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gh_repo plugin

The gh_repo plugin provides aliases and functions for the command gh repo of github cli.

To use it, add gh and gh_repo to plugins array in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file:

export SF_PLUGINS=(... gh gh_repo)


Alias Command
ghrp gh repo
ghrpa gh repo archive
ghrpay gh repo archive --confirm
ghrpcl gh repo clone
ghrpc gh repo create
ghrpca gh repo create --add-readme
ghrpcc gh repo create --clone
ghrpcdi gh repo create --disable-issues
ghrpcdw gh repo create --disable-wiki
ghrpcia gh repo create --include-all-branches
ghrpci gh repo create --internal
ghrpcpv gh repo create --private
ghrpcpb gh repo create --public
ghrpcps gh repo create --push
ghrpd gh repo delete
ghrpdc gh repo delete --confirm
ghrpdk gh repo deploy-key
ghrpdka gh repo deploy-key add
ghrpdkaw gh repo deploy-key add --allow-write
ghrpdkd gh repo deploy-key delete
ghrpdkl gh repo deploy-key list
ghrpe gh repo edit
ghrpeat gh repo edit --add-topic
ghrpeaf gh repo edit --allow-forking
ghrpeau gh repo edit --allow-update-branch
ghrpedb gh repo edit --default-branch
ghrpedm gh repo edit --delete-branch-on-merge
ghrpeds gh repo edit --description
ghrpeam gh repo edit --enable-auto-merge
ghrped gh repo edit --enable-discussions
ghrpei gh repo edit --enable-issues
ghrpemc gh repo edit --enable-merge-commit
ghrpep gh repo edit --enable-projects
ghrperm gh repo edit --enable-rebase-merge
ghrpesm gh repo edit --enable-squash-merge
ghrpew gh repo edit --enable-wiki
ghrpeh gh repo edit --homepage
ghrpert gh repo edit --remove-topic
ghrpet gh repo edit --template
ghrpev gh repo edit --visibility
ghrpf gh repo fork
ghrpfc gh repo fork --clone
ghrpfr gh repo fork --remote
ghrpl gh repo list
ghrpla gh repo list --archived
ghrplf gh repo list --fork
ghrpln gh repo list --no-archived
ghrpls gh repo list --source
ghrpr gh repo rename
ghrprc gh repo rename --confirm
ghrps gh repo sync
ghrpsf gh repo sync --force
ghrpv gh repo view
ghrpvw gh repo view --web


  • gh_repo_aliases: Show all aliases of gh_repo plugin.