diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index 1ff93a7..a451fee 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
 name = "TestEnv"
 uuid = "1e6cf692-eddd-4d53-88a5-2d735e33781b"
-version = "1.4.0"
+version = "1.4.1"
 Pkg = "44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f"
 ChainRulesCore = "=1.0.2"
+MCMCDiagnosticTools = "=0.1.0"
+YAXArrays = "0.1.3"
 julia = "~1.4, ~1.5, ~1.6"
 ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
+MCMCDiagnosticTools = "be115224-59cd-429b-ad48-344e309966f0"
 Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
+YAXArrays = "c21b50f5-aa40-41ea-b809-c0f5e47bfa5c"
-test = ["ChainRulesCore", "Test"]
+test = ["ChainRulesCore", "MCMCDiagnosticTools", "Test", "YAXArrays"]
diff --git a/src/TestEnv.jl b/src/TestEnv.jl
index 792774d..463cc13 100644
--- a/src/TestEnv.jl
+++ b/src/TestEnv.jl
@@ -1,45 +1,15 @@
 module TestEnv
 using Pkg
 using Pkg: PackageSpec
-using Pkg.Types: Context, ensure_resolved, is_project_uuid, write_env
+using Pkg.Types: Context, ensure_resolved, is_project_uuid, write_env, is_stdlib
+using Pkg.Types: Types, projectfile_path, manifestfile_path
 using Pkg.Operations: manifest_info, manifest_resolve!, project_deps_resolve!
 using Pkg.Operations: project_rel_path, project_resolve!
+using Pkg.Operations: sandbox, source_path, sandbox_preserve, abspath!
+using Pkg.Operations: gen_target_project, update_package_test!
-using Pkg.Types: Types, projectfile_path, manifestfile_path
-# Version specific imports
-@static if VERSION >= v"1.4.0"
-    using Pkg.Operations: gen_target_project
-    using Pkg.Operations: with_dependencies_loadable_at_toplevel
-@static if isdefined(Pkg.Operations, :update_package_test!)
-    using Pkg.Operations: update_package_test!
-    function update_package_test!(pkg, entry)
-        is_stdlib(pkg.uuid) && return
-        pkg.version = entry.version
-        pkg.tree_hash = entry.tree_hash
-        pkg.repo = entry.repo
-        pkg.path = entry.path
-        pkg.pinned = entry.pinned
-    end
-@static if VERSION >= v"1.2.0"
-    using Pkg.Types: is_stdlib
-    using Pkg.Operations: sandbox, source_path, sandbox_preserve, abspath!
-    using Pkg.Operations: find_installed
-    using Pkg.Types: SHA1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/activate.jl b/src/activate.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 41ba616..0000000
--- a/src/activate.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-    TestEnv.activate(f, [pkg])
-Activate the test enviroment of `pkg` (defaults to current enviroment), and run `f()`,
-then deactivate the enviroment.
-This is not useful for many people: Julia is not really designed to have the enviroment
-being changed while you are executing code.
-However, this *is* useful for anyone doing something like making a alternative to
-Indeed this is basically extracted from what `Pkg.test()` does.
-function activate(f, pkg::AbstractString=current_pkg_name())
-    pkgspec = deepcopy(PackageSpec(pkg))
-    ctx = Context()
-    isinstalled!(ctx, pkgspec) || throw(TestEnvError("$pkg not installed 👻"))
-    Pkg.instantiate(ctx)
-    return _sandbox(f, ctx, pkgspec)
-    TestEnv.activate([pkg])
-Activate the test enviroment of `pkg` (defaults to current enviroment).
-function activate(pkg::AbstractString=current_pkg_name())
-    pkgspec = deepcopy(PackageSpec(pkg))
-    ctx = Context()
-    isinstalled!(ctx, pkgspec) || throw(TestEnvError("$pkg not installed 👻"))
-    Pkg.instantiate(ctx)
-    return make_test_env(ctx, pkgspec)
-current_pkg_name() = Context().env.pkg.name
-    isinstalled!(ctx::Context, pkgspec::Pkg.Types.PackageSpec)
-Checks if the package is installed by using `ensure_resolved` from `Pkg/src/Types.jl`.
-This function fails if the package is not installed, but here we wrap it in a
-try-catch as we may want to test another package after the one that isn't installed.
-For Julia versions V1.4 and later, the first arguments of the Pkg functions used
-is of type `Pkg.Types.Context`. For earlier versions, they are of type
-function isinstalled!(ctx::Context, pkgspec::Pkg.Types.PackageSpec)
-    var = @static if v"1.4.0" <= VERSION < v"1.7.0-"
-        ctx
-    else
-        ctx.env
-    end
-    project_resolve!(var, [pkgspec])
-    project_deps_resolve!(var, [pkgspec])
-    manifest = @static if VERSION < v"1.7.0-"
-        var
-    else
-        var.manifest
-    end
-    manifest_resolve!(manifest, [pkgspec])
-    try
-        ensure_resolved(manifest, [pkgspec])
-    catch err
-        err isa MethodError && rethrow()
-        return false
-    end
-    return true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/activate_do.jl b/src/activate_do.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5bfab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/activate_do.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+    TestEnv.activate(f, [pkg])
+Activate the test enviroment of `pkg` (defaults to current enviroment), and run `f()`,
+then deactivate the enviroment.
+This is not useful for many people: Julia is not really designed to have the enviroment
+being changed while you are executing code.
+However, this *is* useful for anyone doing something like making a alternative to
+Indeed this is basically extracted from what `Pkg.test()` does.
+function activate(f, pkg::AbstractString=current_pkg_name())
+    ctx, pkgspec = ctx_and_pkgspec(pkg)
+    test_project_override = maybe_gen_project_override!(ctx, pkgspec)
+    return sandbox(ctx, pkgspec, pkgspec.path, joinpath(pkgspec.path, "test"), test_project_override) do
+        flush(stdout)
+        f()
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/activate_set.jl b/src/activate_set.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..853a60b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/activate_set.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+    TestEnv.activate([pkg])
+Activate the test enviroment of `pkg` (defaults to current enviroment).
+function activate(pkg::AbstractString=current_pkg_name())
+    ctx, pkgspec = ctx_and_pkgspec(pkg)
+    # This needs to be first as `gen_target_project` fixes `pkgspec.path` if it is nothing
+    sandbox_project_override = maybe_gen_project_override!(ctx, pkgspec)
+    sandbox_path = joinpath(pkgspec.path, "test")
+    sandbox_project = projectfile_path(sandbox_path)
+    tmp = mktempdir()
+    tmp_project = projectfile_path(tmp)
+    tmp_manifest = manifestfile_path(tmp)
+    # Copy env info over to temp env
+    if sandbox_project_override !== nothing 
+        Types.write_project(sandbox_project_override, tmp_project)
+    elseif isfile(sandbox_project)
+        cp(sandbox_project, tmp_project)
+        chmod(tmp_project, 0o600)
+    end
+    # create merged manifest
+    # - copy over active subgraph
+    # - abspath! to maintain location of all deved nodes
+    working_manifest = abspath!(ctx, sandbox_preserve(ctx, pkgspec, tmp_project))
+    # - copy over fixed subgraphs from test subgraph
+    # really only need to copy over "special" nodes
+    sandbox_env = Types.EnvCache(projectfile_path(sandbox_path))
+    sandbox_manifest = abspath!(sandbox_path, sandbox_env.manifest)
+    for (name, uuid) in sandbox_env.project.deps
+        entry = get(sandbox_manifest, uuid, nothing)
+        if entry !== nothing && isfixed(entry)
+            subgraph = prune_manifest(sandbox_manifest, [uuid])
+            for (uuid, entry) in subgraph
+                if haskey(working_manifest, uuid)
+                    pkgerror("can not merge projects")
+                end
+                working_manifest[uuid] = entry
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    Types.write_manifest(working_manifest, tmp_manifest)
+    Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = tmp_project
+    temp_ctx = Context()
+    temp_ctx.env.project.deps[pkgspec.name] = pkgspec.uuid
+    try
+        Pkg.resolve(temp_ctx; io=devnull)
+        @debug "Using _parent_ dep graph"
+    catch err# TODO
+        @debug err
+        @warn "Could not use exact versions of packages in manifest, re-resolving"
+        temp_ctx.env.manifest.deps = Dict(
+            uuid => entry for
+            (uuid, entry) in temp_ctx.env.manifest.deps if isfixed(entry)
+        )
+        Pkg.resolve(temp_ctx; io=devnull)
+        @debug "Using _clean_ dep graph"
+    end
+    # Absolutify stdlibs paths
+    for (uuid, entry) in temp_ctx.env.manifest
+        if is_stdlib(uuid)
+            entry.path = Types.stdlib_path(entry.name)
+        end
+    end
+    write_env(temp_ctx.env; update_undo=false)
+    return Base.active_project()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/common.jl b/src/common.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a637237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+struct TestEnvError <: Exception
+    msg::AbstractString
+function Base.showerror(io::IO, ex::TestEnvError, bt; backtrace=true)
+    printstyled(io, ex.msg, color=Base.error_color())
+current_pkg_name() = Context().env.pkg.name
+   ctx, pkgspec = ctx_and_pkgspec(pkg::AbstractString)
+For a given package name `pkg`, instantiate a `Context` for it, and return that `Context`,
+and it's `PackageSpec`.
+function ctx_and_pkgspec(pkg::AbstractString)
+    pkgspec = deepcopy(PackageSpec(pkg))
+    ctx = Context()
+    isinstalled!(ctx, pkgspec) || throw(TestEnvError("$pkg not installed 👻"))
+    Pkg.instantiate(ctx)
+    return ctx, pkgspec
+    isinstalled!(ctx::Context, pkgspec::Pkg.Types.PackageSpec)
+Checks if the package is installed by using `ensure_resolved` from `Pkg/src/Types.jl`.
+This function fails if the package is not installed, but here we wrap it in a
+try-catch as we may want to test another package after the one that isn't installed.
+For Julia versions V1.4 and later, the first arguments of the Pkg functions used
+is of type `Pkg.Types.Context`. For earlier versions, they are of type
+function isinstalled!(ctx::Context, pkgspec::Pkg.Types.PackageSpec)
+    project_resolve!(ctx, [pkgspec])
+    project_deps_resolve!(ctx, [pkgspec])
+    manifest_resolve!(ctx, [pkgspec])
+    try
+        ensure_resolved(ctx, [pkgspec])
+    catch err
+        err isa MethodError && rethrow()
+        return false
+    end
+    return true
+function test_dir_has_project_file(ctx, pkgspec)
+    return isfile(joinpath(get_test_dir(ctx, pkgspec), "Project.toml"))
+    get_test_dir(ctx::Context, pkgspec::Pkg.Types.PackageSpec)
+Gets the testfile path of the package. Code for each Julia version mirrors that found 
+in `Pkg/src/Operations.jl`.
+function get_test_dir(ctx::Context, pkgspec::Pkg.Types.PackageSpec)
+    if is_project_uuid(ctx, pkgspec.uuid)
+        pkgspec.path = dirname(ctx.env.project_file)
+        pkgspec.version = ctx.env.pkg.version
+    else
+        update_package_test!(pkgspec, manifest_info(ctx, pkgspec.uuid))
+        pkgspec.path = project_rel_path(ctx, source_path(ctx, pkgspec))
+    end
+    pkgfilepath = source_path(ctx, pkgspec)
+    return joinpath(pkgfilepath, "test")
+function maybe_gen_project_override!(ctx, pkgspec)
+    if !test_dir_has_project_file(ctx, pkgspec)
+        sandbox_project_override = gen_target_project(ctx, pkgspec, pkgspec.path, "test")
+    else
+        nothing
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/exceptions.jl b/src/exceptions.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index d4ffc12..0000000
--- a/src/exceptions.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-struct TestEnvError <: Exception
-    msg::AbstractString
-function Base.showerror(io::IO, ex::TestEnvError, bt; backtrace=true)
-    printstyled(io, ex.msg, color=Base.error_color())
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/make_test_env.jl b/src/make_test_env.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index a4d8b8c..0000000
--- a/src/make_test_env.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# Originally from Pkg.Operations.sandbox
-@static if VERSION <= v"1.1"  # 1.0 or 1.1
-    # For now will just abuse that we solved sandbox
-    function make_test_env(ctx::Context, pkgspec)
-        safe_dir = mktempdir()
-        _sandbox(ctx, pkgspec) do
-            cp(Base.active_project(), joinpath(safe_dir, "Project.toml"))
-        end
-        Pkg.activate(safe_dir)
-        Pkg.resolve()
-        return nothing
-    end
-    function make_test_env(ctx::Context, target)
-        # This needs to be first as `gen_target_project` fixes `target.path` if it is nothing
-        sandbox_project_override = if !test_dir_has_project_file(ctx, target)
-            sandbox_project_override = @static if VERSION < v"1.7-a"
-                gen_target_project(ctx, target, target.path, "test")
-            else
-                gen_target_project(ctx.env, ctx.registries, target, target.path, "test")
-            end
-        else
-            nothing
-        end
-        sandbox_path = joinpath(target.path, "test")
-        sandbox_project = projectfile_path(sandbox_path)
-        tmp = mktempdir()
-        tmp_project = projectfile_path(tmp)
-        tmp_manifest = manifestfile_path(tmp)
-        # Copy env info over to temp env
-        if sandbox_project_override !== nothing 
-            Types.write_project(sandbox_project_override, tmp_project)
-        elseif isfile(sandbox_project)
-            cp(sandbox_project, tmp_project)
-            chmod(tmp_project, 0o600)
-        end
-        # create merged manifest
-        # - copy over active subgraph
-        # - abspath! to maintain location of all deved nodes
-        working_manifest = if VERSION <= v"1.7-a"
-            abspath!(ctx, sandbox_preserve(ctx, target, tmp_project))
-        else
-            abspath!(ctx.env, sandbox_preserve(ctx.env, target, tmp_project))
-        end
-        # - copy over fixed subgraphs from test subgraph
-        # really only need to copy over "special" nodes
-        sandbox_env = Types.EnvCache(projectfile_path(sandbox_path))
-        sandbox_manifest = if VERSION <= v"1.7-a"
-            abspath!(sandbox_path, sandbox_env.manifest)
-        else
-            abspath!(sandbox_env, sandbox_env.manifest)
-        end
-        for (name, uuid) in sandbox_env.project.deps
-            entry = get(sandbox_manifest, uuid, nothing)
-            if entry !== nothing && isfixed(entry)
-                subgraph = prune_manifest(sandbox_manifest, [uuid])
-                for (uuid, entry) in subgraph
-                    if haskey(working_manifest, uuid)
-                        pkgerror("can not merge projects")
-                    end
-                    working_manifest[uuid] = entry
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        Types.write_manifest(working_manifest, tmp_manifest)
-        # sandbox
-        push!(empty!(LOAD_PATH), "@", tmp)
-        Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = nothing
-        temp_ctx = Context()
-        temp_ctx.env.project.deps[target.name] = target.uuid
-        try
-            Pkg.resolve(temp_ctx; io=devnull)
-            @debug "Using _parent_ dep graph"
-        catch err# TODO
-            @debug err
-            @warn "Could not use exact versions of packages in manifest, re-resolving"
-            temp_ctx.env.manifest.deps = Dict(
-                uuid => entry for
-                (uuid, entry) in temp_ctx.env.manifest.deps if isfixed(entry)
-            )
-            Pkg.resolve(temp_ctx; io=devnull)
-            @debug "Using _clean_ dep graph"
-        end
-        # Absolutify stdlibs paths
-        for (uuid, entry) in temp_ctx.env.manifest
-            if is_stdlib(uuid)
-                entry.path = Types.stdlib_path(entry.name)
-            end
-        end
-        write_env(temp_ctx.env; update_undo=false)
-        # update enviroment variables
-        path_sep = Sys.iswindows() ? ';' : ':'
-        ENV["JULIA_LOAD_PATH"] = "@$(path_sep)$(tmp)"
-        delete!(ENV, "JULIA_PROJECT")
-        return Base.active_project()
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sandbox.jl b/src/sandbox.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c8a52e..0000000
--- a/src/sandbox.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-if VERSION <= v"1.1"  # 1.0 or 1.1
-    _sandbox(f, ctx, pkgspec) = _manual_sandbox(f, ctx, pkgspec)
-elseif VERSION <= v"1.3" # 1.2 or 1.3
-    function _sandbox(f, ctx, pkgspec)
-        test_dir_has_project_file(ctx, pkgspec) || return _manual_sandbox(f, ctx, pkgspec)
-        return sandbox(ctx, pkgspec, pkgspec.path, joinpath(pkgspec.path, "test")) do
-            flush(stdout)
-            f()
-        end
-    end
-elseif VERSION >= v"1.7-a"
-    function _sandbox(f, ctx, pkgspec)
-        test_project_override = if !test_dir_has_project_file(ctx, pkgspec)
-            gen_target_project(ctx.env, ctx.registries, pkgspec, pkgspec.path, "test")
-        else
-            nothing
-        end
-        return sandbox(ctx, pkgspec, pkgspec.path, joinpath(pkgspec.path, "test"), test_project_override) do
-            flush(stdout)
-            f()
-        end
-    end
-    @assert VERSION >= v"1.3"
-    function _sandbox(f, ctx, pkgspec)
-        test_project_override = if !test_dir_has_project_file(ctx, pkgspec)
-            gen_target_project(ctx, pkgspec, pkgspec.path, "test")
-        else
-            nothing
-        end
-        return sandbox(ctx, pkgspec, pkgspec.path, joinpath(pkgspec.path, "test"), test_project_override) do
-            flush(stdout)
-            f()
-        end
-    end
-#sandbox(ctx::Context, target::PackageSpec, target_path::String,sandbox_path::String, sandbox_project_override)
-function _manual_sandbox(f, ctx, pkgspec)
-    with_dependencies_loadable_at_toplevel(ctx, pkgspec; might_need_to_resolve=true) do localctx
-        Pkg.activate(localctx.env.project_file)
-        try
-            f()
-        finally
-            Pkg.activate(ctx.env.project_file)
-        end
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test_dir.jl b/src/test_dir.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 59d42e5..0000000
--- a/src/test_dir.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-[function test_dir_has_project_file(ctx, pkgspec)
-    return isfile(joinpath(get_test_dir(ctx, pkgspec), "Project.toml"))
-    get_test_dir(ctx::Context, pkgspec::Pkg.Types.PackageSpec)
-Gets the testfile path of the package. Code for each Julia version mirrors that found 
-in `Pkg/src/Operations.jl`.
-function get_test_dir(ctx::Context, pkgspec::Pkg.Types.PackageSpec)
-    @static if VERSION >= v"1.7.0-a"
-        if is_project_uuid(ctx.env, pkgspec.uuid)
-            pkgspec.path = dirname(ctx.env.project_file)
-            pkgspec.version = ctx.env.pkg.version
-        else
-            update_package_test!(pkgspec, manifest_info(ctx.env.manifest, pkgspec.uuid))
-            pkgspec.path = project_rel_path(ctx.env, source_path(ctx.env.project_file, pkgspec))
-        end
-        pkgfilepath = source_path(ctx.env.project_file, pkgspec)
-    elseif VERSION >= v"1.4.0"
-        if is_project_uuid(ctx, pkgspec.uuid)
-            pkgspec.path = dirname(ctx.env.project_file)
-            pkgspec.version = ctx.env.pkg.version
-        else
-            update_package_test!(pkgspec, manifest_info(ctx, pkgspec.uuid))
-            pkgspec.path = project_rel_path(ctx, source_path(ctx, pkgspec))
-        end
-        pkgfilepath = source_path(ctx, pkgspec)
-    elseif VERSION >= v"1.2.0"
-        pkgspec.special_action = Pkg.Types.PKGSPEC_TESTED
-        if is_project_uuid(ctx.env, pkgspec.uuid)
-            pkgspec.path = dirname(ctx.env.project_file)
-            pkgspec.version = ctx.env.pkg.version
-        else
-            update_package_test!(pkgspec, manifest_info(ctx.env, pkgspec.uuid))
-            pkgspec.path = joinpath(project_rel_path(ctx, source_path(pkgspec)))
-        end
-        pkgfilepath = project_rel_path(ctx, source_path(pkgspec))
-    elseif VERSION >= v"1.1.0"
-        pkgspec.special_action = Pkg.Types.PKGSPEC_TESTED
-        if is_project_uuid(ctx.env, pkgspec.uuid)
-            pkgspec.version = ctx.env.pkg.version
-            pkgfilepath = dirname(ctx.env.project_file)
-        else
-            entry = manifest_info(ctx.env, pkg.uuid)
-            if entry.repo.tree_sha !== nothing
-                pkgfilepath = find_installed(pkgspec.name, pkgspec.uuid, entry.repo.tree_sha)
-            elseif entry.path !== nothing
-                pkgfilepath =  project_rel_path(ctx, entry.path)
-            elseif pkgspec.uuid in keys(ctx.stdlibs)
-                pkgfilepath = Pkg.Types.stdlib_path(pkgspec.name)
-            else
-                throw(TestEnvError("Could not find either `git-tree-sha1` or `path` for package $(pkgspec.name)"))
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        pkgspec.special_action = Pkg.Types.PKGSPEC_TESTED
-        if is_project_uuid(ctx.env, pkgspec.uuid)
-            pkgspec.version = ctx.env.pkg.version
-            pkgfilepath = dirname(ctx.env.project_file)
-        else        
-            info = manifest_info(ctx.env, pkgspec.uuid)
-            if haskey(info, "git-tree-sha1")
-                pkgfilepath = find_installed(pkgspec.name, pkgspec.uuid, SHA1(info["git-tree-sha1"]))
-            elseif haskey(info, "path")
-                pkgfilepath =  project_rel_path(ctx, info["path"])
-            elseif pkgspec.uuid in keys(ctx.stdlibs)
-                pkgfilepath = Pkg.Types.stdlib_path(pkgspec.name)
-            else
-                throw(TestEnvError("Could not find either `git-tree-sha1` or `path` for package $(pkgspec.name)"))
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    return joinpath(pkgfilepath, "test")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/activate_do.jl b/test/activate_do.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..310b55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/activate_do.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+@testset "activate_do.jl" begin
+    @testset "activate do f [extras]" begin
+        direct_deps() = [v.name for (_,v) in Pkg.dependencies() if v.is_direct_dep]
+        crc_deps = TestEnv.activate(direct_deps, "ChainRulesCore")
+        @test "ChainRulesCore" ∈ crc_deps
+        @test "FiniteDifferences" ∈ crc_deps
+        TestEnv.activate("ChainRulesCore") do
+            @eval using FiniteDifferences
+        end
+        @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :FiniteDifferences)
+    end
+    @testset "activate do test/Project" begin
+        # MCMCDiagnosticTools has a test/Project.toml, which contains FFTW
+        TestEnv.activate("MCMCDiagnosticTools") do
+            @eval using FFTW
+        end
+        @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :FFTW)
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/activate_set.jl b/test/activate_set.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41f2f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/activate_set.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+@testset "activate_set.jl" begin
+    @testset "activate [extras]" begin
+        orig_project_toml_path = Base.active_project()
+        push!(LOAD_PATH, mktempdir())  # put something weird in LOAD_PATH for testing
+        orig_load_path = Base.LOAD_PATH
+        try
+            TestEnv.activate("ChainRulesCore")
+            new_project_toml_path = Base.active_project()
+            @test new_project_toml_path != orig_project_toml_path
+            @test orig_load_path == Base.LOAD_PATH
+            @eval using StaticArrays  # From ChainRulesCore [extras] Project.toml
+            @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :StaticArrays)
+            @eval using Compat  # from ChainRulesCore Project.toml
+            @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :StaticArrays)
+        finally
+            Pkg.activate(orig_project_toml_path)
+            # No longer is enviroment active
+            @test_throws ArgumentError @eval using OffsetArrays
+        end
+    end
+    @testset "activate test/Project" begin
+        orig_project_toml_path = Base.active_project()
+        push!(LOAD_PATH, mktempdir())  # put something weird in LOAD_PATH for testing
+        orig_load_path = Base.LOAD_PATH
+        try
+            # YAXArrays has a test/Project.toml, which contains CSV
+            TestEnv.activate("YAXArrays")
+            new_project_toml_path = Base.active_project()
+            @test new_project_toml_path != orig_project_toml_path
+            @test orig_load_path == Base.LOAD_PATH
+            @eval using CSV
+            @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :CSV)
+        finally
+            Pkg.activate(orig_project_toml_path)
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/test/runner.jl b/test/runner.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index cb8294c..0000000
--- a/test/runner.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-if VERSION < v"1.2.0"
-    @testset "get_test_dir - V1.0.5" begin
-        # Stdlibs are not tested by other functions for V1.0.5
-        stdlibname = "Pkg"
-        ctx = Pkg.Types.Context()
-        pkg = Pkg.PackageSpec(stdlibname)
-        TestEnv.isinstalled!(ctx, pkg)
-        delete!(ctx.env.manifest[stdlibname][1], "path")  # Remove path to force stdlib check
-        testdir = joinpath(abspath(joinpath(dirname(Base.find_package(stdlibname)), "..")), "test")
-        @test TestEnv.get_test_dir(ctx, pkg) == testdir
-    end
-@testset "activate do f [extras]" begin
-    if VERSION >= v"1.4"  # can't check dependencies until julia 1.4
-        direct_deps() = [v.name for (_,v) in Pkg.dependencies() if v.is_direct_dep]
-        crc_deps = TestEnv.activate(direct_deps, "ChainRulesCore")
-        @test "ChainRulesCore" ∈ crc_deps
-        @test "FiniteDifferences" ∈ crc_deps
-    end
-    TestEnv.activate(()->(@eval using FiniteDifferences), "ChainRulesCore")
-    @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :FiniteDifferences)
-@testset "activate [extras]" begin
-    orig_project_toml_path = Base.active_project()
-    TestEnv.activate("ChainRulesCore")
-    new_project_toml_path = Base.active_project()
-    @test new_project_toml_path != orig_project_toml_path
-    @eval using StaticArrays
-    @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :StaticArrays)
-VERSION >= v"1.3" && @testset "activate test/Project" begin
-    Pkg.activate(mktempdir())
-    # YAXArrays has a test/Project.toml, which contains CSV
-    Pkg.add("YAXArrays")
-    TestEnv.activate("YAXArrays")
-    @eval using CSV
-    @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :CSV)
-VERSION >= v"1.2" && @testset "activate do test/Project" begin
-    Pkg.activate(mktempdir())
-    # MCMCDiagnosticTools has a test/Project.toml, which contains FFTW
-    Pkg.add("MCMCDiagnosticTools")
-    TestEnv.activate(()->(@eval using FFTW), "MCMCDiagnosticTools")
-    @test isdefined(@__MODULE__, :FFTW)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index 889f146..98654dd 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ using TestEnv
 using Test
 @testset "TestEnv.jl" begin
-    include("runner.jl")
+    include("activate_do.jl")
+    include("activate_set.jl")