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Differences from Clojure

fogus edited this page Jul 19, 2011 · 40 revisions

What follows is a section-by-section review of the sections on the left-hand navigation panel of, enumerating what is different in ClojureScript.


The rationale for ClojureScript is much the same as for Clojure, with JavaScript in the role of platform, and additional emphasis on the reach of JS, as it is obviously not as rich a platform.

A deeper discussion on ClojureScript's rationale can be found elsewhere on this site.

State and Identity

Same as Clojure. Clojure's identity model is simpler and more robust than mutable state, even in single threaded environments.

Dynamic Development

ClojureScript's REPL can be launched from within the Clojure REPL. See Quick Start for details.

Functional Programming

ClojureScript has the same immutable collections, but the alpha versions are not necessarily persistent. Persistent versions will be added over time.


ClojureScript's macros are written in Clojure, and are referenced via the refer-macros keyword in namespace declarations:

(ns my.namespace
  (:refer-macros '[my.macros :as my])

The :as prefix selector is required in :refer-macros. One point of note is that the code generated by ClojureScript macros must target the capabilities in ClojureScript.

Runtime Polymorphism

  • ClojureScript protocols have the same semantics as Clojure protocols.
  • Multimethods are not yet implemented, but are on the development Roadmap.

Concurrent Programming

Clojure's model of values, state, identity, and time is valuable even in single-threaded environments.

  • Atoms work as in Clojure
  • No Refs nor STM
  • The user experience of binding is similar to that in Clojure
    • There are no Vars
      • not reified at runtime
      • many development time uses of reification are obviated by access to Clojure data structures via the analyzer
    • def produces ordinary JS variables
  • Agent implementation is on the development Roadmap

Hosted on the JVM

Getting Started

See Quick Start

The Reader


The REPL and main

  • See Quick Start for instructions the ClojureScript REPL.
  • main support on the development Roadmap


  • ClojureScript has the same evaluation rules as Clojure
  • load and load-file are on the development Roadmap
  • Runtime eval is not supported in ClojureScript

Special Forms

  • Vars are not reified at runtime, and the var special form is not implemented
  • def produces ordinary JS variables
  • monitor-enter, monitor-exit, and locking are not implemented, nor are they planned

Special Forms

The following ClojureScript special forms are identical to their Clojure cousins: if, do, let, quote, loop, recur, throw, and try.

  • def notes
    • No runtime metadata is placed on vars since there are no vars in ClojureScript
    • :private metadata is not yet enforced by the compiler
  • if notes
    • the section about Java's boolean boxes is irrelevant in ClojureScript
  • var special form does not exist in ClojureScript
  • fn notes
    • There is currently no runtime enforcement of arity when calling a fn
      • Support for this in on the development Roadmap
    • There are currently no pre- and post- conditions
      • Support for this in on the development Roadmap
  • monitor-enter, monitor-exit, and locking are not implemented, nor are they planned


Macros are Clojure macros, and are available only during compilation (i.e. they are compiler macros, similar to those found in Common Lisp)

Other Functions

  • printing
  • TODO is there an *out*?
  • regex support
  • TODO is there a difference to document here?

Data Structures

  • Numbers
    • In the first release, numbers are just JavaScript numbers
    • Later releases will provide more Clojure-equivalent numeric types
      • Support for this in on the development Roadmap
    • Coercions are not implemented, since there are no types to coerce to.
      • Support for this in on the development Roadmap
  • Characters
    • JavaScript has no character type. Clojure characters are represented internally as single-character strings
  • Collections
    • In the first release, some immutable collections are copy-on-write
    • Later releases will have Clojure-equivalent persistent collections
      • Support for this in on the development Roadmap
    • Most but not all collection fns are implemented


  • Seqs have the same semantics as in Clojure, and almost all Seq library functions are available in ClojureScript.
  • The apply function works but does not correctly handle lazy sequences
    • Support for this in on the development Roadmap and more information can be found on ticket #11


Transients are not implemented at this time (Support for this in on the development Roadmap)


Multimethods are not implemented at this time (Support for this in on the development Roadmap)


  • defprotocol and deftype, extend-type, extend-protocol work as in Clojure
  • Protocols are not reified as in Clojure, there are no runtime protocol objects
  • Some reflective capabilities (satisifies?) work as in Clojure
    • satisfies? is a macro and must be passed a protocol name
  • defrecord, reify, and extend are not implemented yet
    • Support for this in on the development Roadmap


Works as in Clojure


  • You must currently use the ns form only with the following caveats
    • :use is not supported
    • You must use the :as form of :require
    • The only option for :refer-clojure is :exclude
  • Macros are written in Clojure, and are referenced via the new :require-macros option to ns


Existing Clojure libs will have to conform to the ClojureScript subset in order to work in ClojureScript

Vars and the Global Environment

  • def and binding work as in Clojure
    • but on ordinary js variables
  • Atoms work as in Clojure
  • Refs and Agents are not currently implemented
  • Validators work as in Clojure
  • doc and find-doc
    • Support for this in on the development Roadmap

Refs and Transactions

Refs and tranasactions are not currently supported.


Agents are not currently supported. (Support for this in on the development Roadmap)


Atoms work as in Clojure.

Host Interop

The host language interop features (new, /, ., etc.) work as in Clojure where possible, e.g.:

=> "en"

(let [sb (goog.string.StringBuffer. "hello, ")]
 (.append sb "world")
 (. sb (toString)))
=> "hello, world"

The one important difference is in calling no-argument methods. In Java (. x toString), where toString is a method, would unambiguously mean "call the toString method of x". JavaScript is more flexible, separating "method" lookup from invocation. So in ClojureScript you have to make a choice:

(. sb toString)     => returns a function
(. sb (toString))   => calls the function

Note the latter form is supported in standard Clojure, but rarely used.

Compilation and Class Generation

Compilation is different from Clojure:

  • All ClojureScript programs are compiled into (optionally optimized) JavaScript.
  • Individual files can be compiled into individual JS files for analysis of output
  • Production compilation is whole-program compilation via Google Closure compiler
  • gen-class, gen-interface, etc. are unnecessary and unimplemented in ClojureScript

Other Libraries

ClojureScript currently includes the following non-core namespaces ported from Clojure:

  • clojure.set
  • clojure.string
  • clojure.walk

Differences with other Lisps

ClojureScript is the same (at a Lisp level) as Clojure except for the absence of runtime evaluation.


Clojure and ClojureScript share the same Contributor Agreement and development process.

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