Discover new playlists tailored to your musical taste with Genre-Q, where you can search for your favorite artists, like Depeche Mode, select a specific genre such as 'New Romantic,' and explore a curated list of public Spotify playlists for that genre. It's the perfect solution for music enthusiasts eager to dive deeper into the genres they love and find more music that resonates with their style && soul.
- Fork or clone down this respository.
git clone [email protected]:MaryBruff/genre-q.git
- In the terminal, open this app by running the command
cd <project folder name>
cd genre-q
- Run the command
npm install
to install dependencies.
npm install
- Run the command
npm start
to start the server.
npm start
5.. Use command C to stop the server.
- To test, run the command.
npm run cypress
To view the app
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
- You can also view the project here.
- Implemented Spotify's Client Credentials flow. This was done by following the Spotify docs for client oauth and using the btoa() function to Base64-encode the client Id/secret to get a bearer token for API calls
- Utilized Swiper.js for its responsiveness and mobile compatibility to create an interactive carousel displaying playlist cards.
- Leveraged Postman for efficient API testing ensuring seamless integration with Spotify's API for reliable data retrieval.
🔮 Incorporating User Login for a more personalized experience
🔮 Favoriting functionality so users could favorite their favorite discovered playlists