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Week 13 & 14

rebecca (marks) leopold edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 5 revisions
Final Project Deliverables:

Come to class on Wed with a prototype of your final project prepared to user test with your peers.

  • Documentation site:

    • you must document your final project process starting with last week's presentation. This can be a website or some sort of slide deck but must be live and the link will be due at the same time as the project itself.
    • you should take screenshots or recordings during your process, take notes on the feedback you got on yr presentations and user testing, gists, links to resources, etc. etc. Think of it as the story of yr process: conceptual, design strategy and of course the technical - bc entropy
  • Project itself:

    • HTML, responsive CSS + JavaScript
    • Comments in code including links to resources you researched
Thursday April 27
  • Final Project User Testing!

Tuesday May 2 -
  • Final Project User Testing!
Thursday May 4 - final class. DOCUMENTATION DUE
  • Final Project Critique
Monday May 8, 11:59pm FINAL WEBSITE DUE. Posted to final project page on wiki along with your initial presentation, versions + documentation