692 | 692 | "description": "Aktionsknopftext in den Einstellungen, der anzeigt, dass die Sprache von Rune der des Betriebssystems folgen soll."
693 | 693 | },
694 | 694 | "followSystemLanguageSubtitle": "Folgen Sie Ihren Systemeinstellungen für die Sprache, ohne spezielle Einstellungen.",
695 |
| - "@followSystemLanguageSubtitle": {} |
| 695 | + "@followSystemLanguageSubtitle": {}, |
| 696 | + "windowSize": "Fenstergröße", |
| 697 | + "@windowSize": { |
| 698 | + "description": "Prompt text for setting the window size in the theme page." |
| 699 | + }, |
| 700 | + "windowSizeSubtitle": "Wählen Sie die bevorzugte Fenstergröße für die Anwendung.", |
| 701 | + "@windowSizeSubtitle": { |
| 702 | + "description": "Subtitle explaining the window size options." |
| 703 | + }, |
| 704 | + "normalWindowSize": "Normal", |
| 705 | + "@normalWindowSize": { |
| 706 | + "description": "Option for a standard window size." |
| 707 | + }, |
| 708 | + "slimWindowSize": "Schmal", |
| 709 | + "@slimWindowSize": { |
| 710 | + "description": "Option for a narrower window size." |
| 711 | + }, |
| 712 | + "stockyWindowSize": "Breit", |
| 713 | + "@stockyWindowSize": { |
| 714 | + "description": "Option for a wider window size." |
| 715 | + }, |
| 716 | + "log": "Protokoll", |
| 717 | + "@log": { |
| 718 | + "description": "Title of a the logging page in the settings section, this page contains errors and warning happened while the program is running." |
| 719 | + }, |
| 720 | + "viewLogDetail": "Protokolldetails", |
| 721 | + "@viewLogDetail": { |
| 722 | + "description": "An entry in the context menu. Pressing this entry will show the log detail modal." |
| 723 | + }, |
| 724 | + "removeLogTitle": "Protokoll löschen", |
| 725 | + "@removeLogTitle": { |
| 726 | + "description": "Modal title informing users they are about to delete a log." |
| 727 | + }, |
| 728 | + "removeLogSubtitle": "Wenn Sie dieses Protokoll löschen, können Sie es nicht wiederherstellen. Möchten Sie es löschen?", |
| 729 | + "@removeLogSubtitle": {}, |
| 730 | + "clearLogTitle": "Alle Protokolle löschen", |
| 731 | + "@clearLogTitle": { |
| 732 | + "description": "Modal title informing users they are about to delete all logs." |
| 733 | + }, |
| 734 | + "clearLogSubtitle": "Wenn Sie alle Protokolle löschen, können Sie sie nicht wiederherstellen. Möchten Sie sie löschen?", |
| 735 | + "@clearLogSubtitle": {}, |
| 736 | + "deleteAll": "Alles löschen", |
| 737 | + "@deleteAll": { |
| 738 | + "description": "An entry in the context menu. Pressing this entry will remove all items available." |
| 739 | + }, |
| 740 | + "noLogsAvailable": "Keine Protokolle verfügbar", |
| 741 | + "@noLogsAvailable": { |
| 742 | + "description": "The title of empty state icon in the logs settings page." |
| 743 | + }, |
| 744 | + "home": "Startseite", |
| 745 | + "@home": { |
| 746 | + "description": "Title of a the home settings page." |
| 747 | + }, |
| 748 | + "newest": "Neueste", |
| 749 | + "@newest": { |
| 750 | + "description": "An entry in the library home setting dropdown." |
| 751 | + }, |
| 752 | + "oldest": "Älteste", |
| 753 | + "@oldest": { |
| 754 | + "description": "An entry in the library home setting dropdown." |
| 755 | + }, |
| 756 | + "random": "Zufällig", |
| 757 | + "@random": { |
| 758 | + "description": "An entry in the library home setting dropdown." |
| 759 | + }, |
| 760 | + "mostPlayed": "Meist gespielt", |
| 761 | + "@mostPlayed": { |
| 762 | + "description": "Title of an library home group." |
| 763 | + }, |
| 764 | + "personalize": "Personalisieren", |
| 765 | + "@personalize": { |
| 766 | + "description": "Entry in the context menu of the library home page." |
| 767 | + }, |
| 768 | + "artistsLibraryHomeSubtitle": "Entdecken und erkunden Sie die Welt Ihrer Lieblingskünstler", |
| 769 | + "@artistsLibraryHomeSubtitle": { |
| 770 | + "description": "Subtitle for the artists section in the library home." |
| 771 | + }, |
| 772 | + "albumsLibraryHomeSubtitle": "Tauchen Sie ein in Alben talentierter Künstler", |
| 773 | + "@albumsLibraryHomeSubtitle": { |
| 774 | + "description": "Subtitle for the albums section in the library home." |
| 775 | + }, |
| 776 | + "playlistsLibraryHomeSubtitle": "Gestalten Sie Ihre eigene personalisierte Hörerfahrung", |
| 777 | + "@playlistsLibraryHomeSubtitle": { |
| 778 | + "description": "Subtitle for the playlists section in the library home." |
| 779 | + }, |
| 780 | + "tracksLibraryHomeSubtitle": "Tauchen Sie ein in die Titel, die Sie kennen und lieben", |
| 781 | + "@tracksLibraryHomeSubtitle": { |
| 782 | + "description": "Subtitle for the tracks section in the library home." |
| 783 | + }, |
| 784 | + "likedLibraryHomeSubtitle": "Erleben Sie Ihre Lieblingstitel noch einmal", |
| 785 | + "@likedLibraryHomeSubtitle": { |
| 786 | + "description": "Subtitle for the liked section in the library home." |
| 787 | + }, |
| 788 | + "mostLibraryHomeSubtitle": "Hören Sie die Melodien, die Sie immer wieder fesseln", |
| 789 | + "@mostLibraryHomeSubtitle": { |
| 790 | + "description": "Subtitle for the most played section in the library home." |
| 791 | + }, |
| 792 | + "showRune": "Rune anzeigen", |
| 793 | + "@showRune": { |
| 794 | + "description": "Entry in the tray menu." |
| 795 | + }, |
| 796 | + "exit": "Beenden", |
| 797 | + "@exit": { |
| 798 | + "description": "Entry in the tray menu." |
| 799 | + }, |
| 800 | + "back": "Zurück", |
| 801 | + "@back": { |
| 802 | + "description": "Tool tip for the top left icon of the Windows titlebar." |
| 803 | + }, |
| 804 | + "exportTracks": "Exportieren als", |
| 805 | + "@exportTracks": { |
| 806 | + "description": "An entry in the context menu that allows users to export a Collection" |
| 807 | + }, |
| 808 | + "exportM3u8": "Playlist-Datei", |
| 809 | + "@exportM3u8": { |
| 810 | + "description": "An entry in the context menu that allows users to export collection in the M3U8 format" |
| 811 | + }, |
| 812 | + "exportCoverWall": "Cover-Wand", |
| 813 | + "@exportCoverWall": { |
| 814 | + "description": "An entry in the context menu that allows users to export a cover art wall" |
| 815 | + }, |
| 816 | + "ratio": "Verhältnis", |
| 817 | + "@ratio": { |
| 818 | + "description": "Input field title of the cover art wall modal" |
| 819 | + }, |
| 820 | + "frame": "Rahmen", |
| 821 | + "@frame": { |
| 822 | + "description": "Input field title of the cover art wall modal" |
| 823 | + }, |
| 824 | + "background": "Hintergrund", |
| 825 | + "@background": { |
| 826 | + "description": "Input field title of the cover art wall modal" |
| 827 | + }, |
| 828 | + "evaluationMode": "Evaluierungsmodus", |
| 829 | + "@evaluationMode": { |
| 830 | + "description": "Title of the evaluation mode modal" |
| 831 | + }, |
| 832 | + "evaluationModeContent1": "Rune ist kein kostenloses Bier. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, eine echte Lizenz im App Store zu erwerben.", |
| 833 | + "@evaluationModeContent1": { |
| 834 | + "description": "Content of the evaluation mode modal" |
| 835 | + }, |
| 836 | + "evaluationModeContent2": "Lizenzierte Benutzer profitieren von automatischen Updates durch den App Store und haben das Privileg, den Entwicklern direkt neue Funktionen vorzuschlagen.", |
| 837 | + "@evaluationModeContent2": { |
| 838 | + "description": "Content of the evaluation mode modal" |
| 839 | + }, |
| 840 | + "evaluationModeContent3": "Sie können diese Erinnerung für 180 Tage ausblenden, und wir werden Sie später erneut erinnern.", |
| 841 | + "@evaluationModeContent3": { |
| 842 | + "description": "Content of the evaluation mode modal" |
| 843 | + }, |
| 844 | + "remindMeLater": "Später erinnern", |
| 845 | + "@remindMeLater": { |
| 846 | + "description": "Action button of the evaluation mode modal" |
| 847 | + }, |
| 848 | + "mysteriousButton": "Geheimnisvoller Knopf", |
| 849 | + "@mysteriousButton": { |
| 850 | + "description": "A context menu item" |
| 851 | + }, |
| 852 | + "mysteriousModalTitle": "Knarren", |
| 853 | + "@mysteriousModalTitle": { |
| 854 | + "description": "The title of a modal" |
| 855 | + }, |
| 856 | + "mysteriousModalContent": "Es scheint, Sie haben einen geheimnisvollen Mechanismus ausgelöst. Die Struktur des Raums scheint sich verändert zu haben und offenbart neue Bereiche zum Erkunden.", |
| 857 | + "@mysteriousModalContent": { |
| 858 | + "description": "The content of a modal" |
| 859 | + }, |
| 860 | + "laboratory": "Labor", |
| 861 | + "@laboratory": { |
| 862 | + "description": "The title of a link title" |
| 863 | + }, |
| 864 | + "libraryMode": "Bibliothek-Setup", |
| 865 | + "@libraryMode": { |
| 866 | + "description": "The title of a modal, which guides user to select where to store the database" |
| 867 | + }, |
| 868 | + "libraryModeSubtitle": "Wir müssen etwas mehr über Ihre Bibliothek wissen. Wo sind Ihre Mediendateien gespeichert?", |
| 869 | + "@libraryModeSubtitle": { |
| 870 | + "description": "The subtitle of a modal, which guides user to select where to store the database" |
| 871 | + }, |
| 872 | + "portableMode": "Lokale Festplatte", |
| 873 | + "@portableMode": { |
| 874 | + "description": "One candidate library mode for users" |
| 875 | + }, |
| 876 | + "portableModeSubtitle": "Wir speichern Ihren Medienindex zusammen im Bibliotheksordner.", |
| 877 | + "@portableModeSubtitle": { |
| 878 | + "description": "The subtitle of the candidate library mode for users" |
| 879 | + }, |
| 880 | + "localMode": "In der Cloud", |
| 881 | + "@localMode": { |
| 882 | + "description": "One candidate library mode for users" |
| 883 | + }, |
| 884 | + "localModeSubtitle": "Wir speichern Ihren Medienindex im Konfigurationsverzeichnis von Rune.", |
| 885 | + "@localModeSubtitle": { |
| 886 | + "description": "The subtitle of the candidate library mode for users" |
| 887 | + }, |
| 888 | + "rememberWindowSize": "Fenstergröße merken", |
| 889 | + "@rememberWindowSize": { |
| 890 | + "description": "Title of a setting option in the theme page" |
| 891 | + }, |
| 892 | + "rememberWindowSizeSubtitle": "Speichern Sie Ihre Fenstergröße während der Anpassung und starten Sie das Programm beim nächsten Mal mit denselben Abmessungen.", |
| 893 | + "@rememberWindowSizeSubtitle": { |
| 894 | + "description": "The subtitle of a setting option in the theme page" |
| 895 | + }, |
| 896 | + "closeNotification": "Rune läuft noch", |
| 897 | + "@closeNotification": { |
| 898 | + "description": "The notification is popped up while user closed the window" |
| 899 | + }, |
| 900 | + "closeNotificationSubtitle": "Rune läuft derzeit im Hintergrund. Sie finden es im System-Tray.", |
| 901 | + "@closeNotificationSubtitle": { |
| 902 | + "description": "" |
| 903 | + }, |
| 904 | + "register": "Registrieren", |
| 905 | + "@register": { |
| 906 | + "description": "Title of the register tile in the settings page" |
| 907 | + }, |
| 908 | + "evaluationModeContent4": "Sie können eine Musikdatei als Registrierungsschlüssel im Store unten erwerben. Klicken Sie auf \"Registrieren\", um Ihren Original-Status zu überprüfen.", |
| 909 | + "@evaluationModeContent4": { |
| 910 | + "description": "Content of the evaluation mode modal" |
| 911 | + }, |
| 912 | + "registerAction": "Registrieren", |
| 913 | + "@registerAction": { |
| 914 | + "description": "The label of the register button in a modal" |
| 915 | + }, |
| 916 | + "registerFailed": "Fehlgeschlagen", |
| 917 | + "@registerFailed": { |
| 918 | + "description": "The title of the register failed modal" |
| 919 | + }, |
| 920 | + "registerFailedSubtitle": "Während der Überprüfung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", |
| 921 | + "@registerFailedSubtitle": { |
| 922 | + "description": "The content of the register failed modal" |
| 923 | + }, |
| 924 | + "registerSuccess": "Abgeschlossen", |
| 925 | + "@registerSuccess": { |
| 926 | + "description": "The title of the register success modal" |
| 927 | + }, |
| 928 | + "registerSuccessSubtitle": "Glückwunsch! Ihre Software wurde erfolgreich registriert. Danke, dass Sie sich für Rune entschieden haben.", |
| 929 | + "@registerSuccessSubtitle": { |
| 930 | + "description": "The content of the register success modal" |
| 931 | + }, |
| 932 | + "registerInvalid": "Ungültiger Schlüssel", |
| 933 | + "@registerInvalid": { |
| 934 | + "description": "The title of the invalid register key modal" |
| 935 | + }, |
| 936 | + "registerInvalidSubtitle": "Die von Ihnen bereitgestellte Schlüsseldatei ist ungültig. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Datei und versuchen Sie es erneut.", |
| 937 | + "@registerInvalidSubtitle": { |
| 938 | + "description": "The content of the invalid register key modal" |
| 939 | + }, |
| 940 | + "importM3u8Success": "Teilweise erfolgreich", |
| 941 | + "@importM3u8Success": { |
| 942 | + "description": "The title of the partially import success modal" |
| 943 | + }, |
| 944 | + "importM3u8SuccessSubtitle": "Ihre Titel wurden importiert, aber einige wurden nicht gefunden.", |
| 945 | + "@importM3u8SuccessSubtitle": { |
| 946 | + "description": "The content of the partially import success modal" |
| 947 | + }, |
| 948 | + "importM3u8Failed": "Import fehlgeschlagen", |
| 949 | + "@importM3u8Failed": { |
| 950 | + "description": "The title of the import failed modal" |
| 951 | + }, |
| 952 | + "importM3u8FailedSubtitle": "Während des Importvorgangs ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", |
| 953 | + "@importM3u8FailedSubtitle": { |
| 954 | + "description": "The content of the import failed modal" |
| 955 | + }, |
| 956 | + "importM3u8": "Playlist importieren", |
| 957 | + "@importM3u8": { |
| 958 | + "description": "Context menu item guiding users to import a new playlist." |
| 959 | + } |
696 | 960 | }
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