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gh_pr plugin

The gh_pr plugin provides aliases and functions for the command gh pr of github cli.

To use it, add gh and gh_pr to plugins array in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file:

export SF_PLUGINS=(... gh_pr)


Alias Command
ghp gh pr
ghpco gh pr checkout
ghpcod gh pr checkout --detach
ghpcof gh pr checkout --force
ghpcor gh pr checkout --recurse-submodules
ghpcs gh pr checks
ghpcsr gh pr checks --required
ghpcsW gh pr checks --watch
ghpcsw gh pr checks --web
ghpcl gh pr close
ghpcld gh pr close --delete-branch
ghpcm gh pr comment
ghpcme gh pr comment --editor
ghpcml gh pr comment --edit-last
ghpcmw gh pr comment --web
ghpcr gh pr create
ghpcra gh pr create --assignee
ghpcrd gh pr create --draft
ghpcrf gh pr create --fill
ghpcrl gh pr create --label
ghpcrm gh pr create --milestone
ghpcrn gh pr create --no-maintainer-edit
ghpcrp gh pr create --project
ghpcrw gh pr create --web
ghpd gh pr diff
ghpdn gh pr diff --name-only
ghpdp gh pr diff --patch
ghpdw gh pr diff --web
ghpe gh pr edit
ghpl gh pr list
ghpla gh pr list --assignee
ghplA gh pr list --author
ghplb gh pr list --base
ghpld gh pr list --draft
ghplh gh pr list --head
ghplj gh pr list --json
ghpll gh pr list --label
ghplL gh pr list --limit
ghplS gh pr list --search
ghpls gh pr list --state
ghplw gh pr list --web
ghpm gh pr merge
ghpma gh pr merge --admin
ghpmau gh pr merge --auto
ghpmd gh pr merge --delete-branch
ghpmda gh pr merge --disable-auto
ghpmm gh pr merge --merge
ghpmr gh pr merge --rebase
ghpms gh pr merge --squash
ghprd gh pr ready
ghprdu gh pr ready --undo
ghpro gh pr reopen
ghprv gh pr review
ghprva gh pr review --approve
ghprvc gh pr review --comment
ghprvr gh pr review --request-changes
ghps gh pr status
ghpsc gh pr status --conflict-status
ghpsj gh pr status --json
ghpv gh pr view
ghpvc gh pr view --comments
ghpvj gh pr view --json
ghpvw gh pr view --web


  • gh_pr_aliases: Show all aliases of gh_pr plugin.