Here we address a simple use case of applying a single transform to a
set of parquet files.
We'll use the pdf2parquet
transform as an example, but in general, this process
will work for any of the transforms contained in Data Prep Kit.
Additionally, what follows uses the
python runtime
but the examples below should also work for the
The latest version of the Data Prep Kit is available on PyPi for Python 3.10, 3.11 or 3.12. It can be installed using:
pip install 'data-prep-toolkit-transforms[ray,all]'
The above installs all available transforms and both the python and Ray runtimes.
NOTE: As of this writing, on linux systems there is an
installing fasttext
for the lang_id
A workaround is to
install using conda.
Alternatively, you may choose to install only the transform(s) of interest (see below).
When installing select transforms, users can specify the name of the transform in the pip command, rather than [all]. For example, use the following command to install only the pdf2parquet transform:
pip install 'data-prep-toolkit-transforms[pdf2parquet]'
As an alternative, installing in a conda environment can be found here.
Here we run the pdf2parquet
transform on its input data to
import pdf content into rows of a parquet file.
First, we load some data for the transform to run on using the following python code:
import urllib.request
import shutil
shutil.os.makedirs("input", exist_ok=True)
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "input/")
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "input/redp5110-ch1.pdf")
% ls input redp5110-ch1.pdf
Next we run pdf2parquet
on the data in the input
python -m dpk_pdf2parquet.transform_python \
--data_local_config "{ 'input_folder': 'input', 'output_folder': 'output'}" \
--data_files_to_use "['.pdf', '.zip']"
Parquet files are generated in the designated output
% ls output
archive1.parquet metadata.json redp5110-ch1.parquet
All transforms are runnable from the command line in the manner above.