👩💼 비대면 시대에 적합한 매장 통합 관리 웹 애플리케이션 NTACT 👨💼
기존 매장의 키오스크 사용은 고객에게 있어 긴 대기 줄과 위생 문제, 애플리케이션을 사용하더라도 브랜드마다 자사 앱을 설치해야 하는 번거로움 등을 비롯하여 불편한 점이 많습니다. 또, 직원 입장에서는 종이 주문서와 구두 소통은 착오를 일으키는 등의 어려운 점이 존재합니다. NTACT는 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 웹 브라우저를 통한 간단한 주문 및 결제와 디지털화 된 주방 제어 서비스를 제공합니다👩🍳
npm install npm@latest -g
# Windows Download from https://github.com/tporadowski/redis # Mac brew install redis # Ubuntu sudo apt-get install redis-server
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/coding-Benny/NTACT.git
Install NPM packages and run
📱 client
cd client npm install npm run start
👔 manager
cd manager npm install npm run start
💻 server
cd server npm install npm run start
- Client configuration:
- loginInfo.json
- payment.json
- Manager configuration:
{ "jwt_password": "Put your JWT password" }
- Server configuration:
{ "development": { "username": "Put your user name here", "password": "Put your password here", "database": "Put your database here", "host": "Put your host name here", "dialect": "mysql", "operatorsAliases": 0, "define": { "timestamps": false, "underscored" : true } }, "test": { "username": "Put your username here", "password": "Put your password here", "database": "Put your database here", "host": "Put your host name here", "dialect": "mysql" }, "production": { "username": "Put your username here", "password": "Put your password here", "database": "Put your database here", "host": "Put your host name here", "dialect": "mysql" } }
{ "jwt_password" : "Put your JWT password" }
{ "imp_key": "Put your REST API key", "imp_secret": "Put your REST API Secret key" }
{ "AWSAccessKeyId": "Put your AWS access key ID", "AWSSecretKey": "Put your AWS Secret key", "Bucket": "Put your bucket name" }
Syncing database
filestart cmd /c "npx sequelize-auto -h YOUR_HOST_NAME -d YOUR_DATABASE_NAME -u YOUR_USERNAME -x YOUR_PASSWORD -p YOUR_PORT_NUMBER -c YOUR_CONFIG_FILE_PATH -o YOUR_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY -C" @ECHO DB Sync Done! # Mac or Linux npx sequelize-auto -h ntactdb.c8obj2inxx2r.ap-northeast-2.rds.amazonaws.com -d ntactDB -u ntact -x qlalfqjsgh -p 3306 -c ./config/db-config.json -o ./models -C echo DB Sync Done!
Run batch file
cd server sync-db.bat # Mac or Linux cd server chmod u+x ./sync-db.bat ./sync-db.bat
"jwt_password": "Put your JWT password"
"imp_user_code": "Put your I'mport; franchisee identification code"
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최수진 |
📌 Role 📜 Commit Log |
- Repository: https://github.com/JJJJ-web/NTACT
- NTACT client's homepage: https://ntact.site ⛔
- NTACT manager's homepage: https://manager.ntact.site ⛔
- Video
The code in this project is licensed under GPL-3.0 license.
for more information.