- Pulsarcast
A Javascript implementation of Pulsarcast
See design and specs at https://github.com/JGAntunes/pulsarcast
- EventNode
A DAG node representing an Event descriptor
- EventTree
A representation of an event tree for a given topic
- TopicNode
A DAG node representing a Topic descriptor
- SerializedEvent :
Serialized event representation
- ReadableEvent :
Human readable event representation
- SerializedTopic :
Serialized topic representation
- ReadableTopic :
Human readable topic representation
CID (Content Identifier)
- Libp2pNode
Libp2p node
- PeerId
Peer identifier object
A Javascript implementation of Pulsarcast
See design and specs at https://github.com/JGAntunes/pulsarcast
Kind: global class
- Pulsarcast
- new Pulsarcast(libp2p, [options])
- .libp2p :
- .started :
- .peers :
Map.<string, Peer>
- .topics :
Map.<string, TopicNode>
- .subscriptions :
- .eventTrees :
Map.<string, EventTree>
- .me :
- .start(callback) ⇒
- .stop(callback) ⇒
- .publish(topicB58Str, message, callback) ⇒
- .subscribe(topicB58Str, [options], callback) ⇒
- .unsubscribe(topicB58Str, callback)
- .createTopic(topicName, [options], callback) ⇒
Create a new PulsarCast node.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
libp2p | Libp2pNode |
[options] | object |
{} |
PulsarCast options |
pulsarcast.libp2p : Libp2pNode
Local ref to the libp2p node.
Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast
Node current status info.
Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast
Map of peers.
Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast
Map of topics.
Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast
List of our subscriptions
Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast
Map of the event dissemination trees.
Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast
This node peer object.
Kind: instance property of Pulsarcast
Start the PulsarCast node
Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast
Param | Type |
callback | function |
Stop the PulsarCast node
Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast
Param | Type |
callback | function |
Publish a message in the specified topic
Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast
Param | Type | Description |
topicB58Str | string |
topic base58 string |
message | Buffer |
message to publish |
callback | function |
Subscribe to a specific topic
Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast
Param | Type | Default | Description |
topicB58Str | string |
topic base58 string | |
[options] | object |
{} |
[options.subscribeToMeta] | object |
true |
optionally subscribe to this topic meta updates (updates to the topic descriptor) |
callback | function |
Unsubscribe from a specific topic
Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast
Param | Type | Default | Description |
topicB58Str | string |
topic base58 string | |
[options.unsubscribeFromMeta] | object |
true |
optionally unsubscribe from this topic meta updates (updates to the topic descriptor) |
callback | function |
Create a topic
Kind: instance method of Pulsarcast
Param | Type | Default | Description |
topicName | string |
topic name | |
[options] | object |
{} |
Topic creation options |
[options.parent] | string |
null |
Parent topic base58 string |
[options.subTopics] | object.<string, string> |
{} |
Sub topics map, with names as keys and base58 strings as values |
[options.metadata] | object |
{} |
Metadata options |
[options.metadata.allowedPublishers] | array.<string> |
Allowed publishers (defaults to only this node) | |
[options.metadata.requestToPublish] | boolean |
true |
Allow other nodes to request to publish |
[options.metadata.eventLinking] | string |
Method used for linking events |
callback | function |
A DAG node representing an Event descriptor
Kind: global class
- EventNode
- new EventNode(topicCID, author, payload, [options])
- instance
- .topicCID :
- .author :
- .payload :
- .publisher :
- .parent :
- .metadata :
- .isPublished :
- .getReadableFormat() ⇒
- .getCID(callback) ⇒
- .serialize() ⇒
- .serializeCBOR(callback) ⇒
- .topicCID :
- static
Create a new EventNode.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
topicCID | string | CID |
Topic CID or base58 string for this event | |
author | PeerId |
payload | Buffer |
Message to publish | |
[options] | object |
{} |
[options.parent] | string |
Parent event base58 string | |
[options.publisher] | string |
Base58 string id of the publisher node | |
[options.metadata] | object |
{} |
Metadata options |
Topic CID
Kind: instance property of EventNode
eventNode.author : PeerId
Author PeerId
Kind: instance property of EventNode
The payload of the event
Kind: instance property of EventNode
eventNode.publisher : PeerId
Publisher PeerId
Kind: instance property of EventNode
Parent event
Kind: instance property of EventNode
Event metadata
Kind: instance property of EventNode
Name | Type |
created | Date |
protocolVersion | string |
Is the event published
Kind: instance property of EventNode
eventNode.getReadableFormat() ⇒ ReadableEvent
Return an object representing en event in readable format with string representations of the buffers
Kind: instance method of EventNode
Get the event CID
Kind: instance method of EventNode
Param | Type |
callback | function |
eventNode.serialize() ⇒ SerializedEvent
Serialize this event
Kind: instance method of EventNode
Serialize this event to a CBOR buffer representation
Kind: instance method of EventNode
Param | Type |
callback | function |
EventNode.deserialize(event) ⇒ EventNode
Deserialize a given event and create an EventNode
Kind: static method of EventNode
Param | Type |
event | SerializedEvent |
Deserialize a given CBOR buffer representing an event and create an EventNode
Kind: static method of EventNode
Param | Type |
event | SerializedEvent |
callback | function |
A representation of an event tree for a given topic
Kind: global class
- EventTree
- new EventTree(topicNode)
- .topicNode :
- .eventMap :
Map.<string, EventNode>
- .mostRecent :
- .addNew(eventNode, [options], callback) ⇒
- .add(eventNode, callback) ⇒
- .get(eventCID) ⇒
Create a new EventTree.
Param | Type |
topicNode | TopicNode |
eventTree.topicNode : TopicNode
Topic node
Kind: instance property of EventTree
Event map used to keep track of events for a given topic. Indexed by CID base58 string
Kind: instance property of EventTree
eventTree.mostRecent : EventNode
The most recent event for this topic
Kind: instance property of EventTree
Adds a newly created event to the event tree and links it correctly
Kind: instance method of EventTree
Param | Type | Default | Description |
eventNode | EventNode |
[options] | object |
{} |
[options.parent] | string |
null |
Parent base58 string to link the event to, if the topic allows custom linking |
callback | function |
Returns the updated event node |
Adds an event to the topic tree, updating the most recent event ref
Kind: instance method of EventTree
Param | Type | Description |
eventNode | EventNode |
callback | function |
Returns the event node |
eventTree.get(eventCID) ⇒ EventNode
Get an event from this tree
Kind: instance method of EventTree
Param | Type |
eventCID | CID |
A DAG node representing a Topic descriptor
Kind: global class
- TopicNode
- new TopicNode(name, author, [options])
- instance
- .name :
- .author :
- .subTopics :
object.<string, CID>
- .parent :
- .subTopics :
object.<string, CID>
- .metadata :
- .getReadableFormat() ⇒
- .getCID(callback) ⇒
- .serialize() ⇒
- .serializeCBOR(callback) ⇒
- .name :
- static
Create a new TopicNode.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
name | string |
author | PeerId |
[options] | object |
{} |
[options.parent] | string |
null |
Parent topic base58 string |
[options.subTopics] | object.<string, string> |
{} |
Sub topics map, with names as keys and base58 strings as values |
[options.metadata] | object |
{} |
Metadata options |
[options.metadata.allowedPublishers] | array.<string> |
Allowed publishers (defaults to only this node) | |
[options.metadata.requestToPublish] | boolean |
true |
Allow other nodes to request to publish |
[options.metadata.eventLinking] | string |
Method used for linking events |
Topic human readable name.
Kind: instance property of TopicNode
topicNode.author : PeerId
Author PeerId
Kind: instance property of TopicNode
Sub topics
Kind: instance property of TopicNode
Parent topic
Kind: instance property of TopicNode
Sub topics
Kind: instance property of TopicNode
Topic metadata
Kind: instance property of TopicNode
Name | Type |
allowedPublishers | boolean |
requestToPublish | boolean |
eventLinking | string |
created | Date |
protocolVersion | string |
topicNode.getReadableFormat() ⇒ ReadableTopic
Return an object representing a topic in readable format with string representations of the buffers
Kind: instance method of TopicNode
Get the topic CID
Kind: instance method of TopicNode
Param | Type |
callback | function |
topicNode.serialize() ⇒ SerializedTopic
Serialize this topic
Kind: instance method of TopicNode
Serialize this topic to a CBOR buffer representation
Kind: instance method of TopicNode
Param | Type |
callback | function |
TopicNode.deserialize(topic) ⇒ TopicNode
Deserialize a given topic and create a TopicNode
Kind: static method of TopicNode
Param | Type |
topic | SerializedTopic |
Deserialize a given CBOR buffer representing a topic and create a TopicNode
Kind: static method of TopicNode
Param | Type |
topic | SerializedTopic |
callback | function |
Serialized event representation
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
topic | Object |
The topic DAG link |
author | Buffer |
The event author |
payload | Buffer |
Event payload |
publisher | Buffer |
The event publisher |
parent | Object |
The event parent DAG link |
metadata | object |
Event metadata object |
metadata.version | string |
Pulsarcast protocol version used for this event |
metadata.created | string |
Date in ISO string format |
Human readable event representation
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
topicCID | string |
author | string |
The event author base58 id |
payloadSize | number |
Event payload size in bytes |
publisher | string |
The event publisher base58 id |
parent | string |
The event parent base58 id |
isPublished | boolean |
metadata | object |
Event metadata object |
metadata.version | string |
Pulsarcast protocol version used for this event |
metadata.created | string |
Date in ISO string format |
Serialized topic representation
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
The topic name |
author | Buffer |
The topic author |
parent | Object |
The topic parent DAG link |
# | object.<string, {'/': Buffer}> |
The topic sub topics, were the keys are names and the values DAG links |
metadata | object |
Topic metadata object |
metadata.created | string |
Date in ISO string format |
metadata.allowedPublishers | Array.<Buffer> |
Array of peer ids allowed to publish |
metadata.requestToPublish | Array.<Buffer> |
Array of peer ids allowed to request to publish |
metadata.version | string |
Pulsarcast protocol version used for this topic |
metadata.eventLinking | string |
Event linking method used for this topic |
Human readable topic representation
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
The topic name |
author | string |
The topic author base58 id |
parent | string |
The topic parent base58 id |
# | object.<string, string> |
The topic sub topics, where the keys are names and the values base58 representations of the topic |
metadata | object |
Topic metadata object |
metadata.created | string |
Date in ISO string format |
metadata.allowedPublishers | Array.<string> |
Array of base58 peer ids allowed to publish |
metadata.requestToPublish | Array.<string> |
Array of base58 peer ids allowed to request to publish |
metadata.version | string |
Pulsarcast protocol version used for this topic |
metadata.eventLinking | string |
Event linking method used for this topic |
CID (Content Identifier)
Kind: global external
See: https://github.com/multiformats/js-cid#api
Libp2p node
Kind: global external
See: https://github.com/libp2p/js-libp2p#api
Peer identifier object
Kind: global external
See: https://github.com/libp2p/js-libp2p#ap://github.com/libp2p/js-peer-id#api