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GPA Calculator

A GPA Calculator + Veracross SDK Library + Web UI in Java


  • This is a project built to calculate GPA.
  • GPACalc.Core module is for calculation, and importing from Veracross.
  • GPACalc.UI module is for web user interface.
  • GPACalc.Discord module is not implemented yet.


Module Feature
Core Calculate GPA based on a student profile, a grading profile, and grades.
Core Import student profile and grading profile from YAML.
Core SDK for accessing Veracross API.
UI Login via Google and keep user data with Google ID.
UI Edit settings for student profile and grading profile.
UI Enter grades and calculate.
UI TODO: Enter username and password to import from Veracross.


Setting Up:

For IntelliJ IDEA Users:

  • I didn't set up a Maven repo yet, so you have to manually copy some files.
  • Clone or download this repo as a zip first if you don't want to copy all code manually.
  • Just copy the src/main/java folder of the module you want to import to your src/main/java folder.
  • Then copy the Maven dependencies from the pom.xml of the module you want to your pom.xml.

For Eclipse Users:

  • Well... Eclipse sucks!
  • IDK where the src folder for Eclipse is.
  • Download IntelliJ IDEA for free here.
  • And if you're a student like me, you can get a free IntelliJ Ultimate license with your school email here.

For NetBeans, BlueJ, Notepad++ Users:

  • IDE is not just a text editor.
  • ... and don't say "I can use javac."

For Visual Studio Users:

  • Have you tried turning it off and on again?


  • Stop telling me "I use mspaint to code Java."

Veracross SDK:

// Import packages first:
//   import*;
//   import*;

// Initialize object with base url, username and password.
VeracrossReader reader = new VeracrossReader("", "username", "password");

// Initialize browser driver with the path to chrome driver.
// The boolean means use headless mode or not.
//   true = Headless, false = Not headless.
//   I recommend false when debugging and true when deploying.
//   Because if it's headless, you can't see the browser window.
reader.initialize("./GPACalc.Core/drivers/chromedriver.exe", true);

// Login to Veracross

// Get course list
List<VeracrossCourse> courses = reader.getCourses();

// Get assignments of the course at index 1 of the list.
VeracrossAssignments assignments = reader.getAssignments(courses.get(1).getAssignmentsId());

// Get messages starting at index 0.
List<VeracrossMessage> messages = reader.getMessages(0);

// Get calendar events from 5 days ago to 5 days later.
List<VeracrossCalendarEvent> events = reader.getEvents(-5, 5);

// Get calendar events from a specific date to a specific date.
events = reader.getEvents(new Date(), new Date());

// Kill browser task.

GPA Calculating:

1. Write a Grading Profile:

# A grading profile shows how a school weight their levels.
# This example is for a weighted high school.

# The level of courses.
# Key word can be anything.
# Grade weights are how much credit do you get for each grade.
    - "AP"
      A+: 5
      A:  4.75
      A-: 4.5
      B+: 4.25
      B:  4
      B-: 3.75
      C+: 3.5
      C:  3.25
      C-: 3
      D:  2
      F:  0

    - "H"
      A+: 4.75
      A:  4.5
      A-: 4.25
      B+: 4
      B:  3.75
      B-: 3.5
      C+: 3.25
      C:  3
      C-: 2.75
      D:  1.75
      F:  0

    - "Acc"
    - "A"
      A+: 4.5
      A:  4.25
      A-: 4
      B+: 3.75
      B:  3.5
      B-: 3.25
      C+: 3
      C:  2.75
      C-: 2.5
      D:  1.5
      F:  0

    - "CP"
      A+: 4.25
      A:  4
      A-: 3.75
      B+: 3.5
      B:  3.25
      B-: 3
      C+: 2.75
      C:  2.5
      C-: 2.25
      D:  1.25
      F:  0

# The ranges of the grade.
# The value represents the minimum amount in the range.
# For example, A+ would be 97 - 100, so put 97 as the value.
  A+: 97
  A:  93
  A-: 90
  B+: 87
  B:  83
  B-: 80
  C+: 77
  C:  73
  C-: 71
  D:  70
  F:  0

2. Write a Student Profile:

# A student profile shows what courses a student chose.
# This example is the courses I chose.

# Basic information, doesn't affect calculating.
  Name: "This is not important"
  Grade: 10
  Semester: 1

# Courses a student is taking.
    Name: "English 2 A"
    Level: "A"
    Credits: 1
    Name: "Algebra 2 H"
    Level: "H"
    Credits: 1
    Name: "Chemistry 1 H"
    Level: "H"
    Credits: 1
    Name: "Modern World History CP"
    Level: "CP"
    Credits: 1
    Name: "Early Church CP"
    Level: "CP"
    Credits: 0.5
    Name: "AP Computer Science A"
    Level: "AP"
    Credits: 1

3. Use Them:

// Read grading profile
HyConfig gradingConfig = new HyConfig(new File("./profiles/grading/ExampleHighSchoolWeighted.yml"));
GradingProfile gradingProfile = GradingProfile.parseFromConfig(gradingConfig, "");

// Read student profile
HyConfig studentConfig = new HyConfig(new File("./profiles/student/Example.yml"));
StudentProfile studentProfile = StudentProfile.parseFromConfig(studentConfig, "");

// Create example grades (use my current grade.)
Grades grades = new Grades()
        .putGrade("English 2 A", "A")
        .putGrade("Algebra 2 H", "A")
        .putGrade("Chemistry 1 H", "A-")
        .putGrade("Modern World History CP", "A+")
        .putGrade("Early Church CP", "A-")
        .putGrade("AP Computer Science A", "A");

    // Calculate GPA
    System.out.println("GPA: " + GPACalculator.calculate(gradingProfile, studentProfile, grades));
catch (NotFoundException e)
    // Something wrong.
    System.err.println("Not Found: " + e.getMessage());

License: GNU / GPL