementTrie_PrefixTree
- 209.MinimumSizeSubarraySum
- 211.AddAndSearchWord-DataStructureDesign
- 212.WordSearchII
- 215.KthLargestElementInAnArray
- 216.CombinationSumIII
- 217.ContainsDuplicate
- 219.ContainsDuplicateII
- 22.GenerateParentheses
- 221.MaximalSquare
- 222.CountCompleteTreeNodes
- 223.RectangleArea
- 225.ImplementStackUsingQueues
- 226.InvertBinaryTree
- 228.SummaryRanges
- 23.MergeKSortedLists
- 230.KthSmallestElementInABST
- 231.PowerOfTwo
- 232.ImplementQueueUsingStacks
- 234.PalindromeLinkedList
- 235.LowestCommonAncestorOfABinarySearchTree
- 236.LowestCommonAncestorOfABinaryTree
- 237.DeleteNodeInALinkedList
- 238.ProductOfArrayExceptSelf
- 240.SearchA2DMatrixII
- 242.ValidAnagram
- 25.ReverseNodesInK-Group
- 257.BinaryTreePaths
- 258.AddDigits
- 26.RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArray
- 260.SingleNumberIII
- 263.UglyNumber
- 264.UglyNumberII
- 268.MissingNumber
- 27.RemoveElement
- 274.H-Index
- 275.H-IndexII
- 278.FirstBadVersion
- 279.PerfectSquares
- 28.ImplementStrstr
- 283.MoveZeroes
- 284.PeekingIterator
- 290.WordPattern
- 292.NimGame
- 295.FindMedianFromDataStream
- 297.SerializeAndDeserializeBinaryTree
- 300.LongestIncreasingSubsequence
- 303.RangeSumQuery-Immutable
- 304.RangeSumQuery2D-Immutable
- 306.AdditiveNumber
- 31.NextPermutation
- 313.SuperUglyNumber
- 318.MaximumProductOfWordLengths
- 319.BulbSwitcher
- 32.LongestValidParentheses
- 322.CoinChange
- 324.WiggleSortII
- 326.PowerOfThree
- 328.OddEvenLinkedList
- 329.LongestIncreasingPathInAMatrix
- 33.SearchInRotatedSortedArray
- 331.VerifyPreorderSerializationOfABinaryTree
- 338.CountingBits
- 342.PowerOfFour
- 343.IntegerBreak
- 344.ReverseString
- 345.ReverseVowelsOfAString
- 347.TopKFrequentElements
- 349.IntersectionOfTwoArrays
- 350.IntersectionOfTwoArraysII
- 355.DesignTwitter
- 357.CountNumbersWithUniqueDigits
- 36.ValidSudoku
- 367.ValidPerfectSquare
- 37.SudokuSolver
- 371.SumOfTwoIntegers
- 374.GuessNumberHigherorLower
- 377.CombinationSumIV
- 378.KthSmallestElementInASortedMatrix
- 382.LinkedListRandomNode
- 383.RansomNote
- 384.ShuffleAnArray
- 386.LexicographicalNumbers
- 387.FirstUniqueCharacterInAString
- 388.LongestAbsoluteFilePath
- 389.FindTheDifference
- 39.CombinationSum
- 392.IsSubsequence
- 398.RandomPiclIndex
- 4.MedianOfTwoSortedArrays
- 40.CombinationSumII
- 400.NthDigit
- 401.BinaryWatch
- 404.SumOfLeftLeaves
- 405.ConvertANumberToHexadecimal
- 409.LongestPalindrome
- 41.FirstMissingPositive
- 412.FizzBuzz
- 413.ArithmeticSlices
- 414.ThirdMaximumNumber
- 415.AddStrings
- 416.PartitionEqualSubsetSum
- 419.BattleshipsInABoard
- 42.TrappingRainWater
- 421.MaximumXORofTwoNumbersInAnArray
- 423.ReconstructOriginalDigitsFromEnglish
- 43.MultiplyStrings
- 434.NumberOfSegmentInAString
- 437.PathSumIII
- 438.FindAllAnagramsInAString
- 441.ArrangingCoins
- 442.FindAllDuplicatesInAnArray
- 443.StringCompression
- 445.AddTwoNumbersII
- 447.NumberOfBoomerangs
- 448.FindAllNumbersDisappearedInAnArray
- 451.SortCharactersByFrequency
- 453.MinimumMovesToEqualArrayElements
- 454.4SumII
- 455.AssignCookies
- 459.RepeatedSubstringPattern
- 46.Permutations
- 461.HammingDistance
- 462.MinimunMovesToEqualArrayElementsII
- 463.IslandPerimeter
- 47.PermutationsII
- 473.MatchsticksToSquare
- 476.NumberComplement
- 477.TotalHammingDistance
- 48.RotateImage
- 482.LicenseKeyFormatting
- 485.MaxConsecutive
- 49.GroupAnagrams
- 491.IncreasingSubsequences
- 492.ConstructTheRectangle
- 494.TargetSum
- 495.TeemoAttacking
- 496.NextGreaterElementI
- 498.DiagonalTraverse
- 5.LongestPalindromicSubstring
- 50.Powx,n
- 500.KeyBoardRow
- 501.FindModeInBinarySearchTree
- 504.Base7
- 506.RelativeRanks
- 507.PerfectNumber
- 508.MostFrequentSubtreeSum
- 51.N-Queens
- 513.FindBottomLeftTreeValue
- 515.FindLargestValueInEachTreeRow
- 52.N-QueensII
- 520.DetectCapital
- 521.LongestUncommonSubsequenceI
- 523.ContinuousSubarraySum
- 524.LongestWordInDictionaryThroughDeleting
- 525.ContiguousArray
- 526.BeautifulArrangement
- 529.Minesweeper
- 53.MaximumSubarray
- 530.MinimumAbsoluteDifferenceInBST
- 532.K-DiffPairsInAnArray
- 537.ComplexNumberMultiplication
- 538.CovertBSTtoGreaterTree
- 539.MinimumTimeDifference
- 54.SpiralMatrix
- 540.SingleElementInASortedArray
- 541.ReverseStringII
- 542.01Matrix
- 543.DiameterOfBinaryTree
- 547.FriendCircles
- 55.JumpGame
- 551.StudentAttendanceRecordI
- 553.OptimalDivision
- 554.BrickWall
- 557.ReverseWordsInAStringIII
- 56.MergeIntervals
- 560.SubarraySumEqualsK
- 561.ArrayPartitionI
- 563.BinaryTreeTilt
- 565.ArrayNesting
- 566.ReshapeTheMatrix
- 567.PermutationInString
- 57.InsertInterval
- 572.SubtreeOfAnotherTree
- 575.DistributeCandies
- 58.LengthOfLastWord
- 581.ShortestUnsortedContinuousSubarray
- 583.DeleteOperationForTwoStrings
- 589.N-aryTreePreorderTraversal
- 59.SpiralMatrixII
- 590.N-aryTreePostorderTraversal
- 592.FractionAdditionAndSubtraction.cpp
- 594.LongestHarmoniousSubsequence
- 598.RangeAdditionII
- 599.MinimumIndexSumofTwoLists
- 6.ZigzagConversion
- 60.PermutationSequence
- 604.DesignCompressedStringIterator
- 605.CanPlaceFlowers
- 606.ConstructStringFromBinaryTree
- 609.FindDuplicateFileInSystem
- 61.RotateList
- 617.MergeTwoBinaryTree
- 62.UniquePaths
- 623.AddOneRowToTree
- 628.MaximunProductOfThreeNumbers
- 63.UniquePathsII
- 633.SumOfSquareNumbers
- 636.ExclusiveTimeOfFunctions
- 637.AverageOfLevelsInBinaryTree
- 64.MinimumPathSum
- 643.MaximumAverageSubarrayI
- 645.SetMismatch
- 647.PalindromicSubstrings
- 648.ReplaceWords
- 65.ValidNumber
- 650.2KeysKeyboard
- 653.TwoSumIV-InputIsABST
- 654.MaximumBinaryTree
- 655.PrintBinaryTree
- 657.JudgeRouteCircle
- 66.PlusOne
- 661.ImageSmoother
- 665.Non-decreasingArray
- 669.TrimABinarySearchTree
- 67.AddBinary
- 670.MaximumSwap
- 671.SecondMinimumNodeInABinaryTree
- 674.LongestContinuousIncreasingSubsequence
- 676.ImplementMagicDictionary
- 677.MapSumPairs
- 680.ValidPalindromeII
- 682.BaseballGame
- 686.RepeatedStringMatch
- 690.EmployeeImportance
- 692.TopKFrequentWords
- 695.MaxAreaOfIsland
- 696.CountBinarySubstrings
- 70.ClimbingStairs
- 700.SearchInABinarySearchTree
- 709.ToLowerCase
- 71.SimplifyPath
- 717.1-bitAnd2-bitCharacters
- 720.LongestWordInDictionary
- 722.RemoveComments
- 724.FindPivotIndex
- 728.SelfDividingNumbers
- 73.SetMatrixZeroes
- 733.FloodFill
- 734.SentenceSimilarity
- 739.DailyTemperatures
- 74.SearchA2DMatrix
- 744.FindSmallestLetterGreaterThanTarget
- 746.MinCostClimbingStairs
- 747.LargestNumberAtLeastTwiceOfOthers
- 76.MinimumWindowSubstring
- 762.PrimeNumberOfSetBitsInBinaryRepresentation
- 766.ToeplitzMatrix
- 77.Combinations
- 771.JewelsAndStones
- 78.Subsets
- 783.MinimumDistanceBetweenBSTNodes
- 784.LetterCasePermutation
- 788.RotatedDigits
- 79.WordSearch
- 796.RotateString
- 8.StringToInteger_atoi
- 80.RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArrayII
- 804.UniqueMorseCodeWords
- 806.NumberOfLinesToWriteString
- 81.SearchInRotatedSortedArrayII
- 811.SubdomainVisitCount
- 819.MostCommonWord
- 82.RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedListII
- 821.ShortestDistanceToACharacter
- 824.GoatLatin
- 83.RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedList
- 832.FlippingAnImage
- 84.LargestRectangleInHistogram
- 86.PartitionList
- 876.MiddleOfTheLinkedList
- 88.MergeSortedArray
- 89.GrayCode
- 90.SubsetsII
- 905.SortArrayByParity
- 91.DecodeWays
- 917.ReverseOnlyLetters
- 92.ReverseLinkedListII
- 922.SortArrayByParityII
- 93.RestoreIPAddresses
- 94.BinaryTreeInorderTraversal
- 95.UniqueBinarySearchTreesII
- 96.UniqueBinarySearchTree
- 97.InterleavingString
- 98.ValidateBinarySearchTree
- 99.RecoverBinarySearchTree
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Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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