This abstract class provide an easy interface to fetch resource from both the database and the network. It works well with the Android architecture component. Most of the code is taken from this repo.
This is just a demo to illustrate the usage of this concept.
This class is intended to be called in a Repository
to retrieve data for a ViewModel
as described here.
I included in the repo other classes to tie everything together:
- AppExecutors allows the different tasks to run on differents threads
- ApiResponse are the classes for the differents kind of HTTP response
- Resource allows to wrap the differents states of the request (Loading, Success, Error)
Let's create a Todo list app to illustrate:
data class Task(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val status: String,
) {}
abstract class TaskDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
abstract fun insert(vararg tasks: Task)
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
abstract fun insertMany(tasks: List<Task>)
@Query("SELECT * FROM Task WHERE status IS :status")
abstract fun loadTasks(status: String): LiveData<List<Task>>
@Query("SELECT * FROM Task WHERE id == :id")
abstract fun loadTask(id: String): LiveData<Task>
interface HttpService {
fun getTodos(): LiveData<ApiResponse<List<Task>>>
class TaskRepository @Inject constructor(
private val appExecutors: AppExecutors,
private val taskDao: TaskDao,
private val httpService: HttpService
) {
fun loadTodos(): LiveData<Resource<List<Task>>> {
return object : NetworkBoundResource<List<Task>, List<Task>>(appExecutors) {
override fun saveCallResult(items: List<Task>) {
override fun shouldFetch(data: List<Task>?) = data == null
override fun loadFromDb(): LiveData<List<Task>> = taskDao.loadTasks("todo")
override fun createCall() = httpService.getTodos()
Now in your ViewModel:
class TodosViewModel @Inject constructor(
taskRepository: TaskRepository
) : ViewModel() {
val todos: LiveDate<Resource<List<Task>>> = taskRepository.loadTodos()
You should be able to subscribe
to your todos
and update your UI when the value change!