Releases: JV-ADCOGOV/swapp
Hotel Portal, Responsive Re-style, Guests & families
Overview: A brief description of what the release notes include that emphasizes new features.
Issue Summary: For each issue addressed, a short description of the bug or enhancement; for a bug, briefly describe the steps to reproduce.
Resolution: The modifications made to address the enhancement or bug.
Impacts: Note any actions that users or administrators need to take to support this new release. These could include configuration changes, prerequisites, hardware, or more.
Hotel Portal
Hotel front desk users now have their own area within Swapp to coordinate their participation in the Swap program with the data being recorded in Swapp itself.
Front desk users can:
- see a sorted list of incoming vouchers
- review detail of individual vouchers
- at a glance, see client red flag history at their own hotel
- leave an incident report
URLs are now protected behind a few user flags that currently need to be manually set for any new user record: hotel_user
, intake_user
, admin_user
Responsive Re-style
We've implemented app-wide style adjustments to make using the app a little more pleasant on larger-than-mobile screen sizes. This re-design does not include desktop sizes.
Guests & Families
We've changed the way caseworkers can record a client's family members, as well as add guests to the voucher itself. Now, a user performing intake has access to a family members sub-form on the new client intake form, and a guests sub-form on the voucher form. It makes more sense to collect family info only on the longer intake, as that data is not subject to much change between client interactions, whereas guests may change voucher to voucher.
When recording guests, an intake user can:
- pre-populate the voucher with the client's previous guests
- search for an existing client via autocomplete
- see disallowed guests based on red flag history, but not add them as guests.
- add a new guest and simultaneously create a client "lite" record for them, recording first, last, DOB (this can be re-collected if the client themselves return for a voucher as the primary holder)
Full Changelog for this Release:
- admin can edit client details
- admin can discard client detail changes while editing
- created readme for this repo
- foundations for phonetic search
- configure email infrastructure
- automated system tests for browser intake submission
- hotel vouchers authorization layer
- hotel vouchers cleanup
- admin red flag interface
- split family members first and last name to enable matching
- guest fields on voucher form
- guest field lookup
- remove added guest
- clear guest input on user selection
- move family members form to new client intake form
- debounce guest autocomplete requests
- guest check against red flags
- prevent flagged guest selection
- don't fire guest autocomplete when input empty
- guest fields pre-population
- don't allow red flagged prior guests to be added via pre-populate button
- client can't be guest on their own voucher
- upgrade to ffaker testing gem
- intake form submission timeout
- resolve intake response recording issue
- signing out gives a 404 response on staging
Revised intake form & Basic hotel portal
- 2nd iteration of form questions designed to collect data that can be more easily mapped and entered into Clarity (Denver CoC HMIS).
- "Hotel users" can now log in and review vouchers issued to their hotel.
Post-Launch Update
Fixes/enhancements based on launch day user feedback.
- Errors now appear on the login form
- Test environment indicator so users can easily see when they're not using the live production instance
- Fixed a bug that was preventing "# adults/children in household" from saving properly
- Swap intake periods were previously calculated based on voucher stay dates. Intake start/end can now be set independently.
- Swap Info section in the admin dashboard now correctly displays the intake period
- Fix for ordering of vouchers in the "Last 20" table within admin dashboard.
- add login errors
- fix visual bug in login error display
- fix voucher ordering in vouchers issued table
Go Live Updates
- Limit # of vouchers showing up in admin "vouchers issued" table
- Loaders for prior red flag list and prior swap periods, vouchers, clients, and intake data
- small schema adjustmnets
- prior vouchers issued by "system user"
Bugfix for swap extensions
When a swap period was extended by a day, it's associated vouchers were not also extended by a day. Fixed.
Go Live
First Release: Nearing Feature Completion for MVP
First Release
New Features
- Client Search
- Client Detail View
- incident reports ("red flag list")
- issued vouchers list
- New Client Intake Form
- Create Voucher Form
- choose motel
- date pickers for check in and out
- auto-generate sequence numbers
- Voucher View
- Swap Notices
- active
- not active
- first intake day
- last intake day
- last intake + 1 day
- Admin section
- Swap info
- Extend swap period (and vouchers)
- vouchers issued list
- mock vouchers supply view
Not Included
These features are still needed for the MVP to be considered feature complete:
- Voucher Supply
- Parsers/Loaders for production data
- red flag list
- previous client intakes
MVP.. Almost!
MVP.. Almost!
We're very close to being "feature complete" for our MVP!
New Features
Voucher Supply
- admins manage day to day voucher supply (room commitment) per hotel, per swap period, per day
- admins see all vouchers issued for the current swap period
- vouchers are issued against this total
- vouchers cannot be issued when we lack rooms
- navigation is cutoff on several screens when supply is zero
- hotels disabled in dropdown when their individual supply is zero
Swap Notices
- swap intake active notice
- intake users can expand table of current voucher supply on most screens
- cautionary low voucher supply notice
- admins can extend the current swap period, along with all issued vouchers
- "Are you working?" intake question was Y/N, now is a dropdown with 4 selections.
- date pickers are used wherever user input is required for a date or pair of dates
- various help text content changes
- various bugfixes and performance improvements