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File metadata and controls

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applicationInsights.trackPageView(pageView: IPageViewTelemetry)

The IPageViewTelemetry interface is below:

Parameter Type Description
name? string Optional
Name of the pageview. Defaults to the document title.
uri? string Optional
A relative or absolute URL that identifies the page or other item. Defaults to the window location.
refUri? string Optional
The URL of the previous page that sent the user to the current page.
pageType? string Optional
Page Type string. Describes how you classify this page, e.g. errorPage, formPage, etc.
isLoggedIn? boolean Optional
Whether or not the user is logged in
pageTags? dictionary Optional
Property bag to contain an extension to domain properties - extension to Part B
properties? dictionary Optional
Map of string to any: Additional data used to filter pages in the portal. Defaults to empty.

Note: To send a custom duration (ms) of your pageview as an argument, it must be included in the properties named field. E.g appInsights.trackPageView({ properties: { duration: 123.45 } });.


startTrackPage(name?: string)

Starts the timer for tracking a page load time. Use this instead of trackPageView if you want to control when the page view timer starts and stops, but don't want to calculate the duration yourself. This method doesn't send any telemetry. Call stopTrackPage to log the end of the page view and send the event.

Parameter Type Description
name? string Optional
The name used to identify the page in the portal. Defaults to the document title.


stopTrackPage(name?: string, url?: string);

Stops the timer that was started by calling startTrackPage and sends the pageview load time telemetry with the specified properties and measurements. The duration of the page view will be the time between calling startTrackPage and stopTrackPage.

Parameter Type Description
name? string Optional
The name used to identify the page in the portal. Defaults to the document title.
url? string Optional
A relative or absolute URL that identifies the page or similar item. Defaults to the window location.


trackMetric(metric: IMetricTelemetry)

Log a positive numeric value that is not associated with a specific event. Typically used to send regular reports of performance indicators.

To send a single measurement, use just the first two parameters. If you take measurements very frequently, you can reduce the telemetry bandwidth by aggregating multiple measurements and sending the resulting average and sampleCount at intervals.

IMetricTelemetry is described below

Parameter Type Description
name string Required
A string that identifies the metric. In the portal, you can select metrics for display by name.
average number Required
Either a single measurement, or the average of several measurements. Should be >=0 to be correctly displayed.
sampleCount? number Optional
Count of measurements represented by the average. Defaults to 1. Should be >=1.
min? number Optional
The smallest measurement in the sample. Defaults to the average. Should be >= 0.
max? number Optional
The largest measurement in the sample. Defaults to the average. Should be >= 0.
properties? dictionary Optional
Map of string to any: Additional data used to filter pages in the portal. Defaults to empty.


trackException(exception: IExceptionTelemtry)

Log an exception you have caught. Exceptions caught by the browser are also automatically logged.

IExceptionTelemetry is described below

Parameter Type Description
exception Error Required
Error object
severityLevel? SeverityLevel (number) Optional
Severity of the message, ranging from verbose to critical
properties? dictionary Optional
Map of string to any: Additional data used to filter pages in the portal. Defaults to empty.

By default, uncaught browser exceptions are caught by the SDK and reported to the portal. To disable this behavior, insert the following line in the config section below your instrumentation key:

  instrumentationKey: "your instrumentation key",
  disableExceptionTracking: true


trackTrace(trace: ITraceTelemetry)

Log a diagnostic event such as entering or leaving a method.

The ITraceTelemetry interface is described below

Parameter Type Description
message string Required
Diagnostic data. Can be much longer than an event's name.
severityLevel? SeverityLevel (number) Optional
Severity of the message, ranging from verbose to critical
properties? dictionary Optional
Map of string to any: Additional data used to filter pages in the portal. Defaults to empty.

In the portal, you can search on message content and display individual trackTrace events. (Unlike trackEvent, you can't filter on the message content in the portal.)


trackDependencyData(dependency: IDependencyTelemetry)

Log a dependency call (for instance: ajax)

The IDependencyTelemetry interface is described below

Parameter Type Description
id string Required
Unique id, this is used by the backend to correlate server requests.
responseCode number Required
Response code returned by the dependency request (e.g., 200 for a success)
absoluteUrl? string Optional
Absolute url used to make the dependency request
success? boolean Optional
Whether or not the request was successful or not (e.g., responseCode in the range 200-299)
commandName? string Optional
Command used to make the dependency request
duration? number Optional
Elapsed time of request & reply
method? string Optional
Represents request verb (GET, POST, etc.)
properties? dictionary Optional
Map of string to any: Additional data used to filter pages in the portal. Defaults to empty.


applicationInsights.trackEvent(event: IEventTelemetry)

The IEventTelemetry interface is below:

Parameter Type Description
name string Required
An event name string.
properties? dictionary Optional
Map of string to any: Additional data used to filter pages in the portal. Defaults to empty.


flush(async?: boolean = true)

Immediately send all queued telemetry. By default, it is sent async.

Note: You don't have to use flush, as it is automatically called at an interval and when the user closes the window.


setAuthenticatedUserContext(authenticatedUserId: string, accountId?: string, storeInCookie = false)

Set the authenticated user id and the account id. Use this when you have identified a specific signed-in user. Parameters must not contain spaces or ,;=|

The method will only set the authenticatedUserId and accountId for all events in the current page view. To set them for all events within the whole session, you should either call this method on every page view or set storeInCookie = true.

Parameter Type Description
authenticatedUserId string Required
An id that uniquely identifies a user of your app. No spaces, comma, semicolon, equals or vertical bar.
accountId? string Optional
An optional account id, if your app groups users into accounts. No spaces, comma, semicolon, equals or vertical bar.

In the portal, this will add to the count of authenticated users. Authenticated users provide a more reliable count of the number of real users than the count of anonymous users.

The authenticated user id will be available as part of the context of the telemetry sent to the portal, so that you can filter and search on it. It will also be saved as a cookie and sent to the server, where the server SDK (if installed) will attach it to server telemetry.


clearAuthenticatedUserContext ()

Clears the authenticated user id and the account id from the user context, and clears the associated cookie.


public addTelemetryInitializer(telemetryInitializer: (item: ITelemetryItem) => boolean | void)

Adds a telemetry initializer to the collection. Telemetry initializers will be called one by one with the telemetryItem of type ITelemetryItem, in the order they were added, before the telemetry item is pushed for sending. If one of the telemetry initializers returns false or throws an error, then the telemetry item will not be sent.

Custom extension

A custom plugin can be loaded by the SDK through config.extensions. All plugins must implement ITelemetryPlugin interface. These provide the capability of inspecting and updating data as it leaves the system, but also provides additional functionality to for one time initialization of extension state and pass in custom configuration through SKU configuration etc.

class TelemetryContext


application: Context.Application

Details of the app you're monitoring.

 context.application.ver: string : string


device : Context.Device

The device the app is running on.

Property Description
device.type Type of device unique ID
device.model number - IANA interface type
device.resolution screen res
device.locale display language of the OS
device.os OS running on the device


user: Context.User

Data about the current user. Users are identified by cookie, so one person can look like more than one user if they use different machines or browsers, or delete cookies.

Property Description Unique, cookie-based user id, automatically assigned.
user.authenticatedId Id set by your app using setAuthenticatedUserContext when the user signs in.
user.accountId Set by your app when the user signs in, if your app groups users into accounts.


session: Context.Session

The user session. A session represents a series of user actions. A session starts with a user action. It ends at the last user activity when there is no more activity for sessionRenewalMs, or if it lasts longer than sessionExpirationMs.

Property Description Automatically assigned id
session.isFirst Boolean. True if this is the first session for this user.
session.acquisitionDate Number. The dateTime when this session was created.
session.renewalDate Number. DateTime when telemetry was last sent with this session.


location: Context.Location

Data from which the geographical location of the user's device can be guessed.

Property Description
location.ip IP address


operation: Context.Operation;

Represents the user request. Operation id is used to tie together related events in diagnostic search.

Property Description
id Unique id
syntheticSource String identifying the bot or test agent.