一个轻量, 灵活, 强大的Unity Shader GUI系统.
已经过诸多大型商业项目的验证, 使用简洁的Material Property Drawer语法实现功能强大的Shader GUI, 节省大量开发时间, 易于使用和扩展, 有效提升美术人员的使用体验.
![]() |
![]() |
比UE更加强大的Gradient编辑器, 同时支持Shader和C# | 直接在ShaderGUI中插入图片, 无需跳转浏览器即可支持复杂文档的显示 |
![]() |
NEW: Timeline中录制材质参数动画时, 自动捕获Toggle的Keyword更改, 以便运行时切换材质Keyword | |
![]() |
![]() |
搜索栏亦可筛选已修改的属性 | 右键以按类型粘贴属性值 |
With your sponsorship, I will update more actively. | 有你的赞助我会更加积极地更新 |
paypal.me/JasonMa0012 | ![]() |
- LWGUI (Light Weight Shader GUI)
- LWGUI <1.17: Unity 2017.4+
- LWGUI >=1.17: Unity 2021.3+
- 推荐的最低版本: Unity 2022.2+, 更低版本虽然能使用但可能有BUG
Window > Package Manager > Add > Add package from git URL
- 你也可以选择手动从Github下载Zip,然后从
Package Manager > Add package from disk
添加Local Package - 对于Unity 2017, 请直接将Zip解压到Assets目录
- 你也可以选择手动从Github下载Zip,然后从
- 新建一个Shader或使用现有的Shader
- 在代码编辑器中打开Shader
- 在Shader最底部, 最后一个大括号之前, 添加行:
CustomEditor "LWGUI.LWGUI"
- 完成! 开始使用以下功能强大的Drawer轻松绘制你的ShaderGUI吧
- MaterialPropertyDrawer是一种类似C# Attribute的语法, 在MaterialProperty前加上Drawer可以更改绘制方式, 更多信息可以查看官方文档:
- 每个Property只能有一个Drawer
- 每个Property可以有多个Decorator
- MaterialPropertyDrawer是一种类似C# Attribute的语法, 在MaterialProperty前加上Drawer可以更改绘制方式, 更多信息可以查看官方文档:
/// Create a Folding Group
/// group: group name (Default: Property Name)
/// keyword: keyword used for toggle, "_" = ignore, none or "__" = Property Name + "_ON", always Upper (Default: none)
/// default Folding State: "on" or "off" (Default: off)
/// default Toggle Displayed: "on" or "off" (Default: on)
/// preset File Name: "Shader Property Preset" asset name, see Preset() for detail (Default: none)
/// Target Property Type: Float, express Toggle value
public MainDrawer() : this(String.Empty) { }
public MainDrawer(string group) : this(group, String.Empty) { }
public MainDrawer(string group, string keyword) : this(group, keyword, "off") { }
public MainDrawer(string group, string keyword, string defaultFoldingState) : this(group, keyword, defaultFoldingState, "on") { }
public MainDrawer(string group, string keyword, string defaultFoldingState, string defaultToggleDisplayed) : this(group, keyword, defaultFoldingState, defaultToggleDisplayed, String.Empty) { }
public MainDrawer(string group, string keyword, string defaultFoldingState, string defaultToggleDisplayed, string presetFileName)
/// Draw a property with default style in the folding group
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// Target Property Type: Any
public SubDrawer() { }
public SubDrawer(string group)
[Title(Main Samples)]
_group ("Group", float) = 0
[Sub(GroupName)] _float ("Float", float) = 0
[Main(Group1, _KEYWORD, on)] _group1 ("Group - Default Open", float) = 1
[Sub(Group1)] _float1 ("Sub Float", float) = 0
[Sub(Group1)] _vector1 ("Sub Vector", vector) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[Sub(Group1)] [HDR] _color1 ("Sub HDR Color", color) = (0.7, 0.7, 1, 1)
[Title(Group1, Conditional Display Samples Enum)]
[KWEnum(Group1, Name 1, _KEY1, Name 2, _KEY2, Name 3, _KEY3)]
_enum ("KWEnum", float) = 0
// Display when the keyword ("group name + keyword") is activated
[Sub(Group1_KEY1)] _key1_Float1 ("Key1 Float", float) = 0
[Sub(Group1_KEY2)] _key2_Float2 ("Key2 Float", float) = 0
[Sub(Group1_KEY3)] _key3_Float3_Range ("Key3 Float Range", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[SubPowerSlider(Group1_KEY3, 10)] _key3_Float4_PowerSlider ("Key3 Power Slider", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[Title(Group1, Conditional Display Samples Toggle)]
[SubToggle(Group1, _TOGGLE_KEYWORD)] _toggle ("SubToggle", float) = 0
[Tex(Group1_TOGGLE_KEYWORD)][Normal] _normal ("Normal Keyword", 2D) = "bump" { }
[Sub(Group1_TOGGLE_KEYWORD)] _float2 ("Float Keyword", float) = 0
[Main(Group2, _, off, off)] _group2 ("Group - Without Toggle", float) = 0
[Sub(Group2)] _float3 ("Float 2", float) = 0
Default result:
Then change values:
/// Similar to builtin Toggle()
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// keyword: keyword used for toggle, "_" = ignore, none or "__" = Property Name + "_ON", always Upper (Default: none)
/// preset File Name: "Shader Property Preset" asset name, see Preset() for detail (Default: none)
/// Target Property Type: Float
public SubToggleDrawer() { }
public SubToggleDrawer(string group) : this(group, String.Empty, String.Empty) { }
public SubToggleDrawer(string group, string keyWord) : this(group, keyWord, String.Empty) { }
public SubToggleDrawer(string group, string keyWord, string presetFileName)
/// Similar to builtin PowerSlider()
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// power: power of slider (Default: 1)
/// Target Property Type: Range
public SubPowerSliderDrawer(float power) : this("_", power) { }
public SubPowerSliderDrawer(string group, float power)
/// Similar to builtin IntRange()
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// Target Property Type: Range
public SubIntRangeDrawer(string group)
/// Draw a min max slider
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// minPropName: Output Min Property Name
/// maxPropName: Output Max Property Name
/// Target Property Type: Range, range limits express the MinMaxSlider value range
/// Output Min/Max Property Type: Range, it's value is limited by it's range
public MinMaxSliderDrawer(string minPropName, string maxPropName) : this("_", minPropName, maxPropName) { }
public MinMaxSliderDrawer(string group, string minPropName, string maxPropName)
[Title(MinMaxSlider Samples)]
[MinMaxSlider(_rangeStart, _rangeEnd)] _minMaxSlider("Min Max Slider (0 - 1)", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 1.0
/*[HideInInspector]*/_rangeStart("Range Start", Range(0.0, 0.5)) = 0.0
/*[HideInInspector]*/[PowerSlider(10)] _rangeEnd("Range End PowerSlider", Range(0.5, 1.0)) = 1.0
/// Similar to builtin Enum() / KeywordEnum()
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// n(s): display name
/// k(s): keyword
/// v(s): value
/// Target Property Type: Float, express current keyword index
public KWEnumDrawer(string n1, string k1)
public KWEnumDrawer(string n1, string k1, string n2, string k2)
public KWEnumDrawer(string n1, string k1, string n2, string k2, string n3, string k3)
public KWEnumDrawer(string n1, string k1, string n2, string k2, string n3, string k3, string n4, string k4)
public KWEnumDrawer(string n1, string k1, string n2, string k2, string n3, string k3, string n4, string k4, string n5, string k5)
public KWEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, string k1)
public KWEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, string k1, string n2, string k2)
public KWEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, string k1, string n2, string k2, string n3, string k3)
public KWEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, string k1, string n2, string k2, string n3, string k3, string n4, string k4)
public KWEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, string k1, string n2, string k2, string n3, string k3, string n4, string k4, string n5, string k5)
// enumName: like "UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode"
public SubEnumDrawer(string group, string enumName) : base(group, enumName)
public SubEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, float v1, string n2, float v2)
public SubEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, float v1, string n2, float v2, string n3, float v3)
public SubEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, float v1, string n2, float v2, string n3, float v3, string n4, float v4)
public SubEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, float v1, string n2, float v2, string n3, float v3, string n4, float v4, string n5, float v5)
public SubEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, float v1, string n2, float v2, string n3, float v3, string n4, float v4, string n5, float v5, string n6, float v6)
public SubEnumDrawer(string group, string n1, float v1, string n2, float v2, string n3, float v3, string n4, float v4, string n5, float v5, string n6, float v6, string n7, float v7)
public SubKeywordEnumDrawer(string group, string kw1, string kw2)
public SubKeywordEnumDrawer(string group, string kw1, string kw2, string kw3)
public SubKeywordEnumDrawer(string group, string kw1, string kw2, string kw3, string kw4)
public SubKeywordEnumDrawer(string group, string kw1, string kw2, string kw3, string kw4, string kw5)
public SubKeywordEnumDrawer(string group, string kw1, string kw2, string kw3, string kw4, string kw5, string kw6)
public SubKeywordEnumDrawer(string group, string kw1, string kw2, string kw3, string kw4, string kw5, string kw6, string kw7)
public SubKeywordEnumDrawer(string group, string kw1, string kw2, string kw3, string kw4, string kw5, string kw6, string kw7, string kw8)
public SubKeywordEnumDrawer(string group, string kw1, string kw2, string kw3, string kw4, string kw5, string kw6, string kw7, string kw8, string kw9)
/// Popping a menu, you can select the Shader Property Preset, the Preset values will replaces the default values
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// presetFileName: "Shader Property Preset" asset name, you can create new Preset by
/// "Right Click > Create > LWGUI > Shader Property Preset" in Project window,
/// *any Preset in the entire project cannot have the same name*
/// Target Property Type: Float, express current keyword index
public PresetDrawer(string presetFileName) : this("_", presetFileName) {}
public PresetDrawer(string group, string presetFileName)
[Title(Preset Samples)]
[Preset(LWGUI_BlendModePreset)] _BlendMode ("Blend Mode Preset", float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode)]_Cull("Cull", Float) = 2
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)]_SrcBlend("SrcBlend", Float) = 1
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)]_DstBlend("DstBlend", Float) = 0
[Toggle(_)]_ZWrite("ZWrite ", Float) = 1
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction)]_ZTest("ZTest", Float) = 4 // 4 is LEqual
[Enum(RGBA,15,RGB,14)]_ColorMask("ColorMask", Float) = 15 // 15 is RGBA (binary 1111)
Cull [_Cull]
ZWrite [_ZWrite]
Blend [_SrcBlend] [_DstBlend]
ColorMask [_ColorMask]
/// Draw the Int value as a Bit Mask.
/// Note:
/// - Currently only 8 bits are supported.
/// - Property Type must be 'Integer', not 'Int'.
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// bitDescription 7-0: Description of each Bit. (Default: none)
/// Target Property Type: Integer
public BitMaskDrawer() : this(string.Empty, null) { }
public BitMaskDrawer(string group) : this(group, null) { }
public BitMaskDrawer(string group, string bitDescription7, string bitDescription6, string bitDescription5, string bitDescription4, string bitDescription3, string bitDescription2, string bitDescription1, string bitDescription0)
: this(group, new List<string>() { bitDescription0, bitDescription1, bitDescription2, bitDescription3, bitDescription4, bitDescription5, bitDescription6, bitDescription7 }) { }
[BitMask(Preset)] _Stencil ("Stencil", Integer) = 0
[BitMask(Preset, Left, Bit6, Bit5, Bit4, Description, Bit2, Bit1, Right)] _StencilWithDescription ("Stencil With Description", Integer) = 0
/// Draw a Texture property in single line with a extra property
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// extraPropName: extra property name (Default: none)
/// Target Property Type: Texture
/// Extra Property Type: Color, Vector
/// Target Property Type: Texture2D
public TexDrawer() { }
public TexDrawer(string group) : this(group, String.Empty) { }
public TexDrawer(string group, string extraPropName)
[Main(Group3, _, on)] _group3 ("Group - Tex and Color Samples", float) = 0
[Tex(Group3, _color)] _tex_color ("Tex with Color", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector] _color (" ", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 1)
[Tex(Group3, _textureChannelMask1)] _tex_channel ("Tex with Channel", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector] _textureChannelMask1(" ", Vector) = (0,0,0,1)
// Display up to 4 colors in a single line
[Color(Group3, _mColor1, _mColor2, _mColor3)]
_mColor ("Multi Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HideInInspector] _mColor1 (" ", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 1)
[HideInInspector] _mColor2 (" ", Color) = (0, 1, 0, 1)
[HideInInspector] [HDR] _mColor3 (" ", Color) = (0, 0, 1, 1)
/// Draw an unreal style Ramp Map Editor (Default Ramp Map Resolution: 512 * 2)
/// NEW: The new LwguiGradient type has both the Gradient and Curve editors, and can be used in C# scripts and runtime, and is intended to replace UnityEngine.Gradient
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// defaultFileName: default Ramp Map file name when create a new one (Default: RampMap)
/// rootPath: the path where ramp is stored, replace '/' with '.' (for example: Assets.Art.Ramps). when selecting ramp, it will also be filtered according to the path (Default: Assets)
/// colorSpace: switch sRGB / Linear in ramp texture import setting (Default: sRGB)
/// defaultWidth: default Ramp Width (Default: 512)
/// viewChannelMask: editable channels. (Default: RGBA)
/// timeRange: the abscissa display range (1/24/2400), is used to optimize the editing experience when the abscissa is time of day. (Default: 1)
/// Target Property Type: Texture2D
public RampDrawer() : this(String.Empty) { }
public RampDrawer(string group) : this(group, "RampMap") { }
public RampDrawer(string group, string defaultFileName) : this(group, defaultFileName, DefaultRootPath, 512) { }
public RampDrawer(string group, string defaultFileName, float defaultWidth) : this(group, defaultFileName, DefaultRootPath, defaultWidth) { }
public RampDrawer(string group, string defaultFileName, string rootPath, float defaultWidth) : this(group, defaultFileName, rootPath, "sRGB", defaultWidth) { }
public RampDrawer(string group, string defaultFileName, string rootPath, string colorSpace, float defaultWidth) : this(group, defaultFileName, rootPath, colorSpace, defaultWidth, "RGBA") { }
public RampDrawer(string group, string defaultFileName, string rootPath, string colorSpace, float defaultWidth, string viewChannelMask) : this(group, defaultFileName, rootPath, colorSpace, defaultWidth, viewChannelMask, 1) { }
public RampDrawer(string group, string defaultFileName, string rootPath, string colorSpace, float defaultWidth, string viewChannelMask, float timeRange)
[Ramp(_, RampMap, Assets.Art, 512)] _Ramp ("Ramp Map", 2D) = "white" { }
你必须手动保存编辑结果, 如果有未保存的修改, Save按钮将显示黄色.
在你移动或者复制RampMap的时候, 切记要连同.meta文件一起移动, 否则将无法再次编辑!
public class Test : MonoBehaviour
public LwguiGradient lwguiGradientSrgb = new LwguiGradient();
[LwguiGradientUsage(ColorSpace.Linear, LwguiGradient.ChannelMask.RGB, LwguiGradient.GradientTimeRange.TwentyFourHundred)]
public LwguiGradient lwguiGradientLinear = new LwguiGradient();
可以使用LwguiGradientUsage() Attribute设置默认的显示设置.
新的LWGUI Gradient Editor集成了Unity内置的Gradient Editor和Curve Editor, 实现了比UE的Gradient Editor更加强大的功能.
编辑器 | 解释 |
Time Range | 横轴的显示范围, 可以选择0-1 / 0-24 / 0-2400, 当横轴为时间时非常有用. 注意, 只影响显示, 横轴实际存储的值始终为0-1. |
Channels | 显示的通道, 可以单独只显示某些通道. |
sRGB Preview | 当Gradient的值为颜色时应该勾选以预览正确的颜色, 否则不需要勾选. 只影响显示, Gradient和Ramp Map存储的值始终为Linear. |
Value / R / G / B / A | 用于编辑已选中的Key的Value, 可以同时编辑多个Key的Value. |
Time | 用于编辑已选中的Key的Time, 可以同时编辑多个Key的Time. 如果手动输入数字, 必须要按回车以结束编辑. |
Gradient Editor | 类似于Unity内置的Gradient Editor, 但是将Alpha通道分离显示为黑白. 注意, 从Gradient Editor添加Key时会受到最多8个Key的限制, 从Curve Editor添加Key则数量不受限制. Key的数量超过限制不会影响预览和使用. |
Curve Editor | 类似于Unity内置的Curve Editor, 默认显示XY 0-1的范围, 你可以用滚轮缩放或移动显示范围. 如下图所示, 右键菜单中有大量控制曲线形态的功能, 你可以查阅Unity文档以充分利用这些功能. |
Presets | 你可以保存当前LWGUI Gradient为预设, 并随时调用这些预设. 这些预设在本地计算机的不同引擎版本之间通用, 但不会保存到项目中. |
- Unity 2022以下的预览图像在sRGB/Linear颜色空间之间没有区别
- 在编辑器帧率较低时Ctrl + Z结果可能和预期稍有偏差
/// Draw an image preview.
/// display name: The path of the image file relative to the Unity project, such as: "assets~/test.png", "Doc/test.png", "../test.png"
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// Target Property Type: Any
public ImageDrawer() { }
public ImageDrawer(string group)
/// Display up to 4 colors in a single line
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// color2-4: extra color property name
/// Target Property Type: Color
public ColorDrawer(string group, string color2) : this(group, color2, String.Empty, String.Empty) { }
public ColorDrawer(string group, string color2, string color3) : this(group, color2, color3, String.Empty) { }
public ColorDrawer(string group, string color2, string color3, string color4)
[Main(Group3, _, on)] _group3 ("Group - Tex and Color Samples", float) = 0
[Tex(Group3, _color)] _tex_color ("Tex with Color", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector] _color (" ", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 1)
[Tex(Group3, _textureChannelMask1)] _tex_channel ("Tex with Channel", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector] _textureChannelMask1(" ", Vector) = (0,0,0,1)
// Display up to 4 colors in a single line
[Color(Group3, _mColor1, _mColor2, _mColor3)]
_mColor ("Multi Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HideInInspector] _mColor1 (" ", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 1)
[HideInInspector] _mColor2 (" ", Color) = (0, 1, 0, 1)
[HideInInspector] [HDR] _mColor3 (" ", Color) = (0, 0, 1, 1)
/// Draw a R/G/B/A drop menu:
/// R = (1, 0, 0, 0)
/// G = (0, 1, 0, 0)
/// B = (0, 0, 1, 0)
/// A = (0, 0, 0, 1)
/// RGB Average = (1f / 3f, 1f / 3f, 1f / 3f, 0)
/// RGB Luminance = (0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f, 0)
/// None = (0, 0, 0, 0)
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// Target Property Type: Vector, used to dot() with Texture Sample Value
public ChannelDrawer() { }
public ChannelDrawer(string group)
[Title(_, Channel Samples)]
[Channel(_)]_textureChannelMask("Texture Channel Mask (Default G)", Vector) = (0,1,0,0)
float selectedChannelValue = dot(tex2D(_Tex, uv), _textureChannelMask);
/// Draw one or more Buttons within the same row, using the Display Name to control the appearance and behavior of the buttons
/// Declaring a set of Button Name and Button Command in Display Name generates a Button, separated by '@':
/// ButtonName0@ButtonCommand0@ButtonName1@ButtonCommand1
/// Button Name can be any other string, the format of Button Command is:
/// TYPE:Argument
/// The following TYPEs are currently supported:
/// - URL: Open the URL, Argument is the URL
/// - C#: Call the public static C# function, Argument is NameSpace.Class.Method(arg0, arg1, ...),
/// for target function signatures, see: LWGUI.ButtonDrawer.TestMethod().
/// The full example:
/// [Button(_)] _button0 ("URL Button@URL:https://github.com/JasonMa0012/LWGUI@C#:LWGUI.ButtonDrawer.TestMethod(1234, abcd)", Float) = 0
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// Target Property Type: Any
public ButtonDrawer() { }
public ButtonDrawer(string group)
[Title(Button Samples)]
[Button(_)] _button0 ("URL Button@URL:https://github.com/JasonMa0012/LWGUI@C# Button@C#:LWGUI.ButtonDrawer.TestMethod(1234, abcd)", Float) = 0
/// <summary>
/// Similar to Header()
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// header: string to display, "SpaceLine" or "_" = none (Default: none)
/// height: line height (Default: 22)
public TitleDecorator(string header) : this("_", header, DefaultHeight) {}
public TitleDecorator(string header, float height) : this("_", header, height) {}
public TitleDecorator(string group, string header) : this(group, header, DefaultHeight) {}
public TitleDecorator(string group, string header, float height)
/// Similar to Title()
/// group: father group name (Default: none)
/// header: string to display, "SpaceLine" or "_" = none (Default: none)
/// height: line height (Default: 22)
public SubTitleDecorator(string group, string header) : base(group, header, DefaultHeight) {}
public SubTitleDecorator(string group, string header, float height) : base(group, header, height) {}
/// Tooltip, describes the details of the property. (Default: property.name and property default value)
/// You can also use "#Text" in DisplayName to add Tooltip that supports Multi-Language.
/// tooltip: a single-line string to display, support up to 4 ','. (Default: Newline)
public TooltipDecorator() : this(string.Empty) {}
public TooltipDecorator(string tooltip) { this._tooltip = tooltip; }
public TooltipDecorator(string s1, string s2) : this(s1 + ", " + s2) { }
public TooltipDecorator(string s1, string s2, string s3) : this(s1 + ", " + s2 + ", " + s3) { }
public TooltipDecorator(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4) : this(s1 + ", " + s2 + ", " + s3 + ", " + s4) { }
public TooltipDecorator(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5) : this(s1 + ", " + s2 + ", " + s3 + ", " + s4 + ", " + s5) { }
/// Display a Helpbox on the property
/// You can also use "%Text" in DisplayName to add Helpbox that supports Multi-Language.
/// message: a single-line string to display, support up to 4 ','. (Default: Newline)
public HelpboxDecorator() : this(string.Empty) {}
public HelpboxDecorator(string message) { this._message = message; }
public HelpboxDecorator(string s1, string s2) : this(s1 + ", " + s2) { }
public HelpboxDecorator(string s1, string s2, string s3) : this(s1 + ", " + s2 + ", " + s3) { }
public HelpboxDecorator(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4) : this(s1 + ", " + s2 + ", " + s3 + ", " + s4) { }
public HelpboxDecorator(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5) : this(s1 + ", " + s2 + ", " + s3 + ", " + s4 + ", " + s5) { }
[Title(Metadata Samples)]
[Tooltip(Test multiline Tooltip, a single line supports up to 4 commas)]
[Tooltip(Line 3)]
[Tooltip(Line 4)]
_float_tooltip ("Float with Tooltips#这是中文Tooltip#これは日本語Tooltipです", float) = 1
[Helpbox(Test multiline Helpbox)]
_float_helpbox ("Float with Helpbox%这是中文Helpbox%これは日本語Helpboxです", float) = 1
- Tooltip可能在Editor运行时消失, 这是Unity本身的特性 (或者是bug)
/// 将属性设为只读.
public ReadOnlyDecorator()
/// Cooperate with Toggle to switch certain Passes.
/// lightModeName(s): Light Mode in Shader Pass (https://docs.unity3d.com/2017.4/Documentation/Manual/SL-PassTags.html)
public PassSwitchDecorator(string lightModeName1)
public PassSwitchDecorator(string lightModeName1, string lightModeName2)
public PassSwitchDecorator(string lightModeName1, string lightModeName2, string lightModeName3)
public PassSwitchDecorator(string lightModeName1, string lightModeName2, string lightModeName3, string lightModeName4)
public PassSwitchDecorator(string lightModeName1, string lightModeName2, string lightModeName3, string lightModeName4, string lightModeName5)
public PassSwitchDecorator(string lightModeName1, string lightModeName2, string lightModeName3, string lightModeName4, string lightModeName5, string lightModeName6)
/// Collapse the current Property into an Advanced Block.
/// Specify the Header String to create a new Advanced Block.
/// All Properties using Advanced() will be collapsed into the nearest Advanced Block.
/// headerString: The title of the Advanced Block. Default: "Advanced"
public AdvancedDecorator() : this(string.Empty) { }
public AdvancedDecorator(string headerString)
/// Create an Advanced Block using the current Property as the Header.
public AdvancedHeaderPropertyDecorator()
[Main(Group2, _, off, off)] _group2 ("Group - Without Toggle", float) = 0
[Sub(Group2)] _float3 ("Float 2", float) = 0
[Advanced][Sub(Group2)] _Advancedfloat0 ("Advanced Float 0", float) = 0
[Advanced][Sub(Group2)] _Advancedfloat1 ("Advanced Float 1", float) = 0
[Advanced(Advanced Header Test)][Sub(Group2)] _Advancedfloat3 ("Advanced Float 3", float) = 0
[Advanced][Sub(Group2)] _Advancedfloat4 ("Advanced Float 4", float) = 0
[AdvancedHeaderProperty][Tex(Group2, _Advancedfloat7)] _AdvancedTex0 ("Advanced Header Property Test", 2D) = "white" { }
[Advanced][HideInInspector] _Advancedfloat7 ("Advanced Float 7", float) = 0
[Advanced][Tex(Group2, _AdvancedRange0)] _AdvancedTex1 ("Advanced Tex 1", 2D) = "white" { }
[Advanced][HideInInspector] _AdvancedRange0 ("Advanced Range 0", Range(0, 1)) = 0
- LWGUI使用树状数据结构存储Group和Advanced Block及其子级的关系, 理论上可以存储无限多级父子关系, 但目前LWGUI仅手动处理3层父子关系, 也就是说你可以将Advanced Block放在Group内, 而不能将Group放在Advanced Block内.
/// 类似于HideInInspector(), 区别在于Hidden()可以通过Display Mode按钮取消隐藏.
public HiddenDecorator()
/// Control the show or hide of a single or a group of properties based on multiple conditions.
/// logicalOperator: And | Or (Default: And).
/// propName: Target Property Name used for comparison.
/// compareFunction: Less (L) | Equal (E) | LessEqual (LEqual / LE) | Greater (G) | NotEqual (NEqual / NE) | GreaterEqual (GEqual / GE).
/// value: Target Property Value used for comparison.
public ShowIfDecorator(string propName, string comparisonMethod, float value) : this("And", propName, comparisonMethod, value) { }
public ShowIfDecorator(string logicalOperator, string propName, string compareFunction, float value)
[ShowIf(_enum, Equal, 1)]
[Title(ShowIf Main Samples)]
[Main(GroupName)] _group ("Group", float) = 0
[Sub(GroupName)] _float ("Float", float) = 0
[Sub(GroupName)] _Tex ("Tex", 2D) = "white" { }
[SubTitle(Group1, Conditional Display Samples Enum)]
[KWEnum(Group1, Name 1, _KEY1, Name 2, _KEY2, Name 3, _KEY3)] _enum ("KWEnum", float) = 0
[Sub(Group1)][ShowIf(_enum, Equal, 0)] _key1_Float1 ("Key1 Float", float) = 0
[Sub(Group1)][ShowIf(_enum, Equal, 1)] _key2_Float2 ("Key2 Float", float) = 0
[SubIntRange(Group1)][ShowIf(_enum, Equal, 2)] _key3_Int_Range ("Key3 Int Range", Range(0, 10)) = 0
[ShowIf(_enum, Equal, 0)][ShowIf(Or, _enum, Equal, 2)]
[SubPowerSlider(Group1, 3)] _key13_PowerSlider ("Key1 or Key3 Power Slider", Range(0, 1)) = 0
录制材质参数动画时自动捕获Keyword改动并添加该轨道到Timeline Asset, 运行时根据float值设置Keyword状态.
MaterialSpaceDecorator(float height)
MaterialHeaderDecorator(string header)
MaterialEnumDrawer(string n1, float v1, string n2, float v2, string n3, float v3, string n4, float v4, string n5, float v5, string n6, float v6, string n7, float v7)
MaterialKeywordEnumDrawer(string kw1, string kw2, string kw3, string kw4, string kw5, string kw6, string kw7, string kw8, string kw9)
MaterialPowerSliderDrawer(float power)
MaterialToggleUIDrawer(string keyword)
Custom Header和Footer可以让你无需修改LWGUI插件的代码即可在ShaderGUI的顶部或底部添加自定义的模块.
- 根据你要添加自定义GUI的位置复制以下脚本到你的项目某个Editor文件夹中:
- 顶部: Packages/com.jasonma.lwgui/Editor/CustomGUISample/CustomHeader.cs
- 底部: Packages/com.jasonma.lwgui/Editor/CustomGUISample/CustomFooter.cs
- 修改文件名和类名
- 在DoCustomHeader() / DoCustomFooter()中添加你自定义的GUI代码
- 建议查看lwgui对象的定义以获取你所需要的数据
- 使用不同Unity版本创建多个空工程
- 拉取repo
- 使用符号链接将此repo放到所有工程的Assets或Packages目录内
- 在
开始开发你的自定义Drawer - 检查功能在不同Unity版本是否正常
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