Time Gates
- Iteration 1 (30May17 - 1Jun17):
- Write Feature Tests for User Stories 1-8.
- Complete User Stories 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11
- Iteration 2 (2Jun17 - 4Jun17):
- Complete first client meeting.
- Build out base process for regular user.
- Authorization with regards to checking out and creating order.
- Complete majority of User Stories.
- Iteration 3 (5Jun17 - 6Jun17):
Complete second client meeting.
Admin statistics
Image asset functionality
Styling =
Admin can edit pictures.
Complete image asset functionality.
- Iteration 4 (7Jun17 - 8Jun17):
- Refactor
- Styling
- Extensions.
Features: Updated 5 Jun 17
- User
- Create User with role: Member and Admin.
- Can add /remove items to Cart and adjust quantity.
- Can checkout.
- Has unique dashboard
- View past orders
- Admin
- Statistics Overview.
- Create/edit items.
- Close outstanding orders.
- Has Admin dashboard.
- View all orders.
- Extra
- Stripe
Meeting - 1 June 17:
- Cascade of the user story -- focus on the flow
- Focus on the checkout process
Meeting - 5 June 17:
- Complete Vanity URL
- Complete image asset functionality