- Elcomsoft Phone Breaker enables forensic access to password-protected backups for smartphones and portable devices based on RIM BlackBerry and Apple iOS platforms.
- A runtime mobile exploration toolkit, powered by Frida.
- An automated framework for monitoring and tampering system API calls of native macOS, iOS and android apps. It is based on Frida.
- A framework with focus on dynamic analysis of embedded devices firmware.
- Mobile assessment VM, free and paid versions.
A collection of deobfuscation methods and automated deobfuscator tools
HOW TO: Exploit Routers on an Unrooted Android Phone
- A nice article on setting up GNURootDebian and RouterSploit on an Android device.
Introduction To Writing Shellcode
- A Burp extension that acts as a bridge between Burp and Frida.
- This software will emulate a smali source file generated by apktool.
- Intercept, modify, repeat and attack Android's Binder transactions using Burp Suite.
- While not technically a decompiler or debugger, this is will extract data from an Android apk and unpack the included dex file into the working dir.
- A tool that allows you to infect an existing Android application with a Meterpreter payload.
Advanced Android Bug Bounty Skills
Android App Security Checklist
- A checklist with security considerations for designing, testing, and releasing secure Android apps. Can also be used to give you ideas of things to look for when performing app assessments.
- Not the perfect spot for this list. But, it can live here until there's a more general rev-eng area.
Certificate Pinning in Android 4.2
Create reverse Meterpreter APK
How To Spy On Your Android Phone
- A how to on using Burp against an Android device.
Identifying and Evading Android Protections
- From the 2017 BugCrowd Level Up virtual conference.
Library injection for debuggable Android apps
- Using Frida against apks compiled as debuggable to do testing.
Reverse Engineering Reading List
- Not the perfect spot for this list. But, it can live here until there's a more general rev-eng area.
Universal Android SSL Pinning bypass with Frida
Using Frida on Android without root
- Using Frida against apks compiled as debuggable to test apps on non-rooted Android devices.
- A reverse engineering framework for iOS.
- A runtime mobile exploration toolkit, powered by Frida.
- Command Line Tool for interacting with MachO binaries on OSX/iOS.
Secure iOS Application Development
- A list of some of the most common security mistakes made while developing for iOS. Solid reference if auditing an app.