Our backend forum project utilizes Golang with the Gin Framework and GORM for efficient and robust web development. We store data in PostgreSQL/MySQL databases, enabling seamless integration and smooth forum functionality.
[Technologies · · Installations · · Tests · API Docs · Main Author
- Clone this project to your local machine
Ensure that you have your .env set up and have created your database
- For local, set the DB_HOST in the .env file as follows:
In the root directory, run the command
$ go run main.go
- Use
as base url for endpoints
Docker is the default setting for this project
- Set the DB_HOST as follows in the .env file
$ DB_HOST=forum-postgres
- Create a Dockerfile file in the root directory
- Copy the content of the file: example.Dockerfile.dev (for only local development)
- Create a docker-compose.yml file in the root directory
- Copy the content of the file: example.docker-compose.dev.yml (for only local development)
- Create a Dockerfile.test file in the root directory
- Copy the content of the file: example.Dockerfile.test (for only test)
- Create a docker-compose.test.yml file in the root directory
- Copy the content of the file: example.docker-compose.test.yml (for only test)
- Create a Dockerfile file in the root directory
- Copy the content of the file: example.Dockerfile.prod (for production only)
- Create a docker-compose.yml file in the root directory
- Copy the content of the file: example.docker-compose.prod.yml (for production only)
In the root directory, run the command:
$ docker-compose up --build
- Use
as base url for endpoints
- Run test for all endpoints
Navigate to the tests directory and run
$ go test -v ./...
- Run test for all endpoints
If you have set up the Dockerfile.test and the docker-compose.test.yml files above, from the root directory of the app.
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --build
Login Route
Path: /api/v1/login Method: POST
Reset Password
Path: /api/v1/password/forgot Method: POST
Reset Password
Path: /api/v1/password/reset Method: POST
Users Routes
Create User
Path: /api/v1/users Method: POST
Get All Users
Path: /api/v1/users Method: GET
Get User by ID
Path: /api/v1/users/:id Method: GET
Update User by ID
Path: /api/v1/users/:id Method: PUT
Update User Avatar by ID
Path: /api/v1/avatar/users/:id Method: PUT
Delete User by ID
Path: /api/v1/users/:id Method: DELETE
Posts Routes
Create Post
Path: /api/v1/posts Method: POST
Get All Posts
Path: /api/v1/posts Method: GET
Get Post by ID
Path: /api/v1/posts/:id Method: GET
Update Post by ID
Path: /api/v1/posts/:id Method: PUT
Delete Post by ID
Path: /api/v1/posts/:id Method: DELETE
Get User Posts by ID
Path: /api/v1/user_posts/:id Method: GET
Like Routes
Get Likes for a Post
Path: /api/v1/likes/:id Method: GET
Like a Post
Path: /api/v1/likes/:id Method: POST
Unlike a Post
Path: /api/v1/likes/:id Method: DELETE
Comment Routes
Create Comment for a Post
Path: /api/v1/comments/:id Method: POST
Get Comments for a Post
Path: /api/v1/comments/:id Method: GET
Update Comment by ID
Path: /api/v1/comments/:id Method: PUT
Delete Comment by ID
Path: /api/v1/comments/:id Method: DELETE
- Steven Victor
- medium: medium.com/@victorsteven
- twitter: twitter.com/stevensunflash
- linkedin: linkedin.com/in/stevenchikodi