Application | Description | Status | Authors |
ContactStructuralMechanicsApplication |
The Contact Structural Mechanics Application contains the contact mechanics implementations that can be used by the Structural Mechanics Application and Constitutive Laws Application within Kratos Multiphysics | Vicente Mataix Ferrándiz ([email protected]) Alejandro Cornejo Velázquez ([email protected] ) |
The application includes tests to check the proper functioning of the application.
Mesh tying conditions based in mortar formulation
Augmented Lagrangian contact conditions based in mortar formulation
Frictionless formulation
Frictional formulation
Penalty contact conditions based in mortar formulation
Frictionless formulation
Simplified MPC conditions based in mortar formulation. With the mortar formulation the weight are computed, allowing to compute a Simplified NTN and a simplified NTS
Frictionless formulation
Frictional formulation
Mesh tying formulation, with tension checking
Self-contact compatible
Strategies, processes, solvers and convergence criterias used by the contact formulation
Several strategies for adaptive remeshing
The application includes search utilities in order to create the contact conditions
*Frictional laws (WIP) in order to consider different types of frictional behaviour *
+115 Python unittest, including Validation tests, and +85 cpp tests
Examples can be found here, and here for several contact adaptive remeshing examples