The XMLImportExport
library offers utility methods for the export of whole database tables into XML files as well as a WPF-Window for viewing the export or import progress.
Indicates, that a name of an entry is duplicated.
Accessible Interface:
public DuplicateNameException(string message, Exception innerException)
A default
for an export of data.
Accessible Interface:
protected ExportThread(string fileDestination, string exportFailedStep, string exportFailedMessage)
public override void run()
protected abstract void runExport()
A default
for an import of data supporting some utility methods.
Accessible Interface:
protected ImportThread(string fileSource, string importFailedStep, string importFailedMessage, string formatExceptionHeader, string dbConstraintExceptionHeader, Dictionary<string, string> dbConstraintMessages)
protected abstract void runImport()
protected TimeSpan ParseManualTime(string timestring)
protected bool CheckVersionImportable(string maximumVersion, string actualVersion)
protected FormatException AssembleFormatException(string message, Exception innerException)
protected FormatException ParseDBConstraintException(string message, Exception e)
A dialog with a header, progress bar and closing button that guides a
through it's process execution.The dialog shows the current progress in percent including the message broadcasted from the
and offers events to catch whenever the process finishes either successful (ProcessSucceeded
) or not (ProcessFailed
).The appearance of the dialog can be configured using the
. The dialog should be shown via theWindow.ShowDialog
Accessible Interface:
public delegate void ProcessFailedHandler(string message)
public event ProcessFailedHandler ProcessFailed
public delegate void ProcessSucceededHandler()
public event ProcessSucceededHandler ProcessSucceeded
public ThreadProcessViewer(ThreadStepper stepper, ThreadProcessViewerConfig config)
Configuration for a
Accessible Interface:
public string Title
public string FinishButtonCaption
public ThreadProcessViewerStyle Style
Configurable style information for a
Accessible Interface:
public SolidColorBrush HeaderBackground
public SolidColorBrush Background
public FontFamily HeaderFontFamily
public FontFamily FontFamily
public int HeaderFontSize
public int FontSize
public SolidColorBrush HeaderBorderColor
public int HeaderBorderThickness
runs a specific process usingrun
that is guided by progress events usingCallStep(float, string)
.The events triggered by those methods can be accessed using
and can be visualized using aThreadProcessViewer
Accessible Interface:
public delegate void StepHandler(float percentage, string message)
public event StepHandler StepDone
public delegate void ResultHandler(Exception result)
public event ResultHandler Finished
protected void CallStep(float percentage, string message)
protected void CallFinished(Exception exc = null)
public abstract void run()
Provides helper methods for the XML export.
Accessible Interface:
public static XElement ExportDataFromTable<T>(System.Data.Entity.DbSet<T> table, List<string> columns, Dictionary<string, Func<T, object>> additionalComputedProperties = null, Func<T, bool> filter = null, Dictionary<string, Func<object, object>> mappings = null, Func<T, List<XElement>> computeChildren = null) where T : class