This is the instruction for last half of BIS lecture. If you have any trouble for installation, firmware uploading, and testing dualpanto device, see this documentation first.
If you can not solve it, please describe the trouble to BIS discord (general channel). This is important because most of person tend to get same type of issue. If everyone can share the trouble and solution, it is fast to solve the trouble you have.
Before uploading dualpantofirmware, please install and setup following things
- Download the installer for your OS-Version.
- Run the installer.
- Install node (v12.22.1) and npm (v6.14.12)
- Go to Appstore and install Xcode
- Run
xcode-select –install
to install the compilers - Run
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
- Install Visual Studio 2019 or 2017
- Select at least the workload “Desktopentwicklung mit C++”
Please follow the respective instruction.
First, clone dualpantoframework (=firmware + hardware setup)
git clone [email protected]:HassoPlattnerInstituteHCI/dualpantoframework.git
go /dualpantoframework
(not /dualpantoframework/firmware
npm run script config
This converts each version's hardware config file written in json into .hpp and .cpp file in firmware.
Please follow the respective instruction.
This is rough summary for VScode.
please keep pressing the following button when uploading the firmware to dualpanto. (for some pc, it works without pushing the button, but we don't know why).
If you have trouble yet, check here.
more information: dualpantoframework
Once you have (or feel) trouble in dualpanto devices, check hardware, and communication protocol with dualpanto-testing. you can see the documentation at this repo.
check unity-dualpanto-toolkit
please take out battery first, and check all set screws between big 4 motors and linkages.
please check your device with dualpanto-testing. maybe motor has problem