- Kirolous Fouty (900212444)
- Basmala Abdelkader (900212406)
- Farida Amin (900192074)
0- Download the repo as zip file.
1- Uncompress in a known folder, and open the .xpr project file using Vivado.
2- Run simulation, or program it on an FPGA after configuring a constraints file to map the input and output, matching your FPGA.
- Instructions supported and passed initial testing: LW, SW, ADD, SUB, AND, OR, BEQ, LUI, AUIPC, JAL, JALR, BNE, BLT, BGE, BLTU, BGEU, ADDI, SLLI, SLTI, SLTIU, XORI, SRLI, SRAI, ORI, ANDI, SLL, SLT, SLTU, XOR, SRL, and SRA.
- Instructions to be supported: LB, LH, LBU, LHU, SB, SH, ECALL, compressed instructions, and multiplication instructions.
- Lack of sources explaining what signals and selection lines are produced and used
- None faced in the currently supported instructions.