diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1110934 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/.vs \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang_Russian.yaml b/lang_Russian.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f007587 --- /dev/null +++ b/lang_Russian.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,1470 @@ +Name: Russian +Authors: +- MogekoNik +- TommyXL +Translations: + Roles: + Options: + SubsequentChance: N/A + Assassin: #Impostors + RoleName: Ассасин + Description: Ассасин это угадыватель команды предателей. Во время собрания первый голос Ассасина кого они планируют угадывать. После, Ассасин использует команду в чате чтобы угадать роль (/r [роль]). Второй голос по угаданному игроку убивает при правильном угадывании роли и совершает суицид при неправильном. + Blurb: Угадай роли противников. + Blackmailer: + RoleName: Шантажист + Description: Шантажист перевоплощается в игрока которого шантажирует.\nВо время собрания шантажированный игрока будет имееть текст показывающий "ШАНТАЖИРОВАН" всем игрокам.\nЕсли шантажированный игрока попытается говорить определенное количество раз (зависит от настроек) то они умрут. + Blurb: Обращение в игрока шантажирует + BlackmailMessage: Ты был шантажирован! Если ты будешь говорить то ты умрёшь! + BlackmailWarning: Тебе не разрешено говорить! Продолжишь - умрёшь! + Options: + WarningsUntilDeath: Предупреждения до смерти + ShowBlackmailedToAll: ПОказывать шантажированого Всем. + BlackmailedMessage: Ты был шантажирован! Если ты будешь говорить то ты умрёшь! + WarningMessage: Тебе не разрешено говорить! Продолжишь - умрёшь! + BlackmailedText: ШАНТАЖИРОВАН + BountyHunter: + RoleName: Охотник за Головами + Description: Охотник за Головами получит имя цели под своим именем. Если Охотник за Головами убьёт свою цель, откат способности на убийство сократится. + Blurb: Убивай игроков и получай сокращение отката. + Camouflager: + RoleName: Камуфляжер + Description: Камуфляжер обращает всех игроков в игрока по его выбору на определенное время. Когда время способности истекла или было вызвано собрание, все игроки обращаются обратно. + Blurb: Обрати всех + Consort: + RoleName: Путана + Description: Путана использует кнопку животного чтобы менятся между Блокированием и Убиванием. Блокирование игроков запрещает им убивать, сообщать о телах, вызывать собрания, обращаться, и использовать вентиляцию. + Blurb: Блокируй игроков + Creeper: + RoleName: Крипер + Description: Крипер использует кнопку питомца или обращения чтобы убить себя и любого игрока возле Крипера.\nЕсли повезёт, то может быть защищён щитом (пример. щит медика) и не умереть. Но если настройка выключена, то умрёт в любом случае. + Blurb: Взорви Игроков + Options: + BomberProtection: Бомбер не умрёт с щитом + ExplosionRadius: Радиус взрыва + CreeperProtection: Защищен Щитом + CreeperGracePeriod: Период + CanKillNormal: Может нормально убивать + ExplosionGracePeriod: 'Период до взрыва: {0}' + Disperser: + RoleName: Рассеиватель + Description: Рассеиватель использует кнопку питомца чтобы рассеить всех по вентиляциям. + Blurb: Телепортируй игроков. + Options: + DisperseCooldown: Откат рассеивания + DisperserGetsDispersed: Рассеиватель::0 было телепортировано + Escapist: + RoleName: Беглец + Description: Беглец использует кнопку питомца чтобы отметить локацию. После небольшого отката, использует кнопку питомца чтобы телепортироваться назад к метке. + Blurb: Отметь локацию и сбеги + FireWorks: + RoleName: Фейерверк + Description: Фейерверк использует кнопку обращения чтобы ставить фейерверки (то есть бомбы) по карте пока фейерверки не закончаться. При использовании кнопку обращения снова чтобы взорвать все фейерверки, убивая всех в (сквозь стены) радиусе фейерверков. + Blurb: Ставьте фейерверки и взорвите всех + Options: + PlantFireworkCooldown: Откат поставки фейерверков + TotalFireworks: Количество фейерверков + AbleToDetonateText: Только взрывать когда последний предатель::0 + AbleToDetonateText: Время взрывать! + Freezer: + RoleName: Заморозка + Description: Обравщение Заморозки в игрока заморозит игрока в месте до истечения обращения. + Blurb: Обращение замораживает + Grenadier: + RoleName: Гренадёр + Description: При использования кнопки питомца, Гренадёр слепит игроков в определенном радиусе. При настройках, может слепить других предателей. + Blurb: Ослепляй игроков + IdentityThief: + RoleName: Вор Личностей + Description: Вор Личностей обращается в игрока которого убили. Маскировка работает до момента когда они могут уюивать снова, или зависит от кастроек, когда они убьют игрока и поменяют маскировку. + Blurb: Обратись в свои убийства + Options: + DisguiseSettings: Настройки Маскировки + UntilKillCooldown: Отката убийства + UntilNextKill: Следуйщего убийства + TotallySwapIdentity: Полностью поменять личность + UntilMeeting: До собрания + Impostor: + RoleName: Предатель + Blurb: Убей Членов экипажа и Нейтралов + Description: Обычный предатель. Убей всех врагов и останьтесь последней командой в живых. + Janitor: + RoleName: Уборщик + Description: Уборщик выбирает между убиванием и очищанием в конце отката убийства. Используй кнопку Репорта чтобы очистить трупы, запретив репортить труп. Уборщик не может репортить трупы нормально. Если включено, Уборщик будет чистить тела которые убил. + Blurb: Репорти чтобы очистить трупы + Options: + CleanOnKill: Очищать при убийстве + KillCooldownMultiplier: Множитель Отката Убийства + Mafioso: + RoleName: Мафиози + Blurb: Получай деньги за выполнения заданий + Description: Мафиози это уникальный Предатель который не может убивать с начала игры. Вместо этого, он должен выполнять задания чтобы получить деньги. Мафиози использует свои деньги чтобы купить разные вещи. \n\nПистолет - Разрешает Мафиози убивать (одноразовая покупка)\n\nПатрон - Требуется чтобы использовать Пистолет\n\nБронежилет - Даёт Мафиози одноразовую защиту на следующий раунд.\n\nРаскрыватель - Позволяет Мафиози раскрыть роль другого игрока.\n\nИспользуй /o (Англ.) чтобы узнать сколько стоят предметы. Только предметы которые ты можешь использовать/купить будут появляться в магазине. + Options: + StartsGameWithGun: Начинает игру с Пистолетом + ModifyShopCosts: Поменять цены в Магазине + GunCost: Цена Пистолета + BulletCost: Цена Пуль + VestCost: Цена Бронежилета + RoleRevealerCost: Цена Раскрывателя + GunCooldown: Откат Пистолета + CashFromReporting: Деньги с репорта трупов + RefreshTasks: Обновить задания когда все выполнены + CashText: 'Деньги::0: {0}' + GunItem: Пистолет + VestItem: Бронежилет + BulletItem: Пули + RevealerItem: Раскрыватель + RevealerReady: Раскрыватель готов! + ShopMessage: >- + Ты - член мафии! Ты можешь покупать вещи во время собраний. Чтобы купить предмет, проголосуйте себя до момента пока предмет не будет выбран. После, используйте пропуск чтобы купить. + + Голос за ЛЮБОГО ДРУГОГО игрока будет считаться как голос за того игрока, в любом другом случае ты останешься в магазине. + SelectedItemMessage: Ты выбрал {0}. Покупка этого оставит тебя с {1}$. Нажми на пропуск чтобы купить. + PurchaseItemMessage: 'Ты купил: {0}. Остаток:{1}$.' + Mare: + RoleName: Ночной + Description: Ночной получает ускоренную скорость и уменьшенный откат убийства во время саботажей. Будь осторожен! Если настройка включена, то твоё имя будет фиолетовым остальным игрокам. + Blurb: Саботируй для усилений + Mastermind: + RoleName: Тиран + Description: При использовании кнопки убийства на игроке, Тиран манипулирует ими. Манипулирован должен использовать кнопку Убийства/Питомца чтобы убить других. Если он этого не сделает вовремя, он умрёт. + Blurb: Манипулируй и Управляй + Options: + ManipulatedPlayerLimit: Лимит Манипулированых + ImpostorsCanSeeManipulated: Предатели::0 могут увидеть Манипулированых + TimeUntilSuicide: Время до Суицида + ManipulationCooldown: Откат способности + ManipulatedText: Манипулирован + KillImploredText: >- + Ты ДОЛЖЕН убить кого-то в {0} + + (Используй кнопку убийства/питомца чтобы убить!) + Miner: + RoleName: Шахтёр + Description: Шахтёр использует кнопку Питомца чтобы телепортироваться к последней вентиляции которую использовал. + Blurb: Телепортируйся к вентиляции + Morphling: + RoleName: Оборотень + Description: Оборотень может обращать себя в любого игрока который был жив в конце последнего собрания. \nЭто ванильный Оборотень. + Blurb: Обращайтесь в других игроков + Ninja: + RoleName: Ниндзя + Description: Нинздя использует кнопку Питомца или Обращения чтобы менять режим Охоты и Убийства. В режиме охоты, используй кнопку Убийства чтобы отметить цель и кнопку Питомца чтобы телепортировать цель к вам (или вас к цели) и убить. + Blurb: Скрытно убивайте свои цели + PickPocket: + RoleName: Карманник + Description: Карманник ворует голоса с игроков которых они убивают. Эти голоса накапливаются, что может сделать Карманника очень сильным. + Blurb: Воруй голоса с убийств + Options: + MaximumAdditionalVotes: Максимальное количество голосов + ResetVotesAfterMeeting: Очищать голоса после собрания + Puppeteer: + RoleName: Кукловод + Description: Кукловод не может нормально убивать. Взамен, они управляют игроком и заставляют убить первого не-Предателя возле которого проходят.\nКнопка убийства возле игрока даёт контроль со времем. Если игрок который был убит имеют способность при смерти, способность активируется на Кукле вместо Кукловода. + Blurb: Управляй Игроками + Sniper: + RoleName: Снайпер + Description: Снайпер использует кнопку Обращения чтобы прицелится. Возьмет 1-2 шага в направлении куда он хочет стрельнуть, и обращается обратно. Пуля пролетит в ту сторону пока не убьет игрока.\nКогда пули закончились, Снайпер становится обычным Предателем. + Blurb: Убивай издалека + Options: + SniperBulletCount: Количество Пуль + SnipingCooldown: Откат способности + RefundBulletOnKill: Вернуть пулю при убийстве + PreciseShooting: Точное попадание + PlayerPiercing: Пуля проходит сквозь игроков + Swooper: + RoleName: Невидимка + Description: Невидимка использует вентиляцию чтобы стать невидимым. Использование когда невидим уберёт не видимость. ВНИМАНИЕ - Если Невидимка убьет [Demolitionist], то умрёт т.к. не может использовать нормально вентиляции. #NOTE - If the Swooper kills the Demolitionist, it will die as Swooper cannot full vent. + Blurb: Вентиляция делает тебя невидимым + TimeThief: + RoleName: Вор Времени + Description: Когда Вор Времени убивает, время собрания уменьшается. + Blurb: Убийства уменьшают собрания + Vampire: + RoleName: Вампир + Description: Кнопка убийства Вампира убивает через определенное время или когда собрания будет вызвано.\nЕсли Вампир укусит Байта, игрок умрёт моментально и сделает селфрепорт. + Blurb: Убивай с задержкой + Options: + KillDelay: Kill Delay + Vampiress: + RoleName: Дракула + Description: Дракула может кусать игроков которые умрут через несколько секунд, или, может убивать как обычный предатель. Используй кнопку Питомца для смены режима между Кусанием и Убиванием.\nЕсли Дракула укусит Байта, игрок умрёт моментально и сделает селфрепорт. + Blurb: Кусай и Убивай + Warlock: + RoleName: Колдун + Description: Колдун использует кнопку убийства чтобы заколдовать игрока. В следующее время когда Колдун обращается, заколдованный игрок убьет ближайшего члена экипажа к нему. Колдун может убивать нормально когда обращен.\n\nБудь осторожен! Заколдованные игроки могут убить других Предателей и даже самого Колдуна! + Blurb: Заколдуй и убей + Witch: + RoleName: Ведьма + Description: Ведьма меняеися между проклинанием и убиванием.\nИгроки которые были прокляты будут показаны с крестиком во время собрания. Если Ведьма не выгнана во время собрания, проклятый игрок умрёт.\nОтметка не заставляет репортить Байта. + Blurb: Убивай и Проклинай + Options: + FreelySwitchModes: Свободно менять режимы + SwitchModesAfterAttack: Менять режимы после убийства + CursedMessage: '{0}::0 проклял {1}::1, он умрёт в конце собрания.' + CursingModeText: Проклинать + KillingModeText: Убивать + HexedCauseOfDeath: Проклят + CursedStatusDescription: Ты был проклят. Проклятые игроки умрут после собрания если Ведьма не выброшена. + YinYanger: + RoleName: Инь-Янгер + Description: Инь-Янгер заставляет двух Членов Экипажа убивать друг друга. Инь-Янгер использует кнопку убийства чтобы отметить двух игроков. Когда один из отмеченных игроков подходит к другому отмеченному игроку, они убьют друг друга. Инь-Янгер может убивать только как отметит двух Членов Экипажа. + Blurb: Заставь людей убить друг друга + YinYangCooldown: Откат способности + Madmate: + RoleName: Безумец + Description: Безумец это Член экипажа который играет за Предателей.\nБезумцы и Предатели не знают друг друга. + Blurb: Betray the Crewmates + MadGuardian: + RoleName: Покровитель #Безумный Страж + Description: Покровитель это Член экипажа который играет за Предателей.\nЕсли Покровитель сделает все свои задания, он станет бессмертным.\nБезумцы и Предатели не знают друг друга. + Blurb: Сделай задания для Бессмертия + MadSnitch: + RoleName: Доносчик #Безумный Стукач + Description: Доносчик это Член экипажа который играет за Предателей.\nКак Стукач, Доносчик узнаёт Предателей при выполнения заданий.\nБезумцы и Предатели не знают друг друга. + Blurb: Finish Tasks To See Impostors + Parasite: + RoleName: Паразит + Description: Паразит это предатель который не знает свою команду. Паразит делает тоже самое что и обычный предатель, и должен помогать предателям победить. + Blurb: Работай с Предателями чтобы победить + Alchemist: + RoleName: Alchemist + Blurb: Collect Ingredients to Craft the Perfect Potions + Description: > + Alchemist is a jack-of-all-trades crewmate role that collects "ingredients". Ingredients can be found in the following ways: + • Catalyst - Found by completing tasks + • Essence of Sight - Found when helping fix lights + • Fragment of Discussions - Found randomly in groups of 3 or more players + • Shifting Rose - Found after a player shapeshifts + • Theta Rift - Found randomly + • Vial of Decay - Found off dead bodies + The Alchemist can use their pet button to pick up these ingredients, and will get a message below their name saying: "Found: [Ingredient Name]". + + The Alchemist uses ingredients to craft potions, to switch into "crafting mode" the Alchemist must hold down their pet button. Once in crafting mode, the pet button can be used to switch the next crafted potion. + + If in the crafting menu, the Alchemist can hold down their pet button to exit it. If the Alchemist has all of the necessary ingredients to craft the potion they were on, the potion will begin crafting as they hold the pet button. + + Once the Alchemist has a potion, they can hold down the pet button to use it, consuming it. + Ingredients: + Catalyst: Catalyst + Chaos: Theta Rift + Death: Vial of Decay + Purity: Shifting Rose + Sight: Essence of Sight + Tinkering: Fragment of Discussions + CraftingPotionText: 'Crafting:' + Potions: + Death: Potion of Death + Protection: Castling Brew + Random: Unstable Concoction + Revealing: Serene Grace + Sabotage: Mechanic's Mix + Sight: Potion of Sight + Teleportation: Warp Potion + Voting: Leader Potion + FoundIngredientText: 'Found:' + Charmer: + RoleName: Charmer + Description: When the Charmer uses their target button on an impostor or neutral killer, they become charmed and join the crewmates team. Charmed players will know they've been charmed, and lose the ability to kill crewmates. If the Charmer charms a crewmate, they misfire and die. + Blurb: Charm enemies to join your team. + Options: + AbilityButton: Ability Button + KillButton: Kill Button + PetButton: Pet Button + TasksPerAbility: Tasks Needed for Ability + CharmingCooldown: Charming Cooldown + CharmedPlayersWinWithCrew: Charmed Players Win with Crew + BreakCharmOnDeath: Break Charm on Charmer::0 Death + MaxCharmedPlayers: Max Charmed Players + CharmedText: Charmed + CharmedStatistic: Charmed Players + CharmedDescription: You have been Charmed. So long as you are charmed, you cannot kill Crewmates and are considered allies with them. + Bastion: + RoleName: Bastion + Blurb: Bomb Vents + Description: Plant bombs in vents by venting. Players who use that vent will be bombed (killed).\nBe careful! The Bastion can bomb themself by using a vent they’ve already planted a bomb in.\nBombs last for one round only. Vents will be reset at each meeting. + Options: + PlantBombCooldown: Plant Bomb Cooldown + BombsPerRound: Bombs per Round + Bodyguard: + RoleName: Bodyguard + Description: The first vote from a Bodyguard becomes the Bodyguard's Target. This will not count as a vote. When the Bodyguard's Target is attacked, the target will switch spots with the Bodyguard who will then kill the attacker and themselves.\n\nThe Bodyguard may skip freely before their targe is locked in, and vote freely after. + Blurb: Sacrifice's Life To Protect Another + ProtectingMessage: 'You are currently protecting:' + VotePlayerInfo: Vote to select a player to guard. + Options: + BeneficialInteractionProtection: Protect against Beneficial::0 Interactions + NeutralInteractionProtection: Protect against Neutral::0 Interactions + BodyguardHelpMessage: 'You are a Bodyguard! Your duty: to protect the innocent! Vote a player to protect next round! Alternatively, you can skip here to return to normal voting.' + Chameleon: + RoleName: Chameleon + Description: The Chameleon can use their vent button to temporarily turn invisible. Their invisible duration is displayed below their name, and after a fixed duration they will re-appear in their current spot. + Blurb: Camoflague With Your Environment + Options: + InvisibilityDuration: Invisibility Duration + InvisibilityCooldown: Invisibility Cooldown + HiddenText: Hidden::0 {0} + TimesInvisibleStatistic: Times Invisible + Crewmate: + RoleName: Crewmate + Description: A normal, vanilla Crewmate. Win by completing all your tasks with your fellow crewmates, or be the last faction left standing. + Blurb: Find Impostors & Finish Tasks + Options: + OverrideRoleTasks: Override {0}'s Tasks + AllowCommonTasks: Allow Common Tasks + CustomLongTasks: '{0} Long Tasks' + CustomShortTasks: '{0} Short Tasks' + Crusader: + RoleName: Crusader + Description: Use the Kill button to select a target. This target will be protected from attacks and whoever interacts with your target will die. + Blurb: Protect Players From Attacks + Options: + BeneficialInteractionProtection: Protect against Beneficial::0 Interactions + NeutralInteractionProtection: Protect against Neutral::0 Interactions + Demolitionist: + RoleName: Demolitionist + Description: When the Demolitionist is killed, they bomb the ground, giving the killer a few seconds to find a vent. If the killer does not vent in time, they will die. + Blurb: Curses Impostor Upon Death + YouKilledDemoMessage: You Killed the {0}! Vent to stay alive! + Dictator: + RoleName: Dictator + Description: When the Dictator votes for someone in a meeting, they forcibly end that meeting, exile the player they voted for, and die just after the meeting.\n\nNothing happens when the Dictator skips.\nIn some lobbies, the Dictator has multiple executions before dying. + Blurb: Picks Who To Vote Out + Options: + NumberOfDictates: Number of Dictates + SuicideIfVoteCrewmate: Suicide if Crewmate::0 Executed + ShowDictatorVoteAtMeetingEnd: Show Dictate at End of Meeting + LynchEventMessage: '{0}::0 lynched {1}::1.' + DictateMessage: '{0} was voted out by the {1}::0' + PlayersEjectedStat: Players Ejected + Doctor: + RoleName: Doctor + Description: The Doctor has a portable vitals panel just like the Vanilla Scientist. Check this regularly to get an approximated time of death.\nWhile in meeting (and by closing the chat), Doctor can see a player’s cause of death in parentheses under their name. + Blurb: Can See How Players Died + Escort: + RoleName: Escort + Description: Use the Pet button to roleblock players. Roleblocks prevent kills, reports, and/or venting.\n\nCannot roleblock The Glitch. + Blurb: Roleblock Players + Herbalist: + RoleName: Herbalist + Description: Use your pet button to plant a seed on a player. After a set period of time, that player's "bloom counter" will increase. After a set number of blooms, use your pet button to reveal that player's role. After a player's role has been revealed, you can continue to reveal it to the nearest player by using the pet button on the same player. + Blurb: Plant Blooms to Slowly Gather Info + Options: + TimeUntilBloom: Time Until Bloom + BloomsUntilRoleReveal: Blooms Until Role Reveal + PlantBloomCooldown: Plant Bloom Cooldown + RevealOnBloom: Reveal on Bloom + BloomsGrownStatistic: Blooms Grown + RolesRevealedStatistic: Roles Revealed + Investigator: + RoleName: Investigator + Description: Use the Pet button to investigate if the player is good or bad. In general, red is bad & green is good. However, depending on hosts settings, Sheriff/Veteran may show up as red. + Blurb: Investigate Roles + Options: + InvestigateCooldown: Investigate Cooldown + NeutralKillingRed: Neutral::1 Killing::2 Are Red::0 + NeutralPassiveRed: Neutral::1 Passive::2 Are Red::0 + MadmateRed: Madmates::1 Are Red::0 + Mayor: + RoleName: Mayor + Blurb: Gets Extra Votes + Description: The Mayor's vote is counted multiple times.\n\nDepending on the options, they will have to reveal to gain access to the extra votes (reveal by voting yourself). They can call emergency meetings by using the Pet button if it's enabled. + RevealMessage: Mayor, you must reveal yourself to gain additional votes. Currently you can vote normally, but if you vote yourself you'll reveal your role to everyone and gain more votes! + Options: + MayorReveal: Reveal for Votes + MayorAdditionalVotes: Mayor Additional Votes + PocketMeeting: Pocket Meeting + NumberOfUses: Number of Uses + MayorRevealTitle: Mayor Reveal + MayorRevealMessage: '{0} revealed themself as mayor!' + Mechanic: + RoleName: Mechanic + Description: The Mechanic can use vents to travel around the map. They are restricted by the Vent Use Cooldown & Max Time In Vents Options used for vanilla Engineer.\n\nThe Mechanic is a renamed Vanilla Engineer. + Blurb: Use Vents + Medic: + RoleName: Medic + Description: The first person to be voted by the Medic will gain a shield. Once the Medic dies, this shield is lost. The Medic protects a target by voting them twice in meeting.\n\nThe Medic may choose to bypass this ability by skipping. + Blurb: Shield A Player + ProtectingMessage: 'You are currently protecting: {0}' + VotePlayerInfo: Vote to select a player to guard. + MedicHelpMessage: 'You are a medic! Your duty: to save innocent lives! Vote a player to protect next round! Alternatively, you can skip here to return to normal voting.' + SelectedPlayerMessage: You have decided to protect {0}. Vote them again to confirm your choice, or Skip to return to normal voting. + ReturnToNormalVoting: You are now protecting {0}. Your next vote works as normal. + Options: + ChangeGuardedPlayer: Change Guarded Player + OnDeathValue: After Death + MeetingsValue: Meetings + NeverValue: Never + Medium: + RoleName: Medium + Description: Use the Report button to report a body. In meeting chat, the Medium will receive a message revealing the role of the reported player's killer.\n\nMedium can only see killer's role if they reported the body themselves. + Blurb: Reveal The Killers Role When Reporting + MediumMessage: N/A + Mystic: + RoleName: Mystic + Description: When a player is killed, Mystic receives a single flash and alert. It is very similar to when the reactor is sabotaged. + Blurb: Get Notified When Players Are Killed + Options: + MysticIsModifier: Mystic is a Modifier + FlashDuration: Flash Duration + SendAudioAlert: Send Audio Alert + RestrictedToCrewmates: Restricted to Crewmates::0 + Observer: + RoleName: Observer + Description: Finish tasks to gain vision. Depending on the host's options, you may gain a small vision boost upon completing tasks, or, a large vision boost when all of your tasks are complete. Additionally, if enabled, you'll be able to see even during lights out. + Blurb: Increased Vision + Oracle: + RoleName: Oracle + Description: The first player voted & confirmed by the Oracle becomes the Oracle's Target. When the Oracle dies, the Target's role is revealed to everyone.\n\nThe Oracle can vote for themselves to reveal their own role if they wish. + Blurb: Reveal A Role Upon Death + SelectRole: 'You have selected: {0}' + UnselectRole: 'You have unselected: {0}' + VotePlayerInfo: Vote to select a player to reveal on your death. You can re-vote a player to unselect them.\n\nAfter confirming, your target cannot be changed. + OracleMessageTitle: Oracle Ability + VoteNormallyMessage: You may now vote normally + SkipMessage: Press "Skip Vote" to continue. + RevealMessage: The Oracle has revealed to all that {0} is the {1} + Physicist: + RoleName: Physicist + Description: The Physicist has a portable vitals panel that can be accessed anywhere on the map.\n\nThe Physicist is a renamed Scientist from vanilla Amoung Us. + Blurb: Can See Vitals + Psychic: + RoleName: Psychic + Description: A number of players (depending on host's settings) are highlighted in red during each meeting, at least one of them is evil. + Blurb: See Potential Evils During Meeting + Options: + MaxHighlightedPlayers: Maximum Highlighted Players + AllKillingRolesAreEvil: All Killing::0 Roles Are Evil + Repairman: + RoleName: Repairman + Description: The Repairman can fix sabotages that typically require two players (e.g. reactor), on their own. Lights can be fixed by touching a single lever. Opening a door will open all the linked doors. The repairman can vent based on Host's settings. + Blurb: Clears Sabotages Faster and Alone + Options: + RepairmanCanVent: Repairman::0 Can Vent + FastFixLights: Fast Fixes Lights + FastFixReactor: Fast Fixes Reactor + FastFixOxygen: Fast Fixes Oxygen + FastFixComms: Fast Fixes Comms + FastFixDoors: Fast Fixes Doors + FastFixHelicopter: Fast Fixes Crash Course + RepairmanFixMessage: '{0} fixed {1}.' + Sheriff: + RoleName: Sheriff + Description: The Sheriff can kill Impostors.\nBe Careful, if enabled by host, Sheriff will misfire (kill themself) if they shoot a crewmate.\nAdditionally (depending on settings) they may have no tasks, and may be able to kill some or all neutrals. + Blurb: Can Shoot Impostors + MisfireStat: Misfires + NeutralKillingSetting: Can Kill Neutral::0 Killing::1 + NeutralPassiveSetting: Can Kill Neutral::0 Passive::1 + MadmateSetting: Can Kill Madmates::0 Settings + Options: + SheriffActionButton: Sheriff Action Button + OneShotPerRound: One Shot Per Round + KillOnMisfire: Kill Target On Misfire + KillCooldown: Shoot Cooldown + TotalShots: Total Shots + ActionKillButton: Kill Button (Legacy) + ActionPetButton: Pet Button + Snitch: + RoleName: Snitch + Description: The Snitch can see Impostors once tasks are complete.\n\nWhen the Snitch has a few tasks left (depending on settings), they will be revealed to the killers by a Light Green Star next to their name. Depending on the settings, when their tasks are completed, the Snitch may also see arrows pointed in the direction of each player they're tracking. + Blurb: Finish Tasks To See Killers + Options: + RemainingTaskWarning: Remaining Task Warning + EvilArrowToSnitch: Evil Have Arrow to Snitch::0 + SnitchArrow: Enable Arrow for Snitch::0 + ColoredArrow: Colored Arrow + SnitchTracksAllKillers: Snitch::0 Can Track Any Killing + Speedrunner: + RoleName: Speedrunner + Description: Finish tasks to gain a speed boost! Depending on the host's options, you may gain a small speed boost after completing singular tasks, or, get a large speed boost after reaching a task-threshold. + Blurb: Complete Tasks to Gain Speed + Options: + TempBoostOnTaskFinish: Temporary Boost Upon Finishing Task + TempBoostDuration: Temporary Boost Duration + PermanentSpeedGain: Permanent Speed Gain per Task + TaskUntilLargeSpeedBoost: Task Remaining Until Main Speed Boost + FinalSpeedBoost: Final Speed Boost + Tracker: + RoleName: Tracker + Description: Once per meeting the Tracker is able to select a player to track by voting them twice (after selecting a player, they're able to vote normally). After meeting, the Tracker will then have an arrow pointing to their selected player unless that player dies. Optionally, the tracker can also use their pet button to temporarily gain arrows to all dead bodies. + Blurb: Track Players' Movements + Options: + lol: these are from vanilla tracker and they got added here + TrackerCooldown: Tracker Cooldown + TrackerDuration: Tracker Duration + TrackerDelay: Tracker Update Delay + Transporter: + RoleName: Transporter + Description: Use the Pet Button and cause two random players to switch places.\n\nPro Tip - Make sure you have enough room for the Pet animation! + Blurb: Transport Two Players + Trapster: + RoleName: Trapster + Description: Upon death, Trapster freezes their killer in place for a few seconds. This duration is predetermined by host in settings. + Blurb: Can Freeze Impostors when Killed + Options: + TrapsOnIndirectKills: Traps on Indirect Kills + TrappedDuration: Trapped Duration + BlockReportWhileTrapped: Block Report While Trapped + Vigilante: + RoleName: Vigilante + Blurb: Guess Impostor Roles to Kill + Description: Vigilante is a nice guesser and part of the crewmate team. While in meeting the Vigilante's first vote locks in the player they're going to guess. Then the Vigilante uses a chat command to guess the role (i.e. /r [role]). The Vigilante's second guess locks in the guess. The Vigilante suicides if they miss-guess. + SelectPlayer: 'You have selected to kill:' + SelectRole: 'You are guessing:' + SkipToContinue: Press "Skip Vote" to continue. + VoteRoleInfo: To select a role, vote a player with the role over their name. If they have multiple roles over their name, voting that same player again will select the next role displayed. + Veteran: + RoleName: Veteran + Description: When the Veteran is attacked while on Alert, the attack will backfire resulting in the attacker's death. Use the Pet button to activate the Veteran's ability.\n\nPro Tip - Make sure you have enough room for the Pet animation! + Blurb: Counterattacks Players' Kill + AgiTater: #Neutrals + RoleName: AgiTater + Description: As an AgiTater your goal is to give your bomb to another player using your kill button.\nOnce another player is in range, the bomb will automatically be passed to them. \nThis continues until a meeting is called (or optionally after a duration) where the last person holding the bomb is then eliminated + Blurb: Pass The Bomb (Hot Potato) + Options: + PlaceBombCooldown: Place Bomb Cooldown + ExplodeOnMeetings: Explode On Meetings + ExplodeAfterDuration: Explode After Duration + ExplodeDoubleBombed: Explode When Bombed Twice + BombDuration: Bomb Duration + BombsPerRound: Bombs per Round + BombTransferRate: Bomb Transfer Rate + PassTheBombText: Pass The Bomb + HoldingBombLevel1: Holding Bomb! + HoldingBombLevel2: Holding Bomb!!! + HoldingBombLevel3: Holding Bomb!!!!! + Amalgamation: + RoleName: Amalgamation + Description: Everytime Amalgamation reports a body, they acquire the abiltiies of that role. The Amalgamation's win condition is determined by the first body they report, other bodies will continue to power the Amalgamation up. + Blurb: Become ALL the roles + Options: + WinConditionDeterminer: Win Condition Determiner + OldestRoleValue: Oldest Role + NewestRoleValue: Newest Role + MaxAbsorbedRoles: Max Absorbed Roles + AbsorbModifiers: Absorb Modifiers + Amnesiac: + RoleName: Amnesiac + Description: After reporting a body, the Amnesiac becomes part of that role’s team.\n\nReporting a Crewmate = Sheriff.\nReporting an Impostor = Traitor.\nReporting a Neutral (Non-Killer) = Opportunist.\nReporting a Neutral Killer = Becoming that neutral killer.\n\nIF ENABLED, the Amnesiac will instead steal the player's exact role + Blurb: Wins With The Joined Team + Options: + StealsExactRole: Steals Exact Role + HasArrowsToBody: Has Arrows to Bodies + Archangel: + RoleName: Archangel + Description: Use the pet button to temporarily protect your target from specific types of interactions based on the host settings. If you die, you still win with your target. If your target dies, you will either change into a different role or keep the Archangel role. If your target is an impostor or crewmate, you still have a chance at winning. + Blurb: Protect your Target from Death + Options: + ProtectDuration: Protect Duration + ProtectCooldown: Protect Cooldown + TargetKnowsArchAngelExists: Target Knows They have an Archangel + ArchAngelKnowsTargetRole: Archangel Knows Target Role + RoleChangeWhenTargetDies: Role Change When Target Dies + ShouldCancelWhichInteractions: Should Protect Which Interactions + InteractionFormatter: Cancel {0} Interactions + Indirect: Indirect + Ranged: Ranged + Delayed: Delayed + Neutral: Neutral + Fatal: Fatal + Hostile: Hostile + Arsonist: + RoleName: Arsonist + Description: Use the Kill button repeatedly next to a player to douse oil onto them. The player is doused when they are marked by a full orange circle.\n\nDouse all players and ignite them to win by using the Pet button. + Blurb: Douse & Ignite All Players To Win + Options: + AttacksToCompleteDouse: Attacks to Complete Douse + CanIgniteAnytime: Can Ignite Anytime + IncineratedDeathName: Incinerated + DouseEventMessage: '{0} doused {1}.' + PressIgniteToWinMessage: Press Ignite to Win + DousedPlayerStatistic: Doused Players + IncineratedPlayerStatistic: Incinerated Players + BloodKnight: + RoleName: Blood Knight + Description: Each kill the Blood knight makes will protect them from attacks for a few seconds.\n\nWin Condition; Solo (be the last killer alive) + Blurb: Shielded With Each Kill + Blood Knight: + RoleName: Blood Knight + Description: Each kill the Blood knight makes will protect them from attacks for a few seconds.\n\nWin Condition; Solo (be the last killer alive) + Blurb: Shielded With Each Kill + CrewPostor: + RoleName: Crewpostor + Description: Every task completed will instantly kill the player nearest you (even impostors and other killing roles).\n\nThe Crewpostor wins with Impostors + Blurb: Complete Tasks To Kill The Nearest Player + Options: + CanKillAllies: Can Kill Allies + WarpToTarget: Warp To Target + RefreshTasks: Refresh Tasks When All Complete + Copycat: + RoleName: Copycat + Description: As Copycat, the first time you get attacked you'll change affiliation. If you were attacked by an impostor, you're now an impostor. If by a solo killer, then you're also a solo killer.\nDepending on the host's options, you may become the Exact role that attacked you, and may even gain their 'progress'. + Blurb: Copies Killer's Role When Killed + CopycatFactionChangeName: '{0}cat' + CatFactionChangeName: '{0}cat' + Deathknight: + RoleName: Deathknight + Description: The Deathknight must help the Necromancer convert players to the Undead. By using your pet button by someone who the Necromancer had used their kill button on, they will be converted. The Deathknight is the first player to be converted by the Necromancer in the undead faction because of this it retains all abilities of its own role.\n\nThere can only be one Deathknight at a time, and if the Necromancer dies, the Deathknight will be the new Necromancer. + Blurb: Help convert roles to the Undead + Demon: + RoleName: Demon + Description: Demon is a neutral killing role whose goal is to kill all other players. When Demon is in the game all players spawn in with a green health bar over their heads. When the Demon attacks a player, their health bar will drop some percentage. After fully reducing a player's health bar, that player will die. When Demon gets attacked, their health bar also decreases. The Demon heals some health when they kill players. + Blurb: Attack players to reduce their health + Options: + AttackCooldown: Attack Cooldown + DamagePerAttack: Damage per Attack + HealthHealedOnKill: Healing on Kill + DamageTakenOnAttack: Damage Taken on Attack + Egoist: + RoleName: Egoist + Description: Kill as a normal Impostor on the Impostor team . . . but the Egoist is a traitor to the Impostors.\nUse Impostor-Seeing attribute to get them voted out (end game) and achieve a solo win.\nImpostors can kill but cannot see Egoist, Egoist can see but cannot kill Impostors. + Blurb: Be Final Impostor To Win + Executioner: + RoleName: Executioner + Description: >- + Executioner’s Target is marked with a maroon name & win if their target is voted out. + + If the target dies before being voted out, the Executioner changes their Role and becomes Crewmate, Jester, or Opportunist according to a game option. + + If the target is the Jester, the Executioners can be an additional winner. + Blurb: Get Target Voted Off To Win + Glitch: + RoleName: The Glitch + Description: Use the Kill button to Hack or Kill players. The Pet button can be used to switch between hacking and killing. Hacking prevents a player from using their buttons (report, vent, kill, sabotage).\n\nWin Condition:\nBe last person standing to win. + Blurb: Roleblock & Kill Players + ModeHacking: Hacking + ModeKilling: Killing + Hacker: + RoleName: Hacker + Description: As a Hacker, your goal is earn a number of points by fixing sabotages. You have the powers of a Repairman. Each sabotage fixed earns you one point.\n\nHacker can be killed by Sheriff if enabled in settings. + Blurb: Fix Sabotages to Win + Options: + HackerSabotagePointAmount: Points Needed to Win + HackerCanVent: Hacker::0 Can Vent + FixingDoorsGivesPoints: Fixing Doors Gives Points + Harbinger: + RoleName: Harbinger + Options: + TasksPerRitualCircle: Tasks per Ritual Circle + RitualCirclesUntilWin: Ritual Circles Until Win + Blurb: + Hitman: + RoleName: Hitman + Description: The Hitman can win with most teams so long as they are alive at the end of the game. Use the Kill button on anyone without consequence.\n\nHost can choose whether Hitman wins with Executioner and Jester. + Blurb: Kill Players & Win With Anyone + Jackal: + RoleName: Jackal + Description: Kill everyone, including impostors, and be the last player standing + Blurb: Kill Everyone + Jester: + RoleName: Jester + Description: Jester gets a solo win if they can be voted out.\nTroll players in meetings, act sus in game.\nCan also be given the option to vent (predetermined by host in settings). + Blurb: Get Voted Off + Options: + ImpostorVision: Has Impostor Vision + CanUseVents: Can Use Vents + CantCallEmergencyMeetings: Can't Call Emergency Meetings + MeetingsBeforeWinning: Minimum Meetings Before Ability to Win + WinConditionName: Jester::0 Exiled + Juggernaut: + RoleName: Juggernaut + Description: The Juggernaut starts with a higher kill cooldown, but with every kill, their cooldown decreases. They must kill everyone, including impostors, and be the last person standing. + Blurb: Kill Everyone & Be Last Player Alive + Options: + CooldownReductionPerKill: Cooldown Reduction per Kill + Marksman: + RoleName: Marksman + Description: The Marksman's kill distance increases with each kill. + Blurb: Receive A Longer Kill Distance With Each Kill + Necromancer: + RoleName: Necromancer + Description: The Necromancer is the main recruiter for the Undead faction, The Necromancer converts the first player that it kills using its kill button. Once the Necromancer has converted its target into the Deathknight, the Necromancer will tag other players that the Deathknight must use its pet button to complete the targets conversion to the undead.\n\nWith the help of the Deathknight, they must work together to convert others to the Undead.\n\nIf the Necromancer were to die, The Deathknight would turn into Necromancer. + Blurb: Convert Roles to the Undead + Opportunist: + RoleName: Opportunist + Description: Opportunist can win with impostors or Crewmates so long as they’re alive at the end of the game. + Blurb: Remain Alive Until Game End + Taskrunner: + RoleName: Taskrunner + Description: The Taskrunner cannot die until a set number of tasks have been completed. When they are on their final tasks, everyone gets an arrow pointing straight toward them. The Taskrunner cannot be exiled under any circumstances and if voted for before reveal the vote will still count so that the Taskrunner remains anonymous but will not be exiled, The Taskrunner will instead become revealed after meeting.\n\nWin Condition:\nComplete Tasks For Solo Win! + Blurb: Complete Tasks For Solo Win + Options: + ImmuneToRangedInteractions: Immune to Ranged Interactions + RemainingTaskWarning: Remaining Task Warning + RemainingTaskTargetable: Remaining Tasks for Targetability + Pirate: + RoleName: Pirate + Description: The Pirate is an neutral guesses and wins solo. The pirate will need to achieve a number of correct guessers determined by the host in order to win. While in meeting the Pirate first vote locks in the player they're going to guess. Then the Pirate uses a chat command to guess the role (i.e. /r [role]). The Pirate's second guess locks in the guess. Depending on the host's settings, The Pirate may suicide if they miss-guess. + Blurb: Guess the oppositions roles. + PlagueBearer: + RoleName: Plague Bearer + Description: Use the Kill button to infect everyone. Once everyone is infected, the Plague Bearer turns into Pestilence. + Blurb: Infect Everyone and Become Pestilence + Options: + InfectCooldown: Infect Cooldown + InfectedHistoryMessage: '{0}::0 infected {1}::1.' + Pelican: + RoleName: Pelican + Description: The Pelican gulps players by using their kill button. Gulped players are teleported out of the map and are unable to interact with the game (including Sabotages). Upon a meeting being called, all gulped players will instantly die. If the Pelican dies or disconnects, all gulped players will return to where the Pelican last was. + Blurb: Gulp Down the Competiton. + Pestilence: + RoleName: Pestilence + Description: Plague Bearer becomes Pestilence when they finish infecting all players. Pestilence cannot be killed (for the most part). Anyone who tries to kill the pestilence will backfire instead. Pestilence can be voted off or killed indirectly (like Warlock or Puppeteer). + Blurb: Kill Everyone & Win Alone + Options: + UnblockableKill: Unblockable Kill + InvincibilitySettings: Invincibility Settings + ImmuneManipulatorAttackers: Immune to Manipulated Attackers + ImmuneRangedAttacks: Immune to Ranged Attacks + ImmuneDelayedAttacks: Immune to Delayed Attacks + ImmuneArsonistIgnite: Immune to Arsonist Ignite + Postman: + RoleName: Postman + Description: Complete tasks to receive Target information (arrows pointing to Target is an option for this role). Postman must deliver their message to the Target by walking near them.\n\nComplete another task to get a new Target. Doing this before the last target's mail is delivered, results in suicide.\nAfter the Postman delivers all of their messages to all living players, a message will be shown in the next meeting that the Postman must be voted out. If the Postman is not voted out at that meeting they win. + Blurb: Deliver All Posts To Win + Announcement: The Postman has completed all of their deliveries. Vote them otherwise they win the game. + Retributionist: + RoleName: Retributionist + Description: The Retributionist is a Neutral killer with a twist. If the Retributionist were to ever die, it would have x seconds (time configured by Host) to find their killer and kill them to come back to life. The Retributionist can come back multiple times, depending on host's settings. + Blurb: Get a 2nd Chance at Living + SerialKiller: + RoleName: Serial Killer + Description: Has a reduced kill-cooldown (determined by host). Kill players before cooldown expires to avoid suicide. + Blurb: Kill or Die + Options: + TimeUntilSuicide: Time Until Suicide + TimerAfterFirstKill: Timer Begins After First Kill + Survivor: + RoleName: Survivor + Description: Survive to the end to win. Use your Pet button to protect yourself from attacks for short period of time. Cannot win with Executioner or Jester. + Blurb: Survive Until The End To Win + Swapper: + RoleName: Swapper + Description: The first two players you vote each meeting will have their votes against them swapped (not who they vote for). After voting those players, you may vote as normal. Alternatively, you can skip at the start and continue to normal voting. + Blurb: Swap Players' Votes + SwapperInfoMessage: >- + You are Swapper. To swap the votes received by two players, vote two separate players. + + You may change the first swapped person by re-voting them. + + Additionally, you may bypass this ability by initially skipping. + SwapperSelectMessage1: You've selected to swap {0}'s votes. + SwapperSelectMessage2: You've selected to swap {0}'s votes. {1} and {0} will now have their votes swapped. + SwapperUnselectMessage: You've unselected {0}. + SwapperPublicMessage: Swapper has swapped the votes received by {0} and {1}! + SwapperAbility: Swapper Ability + Options: + SwapsPerGame: Swaps::0 Per Game + Terrorist: + RoleName: Terrorist + Description: Finish all tasks and get killed to win. The Terrorist can also be voted out to win depending on host's settings + Blurb: Finish All Tasks, Then Die To Win + Options: + CanWinBySuicide: Can Win By Suicide + CanWinByExiled: Can Win By Exiled + Vulture: + RoleName: Vulture + Description: Use the Report button to eat dead bodies and make them unreportable. The vulture can switch between eating bodies and reporting them using the Pet button.\n\nThe Vulture wins when they've eaten a set amount of bodies, and they may also have an arrow pointing to dead bodies if enabled by host. + Blurb: Eat Dead Bodies + EatingModeText: Feasting + ReportingModeText: Reporting + Options: + RequiredBodies: Required Bodies + HasImpostorVision: Has Impostor Vision + SwitchModes: Can Switch between Eat and Report + CanUseVent: Can Use Vents + HasArrowsToBody: Has Arrows to Bodies + Werewolf: + RoleName: Werewolf + Description: Use Pet button to begin a rampage and kill with a shorter Kill Cooldown\n\nWerewolf can only kill during rampage. + Blurb: Rampage and Kill Everyone + Rampage: Kill Everyone + GM: + RoleName: GM + Blurb: You're the Game Master + Description: The "master" of the game (aka the host.) When the host is GM, they aren't counted as a player in the game and "die" immediately upon spawning into the game. This is so that they can watch over all players to ensure the game is running correctly. (Or so they can AFK) + Bait: #Addons + RoleName: Bait + Description: If Bait is killed, the killer automatically self-reports. + Blurb: Forced Self-Report Upon Death + Bewilder: + RoleName: Bewilder + Description: When someone with Bewilder is killed they'll force the killer to have crew vision distance for the rest of the game. + Blurb: Reduces Killer's Vision When Killed + BewilderedStatus: Bewildered + BewilderedDescription: The Bewildered status reduces your vision by a specific multiplier. + Coven: + RoleName: Coven + Blurb: N/A + Debugger: + RoleName: N/A + Blurb: N/A + Diseased: + RoleName: Diseased + Description: Multiplies the killer's kill cooldown upon death + Blurb: Increase The Killer's Kill Cooldown + Options: + CooldownIncrease: Cooldown Increase + DiseasedAffectDescription: You you have the "Diseased" status. This means that your kill cooldown is increased by a certain percentage. + Flash: + RoleName: Flash + Description: The Flash makes the player move faster.\nDue to technical limitations, flash moves at normal speed for other players, and flash sees other players moving at the speed of Flash. + Blurb: Increases Speed + Options: + SpeedIncrease: Speed Increase + LastImpostor: + RoleName: Last Impostor + Blurb: Last Impostor + Lovers: + RoleName: Lovers + Description: The Lovers are modifiers assigned to two players and can be part of any team.\n\nLovers win if they're among the last 3 players alive (except Crewmate task completion). If one lover dies, the other lover suicides (this setting can be turned on or off). + Blurb: Receive A Partner In Game + Oblivious: + RoleName: Oblivious + Description: Oblivious cannot report bodies. + Blurb: Cannot Report Bodies + Options: + PassOnDeath: Pass on Death + Obvious: + RoleName: Obvious + Description: Obvious auto-reports bodies they come in contact with. + Blurb: Auto-Report Bodies + Sleuth: + RoleName: Sleuth + Description: Use the report button to report a body. In meeting chat, the Sleuth will receive a message revealing the role of the dead player. Sleuth can only see the role of the dead player if they reported the body themselves. + Blurb: Know Deceased Player Roles + Torch: + RoleName: Torch + Description: Torch is unaffected by lights out. + Blurb: Unaffected by Lights Out + Watcher: + RoleName: Watcher + Description: Can see everyone's votes in meetings. + Blurb: Can See Meeting Votes for Everyone + Fox: + RoleName: N/A + Blurb: N/A + Subroles: + Sleuth: + SleuthMessage: You've determined that {0} was a {1}! Great work, Detective! + SleuthTitle: Sleuth {0} + ExConvict: + RoleName: Ex-Convict + Description: First use pet button to mark a location, then after a set cooldown, you can re-use the pet button to teleport back to your marked location. This will then put the mark ability back on cooldown. This is the crewmate version of Escapist. + Blurb: Prepare a location, then escape! + EnforceFunctionOrdering: + RoleName: + Blurb: + Bloodlust: + RoleName: Bloodlust + Description: The Bloodlust modifier allows the user to keep the ability of their role, while also giving them the ability to kill. Kill all other players to win. + Blurb: Use your ability to kill everyone + Options: + RestrictToCompatbileRoles: Restrict to Compatible Roles + Deadly: + RoleName: Deadly + Blurb: Kill players more often. + Description: Players with the Deadly modifer have their kill cooldown reduced by a set percentage. + Options: + CooldownReduction: Cooldown Reduction + AssignableToNonKilling: Assignable to Non-Killing + Honed: + RoleName: Honed + Blurb: Use your targeted ability more often. + Description: Players with the Honed modifer have their kill button cooldown reduced by a set percentage. + Illegal: + RoleName: + Blurb: + LoversReal: + RoleName: + Blurb: + Nimble: + RoleName: Nimble + Description: Grants any role the ability to vent, if they weren't able to previously vent. + Blurb: Gain the ability to vent! + TieBreaker: + RoleName: Tiebreaker + Description: If there is a tie between two players in a meeting, the Tiebreaker's vote will decide who to eject or to skip. + Blurb: Break Ties + TieBreakerMessage: The tie has been broken by {0}! + Workhorse: + RoleName: Workhorse + Description: Gives even more tasks to a player. + Blurb: Works hard, has more tasks + Options: + AdditionalShortTasks: Additional Short Tasks + AdditionalLongTasks: Additional Long Tasks + Occultist: + RoleName: Occultist + Description: The Occultist's Kill/Spell Button alternates between spelling and killing players.\n\nPlayers who are spelled by the Occultist will be seen with a cross during the meeting. If the Occultist is not voted off during this meeting, the cursed player dies.\n\nRegular kill self-reports Bait.\nSpell does not self-report Bait. + Blurb: Curse players die after meeting. + Options: + FreelySwitchModes: Freely Switch Modes + SwitchModesAfterAttack: Switch Modes After Attack + CursedMessage: '{0}::0 cursed {1}::1 to die at the end of next meeting.' + CursingModeText: Cursing + KillingModeText: Killing + HexedCauseOfDeath: Hexed + CursedStatusDescription: You have been hexed. Hexed players will die after the meeting unless the source of the hex is voted out. + Escalation: + RoleName: Escalation + Blurb: Gain Speed on Kills + Description: Players with the Escalation modifier gain a static speed boost per kill. + Options: + SpeedGainPerKill: Additional Speed per Kill + Scientist: + Options: + VitalsCooldown: Vitals Cooldown + VitalsBatteryCharge: Vitals Battery Charge + RoleName: Scientist + Blurb: Access vitals at any time + Desctiption: This is the same Scientist role as vanilla Among Us. + SchrodingersCat: + RoleName: Schrödinger's Cat + Description: The Schrödinger's Cat changes their affiliation with each attack against them! Win with the faction you convert into, but be careful! Cats only have so many lives! + Blurb: Changes affiliation when attacked + CopycatFactionChangeName: '{0}cat' + CatFactionChangeName: '{0}cat' + Options: + NumberOfLives: Number of Lives + Romantic: + RoleName: Romantic + Blurb: Pick a partner to spend your life with + Description: During the first meeting of the game, the Romantic MUST vote a player to become their partner (otherwise they'll die). Once a partner has been chosen, the Romantic can use their Pet Button to temporarily grant a shield to their partner. The Romantic wins if their partner wins (and is alive) at the end of the game. If their partner dies, the Romantic will transform into either the Vengeful Romantic or the Ruthless Romantic. + Options: + TargetKnowsRomantic: Notify Target of Romance + ProtectionCooldown: Protection Cooldown + ProtectionDuration: Protection Duration + PartnerText: Partner::0 {0} ♥::0 + RomanticMessage: You are a Romantic. You must select a partner by the end of this meeting or die! To select a partner, vote them twice! Afterwards, you may vote normally. + RomanticSelectMessage: You have selected {0} to be your partner. To confirm, vote them again, otherwise vote a different player. + ConfirmedPartnerMessage: You have confirmed {0} to be your partner. You may now vote normally + NotifyPartnerMessage: You have been selected by {0} to be their romantic partner! Congrats! + NoSkipMessage: You may not skip until you have chosen a partner! + VengefulRomantic: + RoleName: Vengeful Romantic + Blurb: Avenge your true love + Description: The Vengeful Romantic had their love stripped away from them. Their goal is to now hunt down their partner's killer and to kill them. The Vengeful Romantic may use either their Pet Button or Kill Button to kill another player. But, if they target an innocent player, the Vengeful Romantic will die from misfire. After successfully avenging their partner, the Vengeful Romantic regains its normal win condition. + Adjective: Vengeful + Options: + CanKillBystanders: Can Kill Bystanders + ArrowToKiller: Arrow to Killer + SuicideAfterRevenge: Suicide after Revenge + RuthlessRomantic: + RoleName: Ruthless Romantic + Blurb: Leave no one left standing + Description: Your heart has been broken.. now it's time to break the hearts of others. As Ruthless Romantic you're now a standard Neutral Killer whose goal is to kill all other players and become the last player left standing. + Unstoppable: + RoleName: Unstoppable + Blurb: Pierce through opponents + Description: Players with Unstoppable are able to kill through most types of protection, including Medic shields. Based on the host's options this may even include "pure" immunity such as the Taskrunner. + Options: + CanKillUntargetable: Can Kill Untargetable Players + Miscellaneous: + PlayerSelector: + SelectPlayerString: 'You have selected: {0}' + UnselectPlayerString: 'You have unselected: {0}' + ConfirmationString: 'You have confirmed: {0}' + Debugger: + RoleName: + Blurb: + Guesser: + PickedRoleText: You are about to guess {0} as {1}. If you are certain about this, vote {0} again to finalize your guess. Otherwise you can pick another player by voting a different player.. OR pick a different role by typing /r [rolename] + RoleName: Guesser + Blurb: + Guesser: Guesser + PickedPlayerText: You are guessing {0}'s role. To guess their role type /r [rolename]. + TypeRText: Please type /r [roleName] to guess that role. + UnknownRole: Unknown role {0}. You can use /perc to view all enabled roles. + FinishedGuessingText: You have confirmed your guess. If you are not dead, you may now vote normally. + ErrorCompletingGuess: Error completing guess. You may try and guess again. + GuessAnnouncementMessage: The guesser has made a guess. {0} died. + Conman: + Options: + DiscussionTimeDecrease: Discussion Time Decrease + VotingTimeDecrease: Voting Time Decrease + AffectAnonymousVoting: Affect Anonymous Voting + GuesserRoleBase: + GuesserRoleBase: Guesser + PickedRoleText: You are about to guess {0} as {1}. If you are certain about this, vote {0} again to finalize your guess. Otherwise you can pick another player by voting a different player.. OR pick a different role by typing /r [rolename] + PickedPlayerText: You are guessing {0}'s role. To guess their role type /r [rolename]. + TypeRText: Please type /r [roleName] to guess that role. + UnknownRole: Unknown role {0}. You can use /perc to view all enabled roles. + FinishedGuessingText: You have confirmed your guess. If you are not dead, you may now vote normally. + ErrorCompletingGuess: Error completing guess. You may try and guess again. + GuessAnnouncementMessage: The guesser has made a guess. {0} died. + LastResort: + Options: + AdditionalVotes: Additional Votes + RevealText: '{0} was revealed as the {1}!' + HintText: Vote yourself to reveal your role. You can vote any other player normally however. + RoleName: Last Resort + Blurb: Gain extra votes at the last second + Description: As the Last Resort, you can vote yourself to gain votes for the rest of the match. This vote is canceled and you are able to vote anyone else after this. The drawback is that your role is now revealed to the public for everyone to see. + Engineer: + Options: + VentCooldown: Vent Cooldown + VentDuration: Vent Duration + RoleName: Engineer + Blurb: Can use the vents + Descrption: This is the same Engineer role as vanilla Among Us. + Noisemaker: + RoleName: Noisemaker + Blurb: Send out an alert when killed + Description: This is the same Noisemaker role as vanilla Among Us. + Options: + ImpostorsGetAlert: Impostors Get Alert + AlertDuration: Alert Duration + Phantom: + Options: + VanishCooldown: Vanish Cooldown + VanishDuration: Vanish Duration + RoleName: Phantom + Blurb: Turn invisible + Description: The Phantom can turn invisible for a certain period of time. While invisible, they may vent but they may not kill. This is a vanilla Impostor role. + Shapeshifter: + Options: + ShapeshiftCooldown: Shapeshift Cooldown + ShapeshiftDuration: Shapeshift Duration + RoleName: Shapeshifter + Blurb: Disguise yourself + Description: The Shapeshifter can shapeshift themselves into any player that was still alive at the end of the last meeting. This is a vanilla Impostor role. + Altruist: + RoleName: Altruist + Blurb: Revive a player + Description: Report a body to revive the player at the cost of your own life. Depending on the settings, the revival may be delayed. If a meeting is called during this time, the revive is canceled and nothing happens. + Options: + ReviveDelay: Revive Delay + InstantText: Instant + KillerArrow: Killer Gets Arrow to Revived Player + PortableVitals: Has Portable Vitals + Duplicator: + RoleName: Duplicator + Blurb: Duplicate yourself + Description: Use the pet button to duplicate yourself at your current location or a random position. If anyone tries to interact with the duplicated player, the kill is canceled and parried. + Options: + DuplicateCooldown: Duplicate Cooldown + DuplicateDuration: Duplicate Duration + SpawnLocation: Spawn Location + CurrentLocation: Current + RandomLocation: Random + StaticOptions: + AutoKick: AutoKick + EnableGM: Host GM + KillFlashDuration: Kill Flash Duration + SabotageTimeControl: + Enable: Sabotage Time Control + PolusReactorTime: Polus Reactor Time Limit + AirshipReactorTime: Airship Reactor Time Limit + TOSOptions: + Enable: TOS Options + AttackDefense: Attack Defense Values + ResetKillcooldown: Reset Kill Cooldown + SkKillsRB: Serial Killer Kills RoleBlockers + AutoGameProgress: Auto Game Progression + RoundReview: Round Review + AmnesiacRememberAnnouncement: Amnesiac Remembers Announcement + GAVoteImmunity: Guardian Angel Vote Immunity + LightsPanelSettings: + Enable: Lights Out Special Settings + AirshipGapRoom: Disable Airship Gap Room Lights Panel + AirshipCargoRoom: Disable Airship Cargo Lights Panel + AirshipViewingDeck: Disable Airship Viewing Deck Lights Panel + PlayerAppearanceCommands: Players have access to /name, /color, and /level + DisableTasks: + Enable: Disable Tasks + CardSwipe: Disable Swipe Card Tasks + CardScan: Disable Submit Scan + UnlockSafe: Disable Unlock Safe + UploadData: Disable Upload Data + StartReactor: Disable Start Reactor + ResetBreaker: Disable Reset Breaker + RandomMap: + Enable: Random Maps Mode + Skeld: Add The Skeld + Mira: Add Mira HQ + Polus: Add Polus + Airship: Add Airship + RandomSpawn: + Enable: Random Spawn + AirshipExtraSpawn: Airship Additional Spawn + SyncButton: + Enable: Sync Button Mode + Count: Sync Button Count + VoteMode: + Enable: Vote Mode + SkipMode: When Skip Vote + Mode: + Default: Default + Suicide: Suicide + SelfVote: Self Vote + Skip: Skip + SkipFirstMeeting: When SkipVote Ignore First Meeting + IgnoreNoBody: When SkipVote Ignore No Dead Body + IgnoreEmergencyMeeting: When SkipVote Ignore Emergency + NonVote: When Non Vote + Tie: When Tie + TieMode: + Default: Default + All: All + Random: Random + AllAliveMeeting: + Enable: All Alive Meeting + Time: All Alive Meeting Time + AdditionalEmergencyCooldown: + Enable: Additional Emergency Cooldown + LadderDeath: + Enable: Ladder Death + Chance: Ladder Death Chance + FixFirstCooldown: Fix First Kill Cooldown + DisableTaskWin: Disable Task Win + MinMax: + MinNeutralKiller: Min Neutral Killer + MaxNeutralKiller: Max Neutral Killer + MinNeutralNonKiller: Min Non-Killing Neutral + MaxNeutralNonKiller: Max Non-Killing Neutral + MadMates: + MinMadmates: Min Madmates + MaxMadmates: Max Madmates + NoGameEnd: NoGameEnd + GhostsCanSeeRoles: Ghosts Can See Other Roles + GhostsCanSeeVotes: Ghosts Can See Votes + GhostIgnoreTasks: Ghosts Ignore Tasks + CamoComms: Camoflauge Comms + AutoDisplayResult: Auto Display Last Result + SuffixMode: Suffix Mode + ColorNameMode: Color Name Mode + ChangeNameToRoleInfo: Change Name to Role Info + ShowHistoryTimestamp: Show History Timestamp + MayhemOptions: + Enable: Mayhem Options + AllRolesVent: Most Roles can Vent + CustomServerMode: N/A + Commands: + Aliases: + Help: ayudar + Help: + Roles: + Usage: Invalid usage. A valid role name must be provided. + RoleNotFound: Role {0} was not found + HelpTitle: Help + HostSection: 'Host Commands:' + GeneralSection: 'General Commands:' + LobbySection: 'Lobby Commands:' + InGameSection: 'In-Game Commands:' + OtherSection: 'Other Commands:' + MessageParameter: msg + RoleNameParameter: role + NameParameter: name + IdCommandDescription: Show all players/IDs + SayCommandDescription: Show message to ALL players + KickCommandDescription: Kick a given player + BanCommandDescription: Ban a given player + DumpCommandDescription: Create a log dump + TemplateHelpCommandDescription: Get info for all template commands. + MyRoleCommandDescription: Show your current role's description + RoleOptionCommandDescription: Show your current role's options + DescCommandDescription: Show the first-meeting text + LastResultCommandDescription: Show the latest results + WinnerCommandDescription: Show the latest winner(s) + DeathCommandDescription: Show your cause of death. (Only usable if dead or in lobby) + DeathOtherCommandDescription: Show another player's cause of death. (Only usable if dead or in lobby) + RoleInfoCommandDescription: Show a role's description/options + RolesCommandDescription: Show ALL roles in the mod + NowSpecificCommandDescription: Show all enabled roles/options for the given category + NowAllCommandDescription: Show all enabled roles/options + PercCommandDescription: Show all enabled roles and their spawn rates + NameCommandDescription: Change player name + ColorCommandDescription: Change player color + StatsCommandDescription: Show your stats for the lobby + StatsOtherCommandDescription: Show another player's stats for the lobby + Stats: + PlayerNotFound: Player "%s" not found + Color: + NotInRange: '{0} is not in range of valid colors.' + Winners: Winners + Dump: + Success: Successfully dumped log. Check your logs folder for a "dump.log!" + HostOptions: + RoleInfo: ★ Role Info ★ + RoleCategory: ★ {0} Roles + CurrentRoles: Current Roles + InvalidUsage: ⚠ Invalid Usage ⚠ + NotPermittedTitle: ⚠ Not Permitted ⚠ + NotPermittedText: You are not permitted to use this command. + Say: + MessageTitle: Host Message + Admin: + KickMessage: '{0} was kicked by host.' + BanMessage: '{0} was banned by host.' + Ids: + PlayerIdMessage: "{0}'s player ID is {1}" + PlayerNotFoundText: Player "{0}" not found. + CommandError: ⚠ Command Error ⚠ + Friends: + NoFriendcodeText: Could not add {0}. They do not have a valid friendcode. + SuccessText: Successfully added {0} ({1}) + RemoveText: Successfully removed friend {0} from friends list + LastKnownAsText: 'Known As: {0}' + Template: + CreatedTemplateText: 'Successfully created template (ID: {0}).' + ErrorRemovingTemplateText: Error removing template. + SuccessRemovingTemplateText: 'Successfully removed template (ID: {0}).' + SuccessTaggingTemplateText: 'Successfully added tag "{0}" to template (ID: {1}).' + ErrorTaggingTemplateText: 'Error adding tag "{0}" to template (ID: {1}).' + SuccessRemovingTagText: 'Successfully removed tags from template (ID: {0}).' + ErrorPreviewingTemplateText: 'Error previewing template (ID: {0}).' + ErrorShowingTemplateText: Error showing template to {0}. + SuccessEditingTemplateText: 'Successfully edited template (ID: {0}).' + ErrorEditingTemplateText: 'Error editing template (ID: {0}).' + ReloadTemplatesText: Successfully reloaded templates. + ErrorRemovingTagText: 'Error removing tags from template (ID: {0}).' + TemplateCommands: + TemplateCommandTitle: Template Commands + LastResults: + NoPreviousGameText: No game played yet! + PlayerResultTitle: "{0}'s Results" + RoleText: Role: {0} + ModifierText: Mods: {0} + WinnerText: Winner + ResultsText: Results + WinResultText: 'Winners: {0}' + WinReasonText: 'Reason: {0}' + MyDeath: + DirectDeathString: '{0} died to {1}\nCause of Death: {2}' + IndirectDeathString: "{0}'s cause of death: {1}" + CouldNotDetermineDeathText: The cause of death of {0} could not be determined. + PlayerIsAliveText: '{0} is still alive and does not have a cause of death.' + DeathInfoTitle: Death Info + CannotViewDeathWhileAlive: You cannot view deaths while alive! + NoPreviousGameText: No game played yet! + Mods: + SomethingWentWrong: Something went wrong executing that command. Please check your parameters. + SuccessfulMod: '{0} is now a mod! They have access to the /kick and /ban commands now!' + RemovedMod: '{0} was removed. They no longer have access to mod-related commands.' + AlreadyMod: '{0} is already a mod. Nothing happenend.' + BugReports: + WaitingOnReport: This report has been voided as we are waiting on a response for your previous report. + FailedReport: >- + An error occured while sending the request. Please try again in a minute. + + Error: {0} + ReportingBug: Your request has went through and we are now reporting your bug. Thanks! + ReportedBug: Your bug has been successfully report. Again, thank you! + Announcements: + SystemMessage: System Message + OptionShower: + ActiveRolesList: Active Role List + NextPage: Press (Tab) To Go Next... + ModUpdater: + ModBrokenMessage: N/A + ModUpdateMessage: N/A + UpdateButton: N/A + HistoryEvent: + PlayerChangedRole: Changed Role + Death: + PlayerMurdered: Murdered + PlayerSuicide: Suicided + PingDisplay: + AddonsLoaded: Addons Loaded + Gamemodes: + Colorwars: + Options: + GracePeriod: Grace Period + Statistics: + BodiesReported: Bodies Reported + CommonTasksComplete: Common Tasks Completed + Deaths: Deaths + FirstDeaths: First Deaths + FirstKills: First Kills + Games: Games + Kills: Kills + LongTasksComplete: Long Tasks Completed + MeetingsCalled: Meetings Called + MessagesSent: Messages Sent + PlayersExiled: Players Exiled + SabotagesCalled: Sabotages Called + SabotagesFixed: Sabotages Fixed + Shapeshifts: Shapeshifts + ShortTasksComplete: Short Tasks Completed + TimeAlive: Time Spent Alive + TimeDead: Time Spent Dead + TimesExiled: Times Exiled + TimesVented: Times Venting + TimesVoteSkipped: Votes Skipped + TimesVoted: Times Voted + TotalTasksComplete: Tasks Completed + TotalTime: Total Play Time + TotalVotesFor: Total Votes for Player + CommsSabotaged: Comms Sabotaged + DoorsSabotaged: Doors Sabotaged + LightsSabotaged: Lights Sabotaged + OxygenSabotaged: Oxygen Sabotaged + ReactorSabotaged: Reactor Sabotaged + Losses: Losses + Wins: Wins + Statistics: Statistics + Options: + Roles: + Maximum: Maximum + SubsequentChance: Subsequent Chance + General: + OnText: ON + OffText: OFF + EnabledText: Enabled + DisabledText: Disabled + DefaultText: Default + NeverText: Never + ShowText: Show + HideText: Hide + FriendsText: Friends + EveryoneText: Everyone + DurationText: Duration + AllText: All + NoOneText: No One + CommonText: Common + GlobalText: Global + CustomText: Custom + NoneText: None + SecondsSuffix: s + AlwaysText: Always + RolesNeutral: + NeutralPassiveSlots: Neutral::0 Passive::1 Slots + NeutralKillingSlots: Neutral::0 Killing::2 Slots + MinimumNeutralPassiveRoles: Minimum Neutral::0 Passive::1 Roles + MaximumNeutralPassiveRoles: Maximum Neutral::0 Passive::1 Roles + MinimumNeutralKillingRoles: Minimum Neutral::0 Killing::2 Roles + MaximumNeutralKillingRoles: Maximum Neutral::0 Killing::2 Roles + NeutralTeamMode: Neutral::0 Teaming Mode + SameRoleText: Same Role + KillingAndPassiveText: Killing::2 And Passive::1 + AlliedKnowRoles: Team Knows Everyone's Role + Subroles: + ModifierMaximumText: Maximum Modifiers::0 per Player + EvenlyDistributeModifierText: Evenly Distribute Modifiers::0 + UncappedText: Uncapped + NoModifiersText: No Modifiers + SubroleOptions: Subrole Options + Admin: + SectionTitle: Host Options + HostGM: Host GM + AutoKick: Chat Auto Kick + AutoKickNoFriendcode: Kick Players w/o Friendcodes + AutoKickLevel: Kick Players Under Level + AutoKickMobile: Kick Mobile Players + AutoStart: Auto Start + AutoStartOptionSuffix: Players + AutoPlayAgain: Auto Play Again + AutoStartPlayerThreshold: Player Threshold + AutoStartMaxWaitTime: Maximum Wait Time + AutoStartGameCountdown: Game Countdown + SpectatorMode: Spectator Mode + AutoHauntCooldown: Auto Haunt Cooldown + Debug: + SectionTitle: Debug Options + NoGameEnd: Prevent Game Over + NameRoleAssignment: Name-Based Role Assignment + AdvancedRoleAssignment: Advanced Role Assignment + New: + SectionTitle: ??? + SwitchToRoblox: Switch To Roblox + Gameplay: + SectionTitle: Gameplay Options + OptimizeRoleAmounts: Optimize Role Counts for Playability + FixFirstKillCooldown: Fix First Kill Cooldown + DisableTasks: Disable Tasks + DisableCardSwipe: Disable Card Swipe + DisableMedScan: Disable Med Scan + DisableUnlockSafe: Disable Unlock Safe + DisableUploadData: Disable Upload Data + DisableStartReactor: Disable Start Reactor + DisableResetBreaker: Disable Reset Breaker + DisableTaskWin: Disable Task Win + GhostSeeRoles: Ghosts See Roles + GhostSeeInfo: Ghosts See Info + GhostIgnoreTask: Ghosts Ignore Tasks + SyncMeetingText: Sync Meetings + SyncMeetingNever: Never + ForceNoVenting: Force No Venting + FirstKillCooldown: First Kill Cooldown + TenSecondCooldown: 10 Seconds + GlobalCooldown: Global CD + RoleCooldown: Role CD + SetCooldown: Set CD + SetCooldownValue: Set Cooldown Value + DisableFixWiring: Disable Fix Wiring + LadderDeath: Ladder Death + ModifierTextMode: Modifier Text Mode + FirstValue: First + Mayhem: + SectionTitle: Mayhem Options + RandomMaps: Enable Random Maps + RandomSpawn: Random Spawn + CamoComms: Camo Comms + AllRolesCanVent: All Roles Can Vent + Miscellaneous: + SectionTitle: Miscellaneous Options + AssignedPet: Assigned Pet + AllowNameCommand: Allow /name + AllowColorAndLevelCommand: Allow /color and /level + AutoDisplayResults: Auto Display Results + SuffixMode: Suffix Mode + ColorNames: Color Names + LadderDeath: Ladder Death + AutoDisplayCauseOfDeath: Auto Display Cause of Death + AllowTeleportCommand: Allow /tpin and /tpout + Sabotage: + SectionTitle: Sabotage Options + DefaultValue: Default + DisableSabotages: Disable Sabotages + ReactorCountdown: Reactor Countdown + OxygenCountdown: Oxygen Countdown + DisableReactor: Disable Reactor + DisableOxygen: Disable Oxygen + DisableLights: Disable Lights + DisableCommunications: Disable Communications + DisableDoors: Disable Doors + DisableHelicopters: Disable Crash Course + CrashCourseCountdown: Crash Course Countdown + RolesMadmates: + MadmatesTakeImpostorSlots: Madmates::0 Take Impostor Slots + GUI: + GeneralButton: General + GraphicsButton: Graphics + SoundButton: Sound + VentLibButton: VentLib + AddonsButton: Addons + ReturnButton: Return + LeaveGameButton: Leave Game + ModUpdateMenu: + ExitGameText: Exit Game + CloseText: Close + UpdateText: Update + UpdateAvailableText: Updates Available! + Factions: + Madmates: + Name: Madmates + Neutral: + Name: Neutrals + Modifiers: + Name: Modifiers + Constants: + DeathNames: + Killed: Killed + Suicide: Suicide + Exiled: Exiled + Bombed: Bombed + Bitten: Bitten + Cursed: Cursed + Incinerated: Incinerated + Misfired: Misfired + Parried: Parried + Sniped: Sniped + Meetings: + RoleRevealText: '{0} was the {1}.' + RemainingImpostorsText: '{0} impostors remaining.' + NoImpostorsText: No impostors remaining. + Internals: + FatalErrorHandler: + FatalErrorTitle: Fatal Error + FatalErrorMessage: Encountered fatal error during [{0}] + CheckLogMessage: Check logs for more info.