Snippet from the 2023-06-21 NumPy Community Meeting notes. For the full meeting notes, check
Present: Charles, Sayed, Tyler, Raghuveer, Mars, Sebastian, Ross, Brigitta, Inessa
- Review #1 stage for GSOD-NumPy 2023
- Will share on this community call and make Github issue to open to wider community who may not be in call
- Also shared in NumPy Docs meeting earlier this wek
- Drew some Concept Art
- Discussion points
- Writing out specific parts I would like feedback on
- Is there an issue that was actually completed during a sprint, that can be used in the comics?
- Currently taken from random issue tagged as 'sprintable' numpy/numpy#22435
- Metaphor: Making digital pages into physical media (Github issues as paper scrolls)
- Characters: over-confident, under-confident and just right
- Over-confident: "I bet I already know how to do this!"
- Under-confident: "Can I start working on this issue?""
- Just right: "Let's review the documentation if this already exists and if I'm still not sure, I'll ask someone."
- Is there an issue that was actually completed during a sprint, that can be used in the comics?
- Writing out specific parts I would like feedback on
- Next steps
- Putting together review: Github issue
- 3 main drawings, as shown above
- Chapters
- Introduction
- To characters and how in-person sprints work
- The sprint itself
- Collaboration and the importance of different approaches
- After the sprint
- Meeting remotely, connecting to mailing list and Slack
- Goals and future
- Contributor's goals, how open source processes are open to change too
- Introduction
- Annoucing that open for review: mailing list and Slack channel
- 2 weeks period for getting reviews?
- But I think most comments will come from community meetings
- For Review stage #2, want to coordinate so people know they can join community calls to give reviews
- Putting together review: Github issue
- Comments from this call:
- Different levels of problem, of 'sprintable'
- Emphasize following-up after the sprint
- It's normal it won't be done in one sprint
- De-emphasize the onramp of sprinting becasue fly-bys
- Focus on user-contributor, most likely to follow through, sustainable commmunity growth
- There's a specific example Ross has about loading data, NPZ archive, why won't it work like a dictionary?
- Ross opened issue
- Ganesh wrote implementation, Sebastian and Ross review
- NumPy is driven by people who use it
- Maybe start with a character in classroom (meteorology thesis character)
- NPZ as 20 year old, not brought up until by users
- Instead of sprint leader, maybe Professor character guiding students
- Maybe interview, get links to PRs and issues, get narrative flow
- Sprints as not primary onboarding mechanism, people who make larger contributions come through other channels, driven by scientific research
- Mars will follow-up with Ross
- Similar examples: AstroPy
- We serve everybody who lives on top of NumPy
- Can check against user surveys how people use NumPy
- Maybe add sprint to end, not be center of conversation
- Can talk to a new contributor to NumPy, a maintainer of SciPy but newcomer to NumPy (talk to Melissa)
- Previous steps in GSOD-NumPy 2023:
- Completed Outlining stage for GSOD-NumPy 2023 (May 15-26)
- Completed Gathering community input stage and 3 brainstorming sesions
- At Newcomer(May 4) NumPy Docs (May 8), Commmunity (May 10)
- Link to Google Jamboard
- Summary from Brainstorming Sessions