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Plotting deformation map with vectors

Instructor: Xiaohua Xu

This part of the tutorial is to plot vector (GNSS) data. The needed data for this session is at


Vector attributes and examples

This part we will experiment with plotting velocity vectors mainly using the gmt velo -Se command.

Vector attributes

The -Se option allows to plot arrows with uncertainty ellipses, the followed options are -Sevelscale/confidence/fontsize

The input file requires input of longitude latitude E-vel N-vel E-sig N-sig CorrEN [Sitename]

The arrow attributes are mainly controlled by the -A[size] option with additional attributes that can be specified by

+a angle (of the arrow head apex, default 30)

+b/e/m[t/c/a/i] placing arrow at beginning/end/middle of the vector with symbols of terminal-line/circle/arrow/tail

+g filling arrow color

+p width of the vector line (note the common -W for -Se is the width of the uncertainty ellipse and the vector segment)

+l/r plotting left or right half of the arrow

+n[norm] normalizing the vectors with decreasing length (norm/length)


Below we will try these attributes with examples, first we'll create a script with the following command in your terminal

gmt --new-script=bash >
chmod +x

Then open the script for editing in your script editor. Change the corresponding shell in the first line to your designated shell, and change the following lines to

echo "0 0 1 1 0.2 0.2 0" > tmp.dat
JRB="-JX3/3 -R-1/2/-1/2 -Ba1f1g1"
gmt begin vectors jpg
    gmt velo tmp.dat $JRB -Se1.0/0.65/10 -W1p
gmt end show

Inside we are plotting with 1.0 scale, and 0.65 confidence level corresponds to 1 sigma gaussian error. The resulting plot looks like

If you find the image of a different scale from yours, try setting a different PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT, e.g. gmt set PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT in

If we change the -Se1.0/0.65/10 to -Se1.0/0.99/10, which correspond to 3 sigma, the circle will increase

If we then add a correlation of 0.5 between east and north error by replacing the echo line with echo "0 0 1 1 0.2 0.2 0.5" > tmp.dat, the shape of the circle will be squeezed toward the correlated direction.

To learn about the attributes, we'll modify based on the following lines

echo 0 0 1 1 0.2 0.2 0.5  > tmp.dat
JRB="-JX3/3 -R-1/2/-1/2 -Ba1f1g1"
gmt begin vectors jpg
    gmt velo tmp.dat $JRB -Se1.0/0.65/10 -W1p -A20p+ea
gmt end show

This will produce an Arrow with an arrow at the end of the vector that has the size of 20p

Then if we tweek the -A option to -A20p+ea+bi or -A20p+ea+gblue or -A20p+ea+a90 or -A20p+ea+p5 or -A20p+ea+l

Bonus challenge

How to plot a right-lateral strike slip sign like below?

Try coloring your arrows with the -C option, you may need to create a new input dataset with multiple echo command and make a new colortable using gmt makecpt

echo 0 0 1 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 > tmp.dat
echo 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.5 >> tmp.dat
echo 0 -0.5 1.5 1.5 0.3 0.3 0.8 >> tmp.dat
gmt makecpt -Crainbow -T0/2.5/0.5 -Z -D > vec.cpt
gmt velo tmp.dat $JRB -Se1.0/0.65/10 -W1p[+c] -A10p+ea+p[0.1] -Cvec.cpt

Plotting deformation field with vectors - Ridgecrest earthquakes

This part we will plot a vectorized deformation map + shaded dem + GNSS data + fault traces + etc ...

First we use the commands similar as above to create an executable script with a name called

Then we set up some variables inside the map

dem="dem_dsamp.grd"             # DEM file name
gps="GPS.dat"                   # GNSS data table
RR=`gmt grdinfo -I- $dem`       # use gmt grdinfo to get the range of longitude and latitude of the grid
output="demo"                   # output file name
format="jpg"                    # output file format

Then we could start plotting with the commands below. We'll first generate a basemap.

gmt begin $output $format
    gmt basemap -JM6 $RR -Ba1f0.5
gmt end show

Next we'll append lines to the script before gmt end show, and continue our plotting. We'll plot shaded DEM first. The -I+nt.3 is used to compute the shading based on a Normalized gradient with arctangent transform, then scale to an amplitude of .3. The Color table is chosen to be dem.cpt.

gmt grdimage $dem -I+nt.3 -Cdem.cpt

Following that the next step we plot we region for the area with the gmt coast command. Bellow we choose to plot all National boarders with 0.5p thickness, black dashed dotted lines (-.-); wet region with (-S)light blue color; at full Definition.

gmt coast -Na/0.5p,black,-.- -Slightblue -Df

Then we prepare the deformation field vector data with GMT. GMT is a strong plotting tool as well as a powerful data processing code. Below we use gmt grdsample to downsample the east and north deformation field derived from a half-space source solution for the Ridgecrest earthquake sequence (see We chose to downsample everything to an Increment of 0.1 degree and then use gmt grd2xyz to output to text tables. Then we paste two tables together and output longitude, latitude, east, north, "0", "0", "0" to the a new table to be plotted with gmt velo

gmt grdsample dE.grd -I0.1 -Gtmpe.grd
gmt grdsample dN.grd -I0.1 -Gtmpn.grd
gmt grd2xyz tmpe.grd > tmpe.lld
gmt grd2xyz tmpn.grd > tmpn.lld
paste tmpe.lld tmpn.lld | awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$6,"0","0","0"}' > defo.dat

Next, we plot these vectors with gmt velo. We chose to plot them with a Width of 0.1p, black color. We plot the vectors at a scale of 0.02, with Arrow head being 10p size, plain Arrow at end, and normalized with a norm size being 10.

gmt velo defo.dat -W0.1p,black -Se0.02/0.65/10 -A10p+eA+n10

Instead of using the above commands to fully control the sampling, one could also use the default gmt grdvector command to plot the arrows. Replace the above commands with

gmt grdvector dE.grd dN.grd -S50i -I0.1 -W0.1p -Q10p+eA+n10

Note here the -S option is attached with scale factor that's a inverse of the velscale, the default unit could be others like cm, so if you are not sure, just ignore the appending i.

Then we plot the new faults that are derived from surface fracture maps from a phase-gradient technique (see, with a Width of 0.5p, red line segments.

gmt plot new_faults.gmt -W0.5p,red

At last, we plot the GNSS data that are stored in a file named GPS.dat. This time, we plot the vector lines with a Width of 0.5p, blue color, filling the arrow head with (-G)black color, with Arrow head being 10p size, fancy arrow at end, and normalized with a norm size being 10.

gmt velo $gps -W1p,blue -Gblack -Se0.02/0.65/12 -A10p+ea+n10

Last, we add some details like beach ball, epicenters, etc to the map.

Bonus challenges

Figure out what's inside the final map and complete the rest of the plot. Focal mechanisms and epicenters can be found here: 7.1 and 6.4

For the two methods of plotting deformation vectors, what are their differences? (run gmt grdinfo on the sampled grids)

Pick an event at the UNAVCO geophysical event response page and plot the GNSS vectors on top of earth relief. Search "GAGE GPS/GNSS Displacement Estimates" to locate the correct file.

Some more options to experiment here: imposing the shading from topography to the deformation field. Use gmt makecpt to produce a colortable (e.g. -30 to 30), use gmt grdmath to create the amplitude of deformation, use gmt grdsample to sampled your DEM to the size of your deformation grid, run gmt grdgradient to produce shading that matches the deformation grid, use the -I option in gmt grdimage to call the gradient grid for shading. You could also use the -l option in gmt grdvector to create an automatic label for the vector field. Some useful commands are

gmt makecpt -Cjet -T-30/30/5 -Z -D > d.cpt
gmt grdmath dE.grd dE.grd MUL dN.grd dN.grd MUL ADD SQRT = d.grd
gmt grdsample $dem -RdE.grd -Gdem_tmp.grd
gmt grdgradient dem_tmp.grd -Ne.3 -A-45 -Gdem_tmp_gradient.grd
gmt grdimage d.grd -Cd.cpt -Idem_tmp_gradient.grd
gmt grdvector dE.grd dN.grd -S50 -I0.1 -W0.1p -Q10p+eA -l"30mm"+s0.6