HPI School of
+Design Thinking
+Universität Potsdam
+ +August-Bebel-Str. 88
+14482 Potsdam
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a7f0c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +_site/ +_old diff --git a/2016/index.html b/2016/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a5a0af --- /dev/null +++ b/2016/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,357 @@ + +
+ + +Data is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. Thats why we are striving to develop new approaches to deal with that amount of information. One, perhaps the most notable, is machine learning. It doesn’t matter if you already wrote your own TensorFlow or have no real experience with machine learning besides flirting with Siri - we’d be happy to welcome you!
+ +For 1337 minutes of hacking (around 22 hours) we will bring students from Berlin, Brandenburg and the rest of the world together in the HPI School of Design Thinking, located on our campus. By providing world class sponsors (including workshops and access to their data and APIs), a great location and plenty of club mate to fuel your brain we will create a space for creativity, inspiring ideas and a passion for trying out new things.
+ +Interested? Come and share your dedication and skills with others, exchange knowledge and accomplish great things!
Time | Description |
09:30 | Reception |
11:00 | Opening Ceremony |
12:00 | Lunch & Team Building ("Iss Kind Iss") |
13:00 | Start Hacking |
14:00 | Tech Talks & Workshops |
19:00 | Dinner |
22:00 | Sleeping area opens |
Time | Description |
00:00 | Midnight Snacks |
08:00 | Breakfast ("Iss Kind Iss") |
11:17 | End of Hacking |
12:00 | Lunch ("Iss Kind Iss") |
13:00 | Final Presentations |
16:00 | Awards & Closing ceremony |
17:00 | The End |
Keep in mind that we may have to adjust some of the times.
August-Bebel-Str. 88
+14482 Potsdam
There are very few machine learning hackathons striving to build useful applications with raw data, and we want to change that! For you it will be a chance to get in contact with our awesome sponsors and experiment with their data.
+Sure! As long as you are interested in data analytics or machine learning and 18 years or older we will be happy to welcome you! Any skill-level is welcome, hackathons should be a way to experience team-work and work on your own abilities.
+Nope! HackHPI is a free event, with food and drinks provided by our sponsors.
+You can hack with your peers or find a new team to work with. Teams should have a size of not more than 3-4.
+Bring your laptop and charger, comfortable clothes and above all motivation to hack.
+Over a 1337-minutes period (around 22 hours), students and others interested in machine learning and data analytics techniques come together on HPI’s campus to build innovative solutions, develop new ideas and have fun.
+Yes. We follow MLH’s code of conduct, which all attendees, sponsors, volunteers, and staff are required to agree to. We expect all of our attendees to be respectful and considerate of others.
+Feel free to use whatever you will feel most comfortable with. Our sponsors will be happy to help you with their api and datasets.
+Take S7 from Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) towards Potsdam and exit at Griebnitzsee.
+Please drop us a line at team@hackhpi.org if you have any concerns. We’d love to help you out!
+Of course you can! Please drop us a line at team@hackhpi.org.
+Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Chief Scientist Officer @ lateral.io
Senior Data Scientist @ Searchmetrics
Expert for Data Visualization, HPI-Alumni
The ticket sale is closed now.
+Wikidata provides machine readable data. Wikidata is a free, linked database that can be read and edited by both humans and machines and serves as a repository for the knowledge of the world. It powers Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia. Use machine learning to understand edits to Wikidata and improve the overall data quality.
+ +The Wikidata API is here: https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php
+Documentations and examples you find here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API
As preparation you can visit:
+ +Twilio is a cloud communications platform for software developers to build, scale and operate real time communications in their software applications.
+ +Twilio powers the future of business communications, enabling phones, VoIP, and messaging to be embedded into web, desktop, and mobile software. We take care of the messy telecom hardware and expose a globally available cloud API that developers can interact with intelligent & complex communications systems.
+ +Links
+ +Dubsmash is a video messaging application. We bring joy to communication through video. Launched in late 2014, our product is one of the fastest growing mobile applications worldwide creating 35 videos on our platform every second. To date, Dubsmash has empowered >100 million people in over 150 countries to express themselves through video.
+ +Exclusively for the HackHPI Hackathon, we are opening our API to allow you to access millions of sound bites, interact with our DubTalk API and build awesome hacks around our search system. Hackers can use our API to identify similar or even duplicate sounds or look for sounds in the same context (language, certain characters, monologs vs. dialogs etc.) or proposing great sounds to reply to a videos received in a DubTalk group based on these contexts.
+ +Since the API is not publicly available, we will provide an intro and documentation for it at the event. For more information about Dubsmash, checkout www.dubsmash.com and download the App.
What would you do if you could access all the data our bodies are constantly producing? Heart Rate, Steps, Sleep, Weight, Movement, Physical motions - and this is just the beginning. Would you visualize it and support health workers? Would you write algorithms to detect diseases? Sky is the limit - and we can be your launching pad.
+ +For 24 hours of hacking we will bring students from Berlin, Brandenburg and the rest of the world together in the HPI School of Design Thinking, located on our campus. By providing world class sponsors (including workshops and access to their data and APIs), a tremendous amount of widgets, a great location and plenty of coffein to fuel your brain we will create a space for creativity, inspiring ideas and a passion for trying out new things.
+ +Interested? Come and share your dedication and skills with others, exchange knowledge and accomplish great things!
Time | Description |
09:30 | Reception |
11:00 | Opening Ceremony |
12:00 | Lunch & Team Building |
13:00 | Start Hacking |
14:00 | Tech Talks & Workshops |
19:00 | Dinner |
22:00 | Sleeping area opens |
Time | Description |
00:00 | Midnight Snacks |
08:00 | Breakfast |
11:17 | End of Hacking |
12:00 | Lunch |
13:00 | Final Presentations |
16:00 | Awards & Closing ceremony |
17:00 | The End |
Keep in mind that we may have to adjust some of the times.
August-Bebel-Str. 88
+14482 Potsdam
There are very few health tech hackathons striving to build useful applications with raw data, and we want to change that! For you it will be a chance to get in contact with our awesome sponsors and experiment with their data and gadgets.
+Sure! As long as you are interested in health tech and 18 years or older we will be happy to welcome you! Any skill-level is welcome, hackathons should be a way to experience team-work and work on your own abilities.
+Nope! HackHPI is a free event, with food and drinks provided by our sponsors.
+You can hack with your peers or find a new team to work with. Teams should have a size of not more than 3-4.
+Bring your laptop and charger, comfortable clothes and above all motivation to hack.
+Over a 1337-minutes period (around 22 hours), students and others interested in machine learning and data analytics techniques come together on HPI’s campus to build innovative solutions, develop new ideas and have fun.
+Yes. We follow MLH’s code of conduct, which all attendees, sponsors, volunteers, and staff are required to agree to. We expect all of our attendees to be respectful and considerate of others.
+Feel free to use whatever you will feel most comfortable with. Our sponsors will be happy to help you with their api and datasets.
+Take S7 from Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) towards Potsdam and exit at Griebnitzsee. This will cost just around 3,40€ one-way.
+Please drop us a line at team@hackhpi.org if you have any concerns. We’d love to help you out!
+Of course you can! Please drop us a line at team@hackhpi.org.
+Helios Kliniken GmbH / Dr. Jungmann Healthcare Innovation Services
Medical Doctor Charité, Hacking Health Berlin
StartupBootCamp, Health Accelerator
SAP Health Innovation Hub, SAP SE
Pfizer Healthcare Hub Berlin, Pfizer Deutschland
Coordination & Communication
Facility & Partners
Sponsors & Partners
Food & Sponsors
Website & Social-Media
Sponsors & Partners
Coordination & Facility
Food & Sponsors
Last year there were a lot of people complaining that the ticket batches were gone to fast and so they couldn't join the hackathon even if they would have loved to do so. That's why we decided to change it this year: We're not releasing ticket batches but you can signup using the form below and we will send you a personalized invitation.
+ +The SAP Innovation Center Potsdam is part of the SAP Innovation Center Network (ICN), a development unit with 500 colleagues from around the world tackling topics like machine learning, blockchain or conversational applications. The ICN creates growth businesses for SAP by pioneering new markets and disruptive technologies. It combines the best of two worlds: the creativity and agility of startups with the backbone of a world market leader in business software. SAP helps companies of all sizes and industries run better. SAP applications and services enable more than 345,000 business and public sector customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably.
Mehr als 10.000 Forscher und über 97.000 Mitarbeiter arbeiten bei Pfizer weltweit an der Entwicklung und dem Vertrieb von innovativen Medikamenten, Impfstoffen und rezeptfreien Produkten. Zu den Schwerpunkten unserer Forschung gehören unter anderem Krebserkrankungen, Schmerz, Entzündungskrankheiten und Erkrankungen des zentralen Nervensystems. In Deutschland beschäftigt Pfizer derzeit mehr als 2.000 Mitarbeiter an drei Standorten: Berlin, Freiburg und Karlsruhe. In der Unternehmenszentrale von Pfizer Deutschland in Berlin sitzen die Bereiche Humanarzneimittel und Consumer Healthcare. Außerdem steuert Pfizer von Berlin aus die Onkologie für rund 50 Länder – von Europa über Japan und Südkorea bis nach Australien und Neuseeland. In Karlsruhe liegt das Distributionszentrum und in Freiburg werden Arzneimittel für den Weltmarkt produziert und verpackt.
+ +Mit dem Pfizer Healthcare Hub Berlin ermitteln wir in einem mittelfristig angelegten Projekt, wie wir die Chancen, die uns eHealth bietet, bestmöglich nutzen können. Dazu tauschen wir uns intensiv mit Startups aus, veranstalten gemeinsame Workshops und entwickeln Projektideen für die Zukunft.
BIOTRONIK ist ein weltweit führendes Gesundheitsunternehmen für kardio- und endovaskuläre Medizintechnik mit Hauptsitz in Berlin. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Geschäftsfelder Elektrotherapie des Herzens und Vaskuläre Intervention. BIOTRONIK gilt als Pionier des Home Monitorings und eröffnet mit seiner ProMRI-Technologie Herzpatienten neue Diagnostikmöglichkeiten. Unsere Produkte helfen dem Arzt, Leben zu retten und die Lebensqualität der Patienten zu verbessern. Prof. Max Schaldach und Otto Franke entwickelten vor rund 50 Jahren den ersten deutschen implantierbaren Herzschrittmacher. Seitdem bestimmen der Dienst am Patienten und die Freude an der Innovation das Handeln von BIOTRONIK.
+Ein Markenzeichen der Firma ist die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Experten aus Klinik und Forschung. Damit verkürzen wir den Weg von der ersten Idee bis zum serienreifen Produkt.
+Rund um den Globus vertreten: unsere Mitarbeiter forschen, entwickeln, fertigen und vertreiben BIOTRONIK-Produkte und betreuen unsere Kunden auf allen Kontinenten.
+Für Entwickler bieten wir Aufgaben in der Softwareentwicklung für Medizinprodukte (z.B. Herzschrittmacher und Defibrillatoren), in der Softwareentwicklung in Applikationsprojekten, in der Web-Entwicklung, in der Software-Architektur, in der modellgetriebenen Softwareentwicklung, in modellbasierten Tests und Testautomatisierung, in agiler Softwareentwicklung, in der Entwicklung verteilter Systeme, in Eclipse-Rich-Client-Applikationen, in der Nutzung agiler Methoden (Scrum) und in der Erstellung komplexer Datenbankabfragen.
With the Gesundheitscloud.de, we are providing a patient-centric platform for health data which is run by a non-profit organisation. The Gesundheitscloud enables users to store and share their sensitive health data using a secure platform. By integrating different health data silos, we can provide patients with easy access to a holistic view of their health data. At all times, data privacy protection for each patient remains the highest priority. Once a patient permits specific access, a health provider benefits from an easy overview of the patient’s medical history and relevant data. It empowers users to make informed and reflected decisions for their health care whilst keeping the data sovereignty at the core of this solution. With the help of this cloud architecture patients gain control of their health and ultimately receive a better health provision at lower cost. The Gesundheitscloud will serve as an ecosystem for selected health applications to deliver added value to the users. Further, users have the option to donate their health-data anonymously which will drive medical research to benefit society.
Bakdata ist ein unabhängiges IT-Dienstleistungsunternehmen mit Sitz in Berlin und Fokus auf individueller Beratung und Entwicklung von maßgeschneiderten Software-Lösungen für Management, Integration und Analyse von großen, heterogenen Daten (datenorientierte Anwendungsentwicklung, Data Warehousing, Big Data, Data Science). Von ehemaligen Wissenschaftlern des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts und erfahrenen Industrieexperten gegründet, sieht sich bakdata als herstellerunabhängiger Innovationsführer im Bereich Data Engineering, der für seine internationalen Kunden die Perlen der Buzzwords-Industrie filtert, mit etablierten Technologien kombiniert und mittels zeitgemäßer wissenschaftlicher und ingenieursmäßiger Methoden in bestehende Systemlandschaften integriert. Als One-Stop-Shop bietet bakdata ein ganzheitliches Leistungsspektrum von der fachlichen Anforderungsanalyse und Systemkonzeption über die polyglotte Software-Entwicklung bis hin zum hardwaren-nahen Systems Engineering.
+ Our planet is in trouble, no doubt. But we think that technology and software bear the potential + for solving some of the biggest problems on earth: pollution, global warming and natural disasters. + We want to provide a place for creative ideas which will make our blue planet a better place to live. +
++ For 22 hours of hacking, we will bring students from Berlin, Brandenburg and the rest of the + world together in the HPI School of Design Thinking, located on our campus. By providing world + class sponsors including workshops and access to their data and APIs, a great location and plenty of caffeine to fuel your brain we will create a space for creativity, inspiring ideas and a passion + for trying out new things. +
++ Interested? Come and share your dedication and skills with others, exchange knowledge and + accomplish great things! +
+August-Bebel-Str. 88
+14482 Potsdam
+ Applications for HackHPI 2018 are closed.
+ If you want to keep updated follow us on Twitter or Facebook.
+Time | +Description | +
19:30 | +Get together | +
Time | +
+ + Already around on Friday? Meet your fellow hackers over a beer or a coke! We're hosting a small get-together. + ++ Having other plans? No worries; there'll be plenty of time to find teammates on Saturday when HackHPI officially starts. + + + |
+Time | +Description | +
09:00 | +Reception | +
09:30 | +Opening Ceremony | +
10:30 | +Team Building & Workshops | +
12:00 | +Lunch | +
13:00 | +Start Hacking & more Workshops | +
19:00 | +Dinner | +
22:00 | +Sleeping area opens | +
Time | +Description | +
00:00 | +Midnight Snacks | +
08:00 | +Breakfast | +
11:59 | +End of Hacking | +
12:00 | +Lunch | +
13:00 | +Final Presentations | +
16:00 | +Awards & Closing ceremony | +
17:00 | +The End (jump into Griebnitzsee! 🏊) | +
+ Keep in mind that we may have to adjust some of the times. +
+There are very few hackathons focusing on environmental and sustainability issues; we want to fix that and give you + the chance to change the world for better by building applications that truly matter! You will also have the opportunity + to get in touch with our awesome partners, slip into their shoes and solve real-world challenges using their API and + expertise.
+Sure! As long as you are interested in environmental issues and 18 years or older we will be happy to welcome you! Any + skill level is welcome; hackathons should be a way to experience teamwork and work on your abilities.
++ PET bottles are so 2010 - tap water is the future, we think. That's why we signed the Dopper P.E.T. Free Pledge meaning that the event will be PET free. +
+Nope! HackHPI is a free event, with food and drinks provided by our partners.
+You can hack with your peers or find a new team to work with. Teams should have a size of not more than 3-4.
+Bring your laptop and charger, comfortable clothes and above all motivation to hack.
++ Click here! +
+Unfortunately, we're not able to provide travel reimbursements.
+Over a 22-hour period, students and others interested in tackling environmental and sustainability questions come together + on HPI’s campus to be creative, implement innovative ideas using code, gadgets and open data, and to have a great time.
+Yes. We follow + MLH’s code of conduct, which all attendees, partners, volunteers, and staff are required to agree to. We expect + all of our attendees to be respectful and considerate of others.
+Feel free to use whatever you will feel most comfortable with. Our partners will be happy to help you with their API + and know-how.
+Take S7 from Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) towards Potsdam and exit at Griebnitzsee. It will cost just around + 3,40€ one-way.
+Please drop us a line at + team@hackhpi.org if you have any concerns. We’d love to help you!
+Of course, you can! Please drop us a line at + team@hackhpi.org.
+Hacker Experience & Food
+Location & Communication
+HPI Relations
+Senior Advisor
+The SAP Innovation Center Potsdam is part of the SAP Innovation Center Network (ICN), a development unit with 500 colleagues from around the world tackling topics like machine learning, blockchain or conversational applications. The ICN creates growth businesses for SAP by pioneering new markets and disruptive technologies. It combines the best of two worlds: the creativity and agility of startups with the backbone of a world market leader in business software. SAP helps companies of all sizes and industries run better. SAP applications and services enable more than 345,000 business and public sector customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably.
+Tableau helps people transform data into actionable insights. Explore with limitless visual analytics. Build dashboards and + perform ad hoc analyses in just a few clicks. Share your work with anyone and make an impact on your business. From global + enterprises to early-stage startups and small businesses, people everywhere use Tableau to see and understand their data.
+At PIK, researchers in the natural and social sciences from all over the world work closely together to study global change and its impacts on ecological, economic and social systems. Researchers examine the earth system's capacity for withstanding human interventions and devise strategies and options for a sustainable development of humankind and nature. Interdisciplinary and solution-oriented approaches are a distinctive characteristic of the institute.
+The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ is one of the world’s leading research centres in the field of environmental research, enjoying high social recognition. Biodiversity, functioning ecosystems, clean water and intact soils all make up our natural resource base. In the face of global change, employees at the UFZ are united by the goal of demonstrating ways to combine societal development with a healthy environment. As a reliable partner, the UFZ supports the political arena, the economy and the general public to better understand the consequences of human actions on the environment and to develop options for social decision - making processes.
+Crystal clear water from ocean to tap. Every year eight million tons of plastic end up in our oceans. Here it does not sleep + with the fishes but gets onto their menu and eventually ends up on your plate. Dopper wants to turn the tide on plastic pollution + with one reusable water bottle that makes all polluting single-use water bottles a thing of the past. 5% of our net turnover + is donated to the Dopper Foundation which invests in safe drinking water projects and solutions for the pollution that go + beyond the bottle. Dopper is officially certified as a B Corp - a Benefit Corporation - that means we’re part of a global + movement of rockstars in a new economy that uses business as a force for good!
+As the world’s leading conservation organization, WWF has been protecting our environment for more than half a century. WWF Germany is part of a global network that is active in more than 100 countries. WWF’s unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature. Our mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth – for a living planet for us and our children!
+idealo is a true start-up success story. Founded in Berlin 17 years ago, our mission is to help users make the best buying decisions. Today, we are Europe’s leading price comparison platform and one of the largest websites in the German e-commerce market with more than 1.3 million page views a day, around 50,000 shops and over 330 million offers.
++ Humanity has come far, but there remain many issues and injustices in society. + We believe that, leveraging technology, we can solve many of these issues and use it for social good. + We want to provide a place for creative ideas which will make our planet a better place to live for everyone. +
++ For 22 hours of hacking, we will bring students from Berlin, Brandenburg and the rest of the + world together in the HPI School of Design Thinking, located on our campus. By providing world + class sponsors including workshops and access to their data and APIs, a great location and plenty of caffeine to fuel your brain we will create a space for creativity, inspiring ideas and a passion + for trying out new things. +
++ Interested? Come and share your dedication and skills with others, exchange knowledge and + accomplish great things! +
+August-Bebel-Str. 88
+14482 Potsdam
+Time | +Description | +
19:30 | +Get together behind HPI main building | +
Time | +
+ + Already around on Friday? Meet your fellow hackers over a beer or a coke! We're hosting a small get-together. + ++ Having other plans? No worries; there'll be plenty of time to find teammates on Saturday when HackHPI officially starts. + + + |
+Time | +Description | +
09:00 | +Reception | +
09:30 | +Opening Ceremony | +
10:30 | +Team Building & Workshops | +
12:00 | +Lunch | +
13:00 | +Start Hacking & more Workshops | +
18:00 | +Dinner | +
22:00 | +Sleeping area opens | +
Time | +Description | +
00:00 | +Midnight Snacks | +
08:00 | +Breakfast | +
11:59 | +End of Hacking | +
12:00 | +Lunch | +
13:00 | +Final Presentations | +
16:00 | +Awards & Closing ceremony | +
17:00 | +The End (jump into Griebnitzsee! 🏊) | +
+ Keep in mind that we may have to adjust some of the times. +
+There are very few hackathons focusing on social issues; we want to fix that and give you + the chance to change the world for better by building applications that truly matter! You will also have the opportunity + to get in touch with our awesome partners, slip into their shoes and solve real-world challenges using their API and + expertise.
+Sure! As long as you are interested in social issues and 18 years or older we will be happy to welcome you! Any + skill level is welcome; hackathons should be a way to experience teamwork and work on your abilities.
++ PET bottles are so 2010 - tap water is the future, we think. That's why we signed the Dopper P.E.T. Free Pledge meaning that the event will be PET free. +
+Nope! HackHPI is a free event, with food and drinks provided by our partners.
+You can hack with your peers or find a new team to work with. Teams should have a size of no more than 3-4.
+Bring your laptop and charger, comfortable clothes and above all, motivation to hack.
++ Click here! +
+Unfortunately, we are not able to provide travel reimbursements.
+Over a 22-hour period, students and others interested in tackling social questions come together + on HPI’s campus to be creative, implement innovative ideas using code, gadgets and open data, and to have a great time.
+Yes. We follow + MLH’s code of conduct, which all attendees, partners, volunteers, and staff are required to agree to. We expect + all of our attendees to be respectful and considerate of others.
+Feel free to use whatever you will feel most comfortable with. Our partners will be happy to help you with their API + and know-how.
+Take S7 from Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) towards Potsdam and exit at Griebnitzsee. It will cost just around + 3,40€ one-way.
+Please drop us a line at + team@hackhpi.org if you have any concerns. We’d love to help you!
+Of course, you can! Please drop us a line at + team@hackhpi.org.
+At the SAP Innovation Center Network, we map, build and inspire the future worth living. In a startup-like environment, we pioneer transformative technologies with the goal to achieve large scale adoption, driving fundamental change for business and society. We are a diverse team in a global network. Our people collaborate across roles, functions, and geographies and operate out of the most impactful tech hubs of the world.
+IBM believes in progress — that the application of intelligence, reason and science can improve business, society and the human condition. IBM’s greatest invention is the IBMer. We believe that progress is made through progressive thinking, progressive leadership, progressive policy and progressive action. For that reason, we manage the brand to be highly esteemed and valued by forward-thinking clients, employees, communities, investors and the general public worldwide.
+Capgemini is one of the world's leading providers of management and IT consulting, technology services and digital transformation. As a pioneer in innovation, Capgemini supports its customers in their complex challenges around the cloud, digital and platforms. Based on 50 years of experience and extensive industry expertise, Capgemini helps its customers achieve their business goals. Capgemini offers a full range of services from strategy development to business operations. Seven values have been part of Capgemini's corporate culture since Capgemini founder Serge Kampf formulated them in 1967. They are the guidelines for our dealings with customers and ourselves: Honesty, courage, trust, freedom, team spirit, modesty and fun. These values serve us in every project as a guide to success. 40 countries, 120 nationalities and 100 languages: Our corporate culture is characterized by a high degree of diversity. Diversity provides our company with inspiration and innovation.
+Deloitte provides audit, risk advisory, tax, financial advisory and consulting services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries; legal advisory services in Germany are provided by Deloitte Legal. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte’s more than 286.000 professionals are committed to making an impact that matters. Making an impact that matters. Every day we challenge ourselves to do what matters most – for clients, for our people, and for society. We serve clients distinctively, bringing innovative insights, solving complex challenges and unlocking sustainable growth. We inspire our talented professionals to deliver outstanding value to clients, providing an exceptional career experience and an inclusive and collaborative culture. We contribute to society, building confidence and trust in the markets, upholding the integrity of organizations and supporting our communities.
+The non-profit organization mTomady aims to develop a platform for financial inclusion in healthcare, primarily focusing on the poor without health insurance who struggle to access healthcare. It enables people to save, send, receive and pay money for medical treatment through a mobile health wallet on their phone. It is a closed loop with conditional funds that can only be spent on healthcare at selected healthcare providers.
+As a globally active development agency of the Protestant churches in Germany, we are active in more than 90 countries around the globe. Together with local partners, we help poor and marginalized people to improve their lives on their own. A central focus of our work is food security. In times of climate change and dwindling resources, the fight against hunger and malnutrition is becoming increasingly important. Brot für die Welt supports the poor and rural population in achieving good yields with environmentally friendly and site-appropriate methods. We are also committed to the promotion of education and health, access to water, the strengthening of democracy, respect for human rights, the safeguarding of peace and the preservation of creation. For bread means more to us than food - we understand it to mean everything that man needs to live.