Releases: MightyPirates/OpenComputers
[MC1.7.10] [Forge] v1.7.7
New Features/Support
- Fixed: Adjusted version check to support the newer GitHub tag format.
- Fixed: [#2883] Allowing any domain through if a whitelisted domain failed to resolve.
- Fixed: [#3547] Character glyph regressions (introduced in OpenComputers 1.7.6).
- Fixed: [#3004] Incorrect damage/metadata values on Cable items.
OpenOS fixes/improvements
- Fixed: /bin/edit not working on Lua 5.2 (introduced in OpenOS 1.7.6).
- Fixed: Reverted "[#3196] Env pass in 'sh' command." due to a regression.
List of contributors
payonel, asie
[MC1.12.2] [Forge] v1.7.6
New Features/Support
- Added: Access to waypoint address UUIDs in the Navigation Upgrade. (hohserg1)
- Added: [#779] Graphics Card video RAM system.
- Graphics Cards now have multiple internal video RAM buffers, which can be allocated and freed.
- Reads and writes to Video RAM have zero costs.
- Writing to the text buffer outside of the viewport now has zero costs.
- Added: More complete Unicode support!
- Unscii has been upgraded to version 2.1 (with funscii patches).
- Unifont 14.0.04 can now be used to fill in missing glyphs, thanks to the license change.
- The above mean that OpenComputers now supports the near-complete Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane.
- Added: More Upgrades now have a descriptive tooltip.
- Added: New mod integrations:
- GregTech: Seismic Prospector data reading. (repo-alt)
- Thaumic Energistics: Distillation pattern aspect information. (repo-alt)
- Changed: Block from internet card by default. (divergentdave)
- Changed: Game logs now contain the dimension when reporting a machine's position. (D-Cysteine, repo-alt)
- Changed: Make Lua BIOS take use tail call optimisation. (skyem123)
- Changed: [#3440] 'media()' is now implemented on Server disk drives.
- Changed: Motion Sensor now considers both feet and eyes when checking for the visibility of an entity.
- Changed: The default CPU architecture is now Lua 5.3.
- Changed: When creating a new Rack, the "Relay Mode" is now disabled by default.
- Misc: Updated the following translations:
- Chinese (Low-power)
- German (JakobDev)
- Portuguese (guilherme-puida)
- Russian (Fingercomp, Smollet777)
- Fixed: AE2 item stack sizes larger than 2^31-1.
- Fixed: Barcode Reader upgrade crash when scanning anything that is not a valid target. (AmandaCameron)
- Fixed: [#3509] ByteBufInputStream memory leak.
- Fixed: [#3187] Crash with CodeChickenLib and IC2 installed.
- Fixed: [#3247] Disassembler accepted whole stack via direct inventory access.
- Fixed: [#3254] Edge case issues with Hologram copy().
- Fixed: [#2999, #3225] Edge case issues with deleting computer/robot persistence data.
- Fixed: Ender IO/Project: Red wrench compatibility.
- Fixed: [#3159] Error when calling 'debug.sendToDebugCard()'.
- Fixed: [#3494] Errors when using block GUIs on larger/negative Y values (f.e. with Cubic Chunks).
- Fixed: [#3391] Generator upgrade destroys fuel containers.
- Fixed: Inconsistent 3D print item stacking (Quant1um).
- Fixed: [#2911] Inconsistent values used by getGameType() and setGameType() in Debug Card.
- Fixed: [#3472] Incorrect 3D print lighting.
- Fixed: [#3226] Incorrect Hard Drive reported maximum stack size when formatted.
- Fixed: [#3084] Incorrect parsing of the 'maxSignalQueueSize' configuration option.
- Fixed: [#3184] Incorrect redstone card sides inside racks and computers.
- Fixed: [#3182] Incorrect reporting of entity inventory names in Transposer, plus other Transposer interaction issues.
- Fixed: Missing null check for Blood Magic integration.
- Fixed: [#3336] Missing null check for GregTech data stick NBTs.
- Fixed: [#3249] NullPointerException when remote terminal is missing.
- Fixed: Potential edge case crash with the Tank Controller Upgrade.
- Fixed: [#3401] 'rawSetForeground', 'rawSetBackground' not working correctly.
- Fixed: [#3265] Relay 'setStrength' unlimited upper bound. (JamesOrdner)
- Fixed: [#1999] 'string.gsub' patterns now allow numbers.
- Fixed: [#3195] Tier 1 Wireless Cards not receiving messages.
- Fixed: Update issues in the Floppy Drive GUI.
OpenOS fixes/improvements
- Changed: Added binary support to 'text.internal.reader'.
- Changed: Errors are now passed back to 'shell.execute'.
- Changed: 'install' no longer clobbers '/etc/rc.cfg' nor '/home/.shrc'.
- Changed: If /home is read-only, a helpful message is displayed to tell the user to run 'install'.
- Changed: Removed '-i' from 'cp' alias.
- Changed: [#3320] VT ABCD should move 1 character by default.
- Changed: [#3305] 'wget' now passes a default user agent.
- Fixed: [#3423] Can't yield from an orphan coroutine.
- Fixed: Crash when calling 'tty.setViewport' without arguments.
- Fixed: [#3499] 'edit' crashing once clicking somewhere.
- Fixed: [#3196] Env pass in 'sh' command.
- Fixed: [#3201] 'io.input' implementation inconsistency.
- Fixed: [#1207] I/O buffer reading splitting UTF-8 sequences.
- Fixed: Minor issues in the OpenOS manpage for 'ls'. (avevad)
- Fixed: [#3308] Out of memory error isn't reported in the shell in certain conditions.
- Fixed: Shift+Backspace handling in '/bin/edit'.
- Numerous small improvements to the codebase.
List of contributors
payonel, asie,
AmandaCameron, avevad,
divergentdave, hohserg1,
JamesOrdner, repo-alt,
Fingercomp, guilherme-puida,
JakobDev, Low-power,
Quant1um, skyem123,
[MC1.7.10] [Forge] v1.7.6
New Features/Support
- Added: Access to waypoint address UUIDs in the Navigation Upgrade. (hohserg1)
- Added: [#779] Graphics Card video RAM system.
- Graphics Cards now have multiple internal video RAM buffers, which can be allocated and freed.
- Reads and writes to Video RAM have zero costs.
- Writing to the text buffer outside of the viewport now has zero costs.
- Added: More complete Unicode support!
- Unscii has been upgraded to version 2.1 (with funscii patches).
- Unifont 14.0.04 can now be used to fill in missing glyphs, thanks to the license change.
- The above mean that OpenComputers now supports the near-complete Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane.
- Added: More Upgrades now have a descriptive tooltip.
- Added: New mod integrations:
- GregTech: Seismic Prospector data reading. (repo-alt)
- Thaumic Energistics: Distillation pattern aspect information. (repo-alt)
- Changed: Block from internet card by default. (divergentdave)
- Changed: Game logs now contain the dimension when reporting a machine's position. (D-Cysteine, repo-alt)
- Changed: Make Lua BIOS take use tail call optimisation. (skyem123)
- Changed: [#3440] 'media()' is now implemented on Server disk drives.
- Changed: Motion Sensor now considers both feet and eyes when checking for the visibility of an entity.
- Changed: The default CPU architecture is now Lua 5.3.
- Changed: When creating a new Rack, the "Relay Mode" is now disabled by default.
- Misc: Updated the following translations:
- Chinese (Low-power)
- German (JakobDev)
- Portuguese (guilherme-puida)
- Russian (Fingercomp, Smollet777)
- Fixed: AE2 filtering by keys which are not always present.
- Fixed: AE2 item stack sizes larger than 2^31-1.
- Fixed: Barcode Reader upgrade crash when scanning anything that is not a valid target. (AmandaCameron)
- Fixed: [#3509] ByteBufInputStream memory leak.
- Fixed: [#3187] Crash with CodeChickenLib and IC2 installed.
- Fixed: [#3247] Disassembler accepted whole stack via direct inventory access.
- Fixed: [#3254] Edge case issues with Hologram copy().
- Fixed: [#2999, #3225] Edge case issues with deleting computer/robot persistence data.
- Fixed: [#3159] Error when calling 'debug.sendToDebugCard()'.
- Fixed: [#3494] Errors when using block GUIs on larger/negative Y values (f.e. with Cubic Chunks).
- Fixed: [#3391] Generator upgrade destroys fuel containers.
- Fixed: Inconsistent 3D print item stacking (Quant1um).
- Fixed: [#2911] Inconsistent values used by getGameType() and setGameType() in Debug Card.
- Fixed: [#3226] Incorrect Hard Drive reported maximum stack size when formatted.
- Fixed: [#3084] Incorrect parsing of the 'maxSignalQueueSize' configuration option.
- Fixed: [#3184] Incorrect redstone card sides inside racks and computers.
- Fixed: [#3182] Incorrect reporting of entity inventory names in Transposer, plus other Transposer interaction issues.
- Fixed: Missing null check for Blood Magic integration.
- Fixed: [#3336] Missing null check for GregTech data stick NBTs.
- Fixed: [#3249] NullPointerException when remote terminal is missing.
- Fixed: Potential edge case crash with the Tank Controller Upgrade.
- Fixed: [#3401] 'rawSetForeground', 'rawSetBackground' not working correctly.
- Fixed: [#3265] Relay 'setStrength' unlimited upper bound. (JamesOrdner)
- Fixed: [#3540] Server-side crash with Motion Sensor
- Fixed: [#1999] 'string.gsub' patterns now allow numbers.
- Fixed: [#3195] Tier 1 Wireless Cards not receiving messages.
- Fixed: [#3239] Unnecessary/unwanted canEntityDestroy check in OpenComputers fake player.
- Fixed: Update issues in the Floppy Drive GUI.
OpenOS fixes/improvements
- Changed: Added binary support to 'text.internal.reader'.
- Changed: Errors are now passed back to 'shell.execute'.
- Changed: 'install' no longer clobbers '/etc/rc.cfg' nor '/home/.shrc'.
- Changed: If /home is read-only, a helpful message is displayed to tell the user to run 'install'.
- Changed: Removed '-i' from 'cp' alias.
- Changed: [#3320] VT ABCD should move 1 character by default.
- Changed: [#3305] 'wget' now passes a default user agent.
- Fixed: [#3423] Can't yield from an orphan coroutine.
- Fixed: Crash when calling 'tty.setViewport' without arguments.
- Fixed: [#3499] 'edit' crashing once clicking somewhere.
- Fixed: [#3196] Env pass in 'sh' command.
- Fixed: [#3201] 'io.input' implementation inconsistency.
- Fixed: [#1207] I/O buffer reading splitting UTF-8 sequences.
- Fixed: Minor issues in the OpenOS manpage for 'ls'. (avevad)
- Fixed: [#3308] Out of memory error isn't reported in the shell in certain conditions.
- Fixed: Shift+Backspace handling in '/bin/edit'.
- Numerous small improvements to the codebase.
List of contributors
payonel, asie,
AmandaCameron, avevad,
divergentdave, hohserg1,
JamesOrdner, repo-alt,
Fingercomp, guilherme-puida,
JakobDev, Low-power,
Quant1um, skyem123,
Patch 1.7.5
New Features/Support
This will be the last version for Minecraft 1.11.2. Minecraft 1.7.10, 1.10.2, and 1.12.2 will keep receiving updates.
- Added: Barcode reader upgrade! (AmandaCameron)
- An Analyzer can now be installed in a Tablet as an upgrade.
- Provides the
component. - When clicking on a block with a tablet containing this upgrade, the
event will contain information the Analyzer would normally reveal. - This allows getting components' addresses into OC directly by clicking on blocks.
- Added: Config option to set max signal queue size (default 256, the same as before).
- Signals pushed to the computer when the queue is full are dropped.
- Added: Allow different HTTP request methods in
(the method to use is now the fourth optional argument). - Added: You can now install Angel Upgrades in drones (Minecraft 1.12 only).
- Added: Chargers can now charge items in nearby players' inventories.
- Added: Experience Upgrade now shows its level in its tooltip (Minecraft 1.12 only).
- Added: Extended item information to Thaumcraft Essentia Jars on Minecraft 1.12 (seebs)
- Added: Support for SimpleLogic bundled cables on Minecraft 1.12. (asiekierka)
- Added: Re-added Wireless Redstone (ChickenBones Edition) support on Minecraft 1.12.
- Misc: Hide bounding box wireframe on screens while not sneaking
- Misc: More robot names.
- Misc: Updated the chinese translation of the manual. (3TUSK, ZeroAurora, JackyWangMislantiaJnirvana)
- Changed: Cleaned up some wording in the config file.
- Changed:
is now faster. - Changed:
now accepts tables of simple key-value pairs, but not nested tables. - Changed: APU tiers now correspond to their CPU tiers.
- Changed: Putting unmanaged hard drives into a Raid now forces them into managed mode along with wiping them.
- Fixed: Robots being unable to use buckets.
- Fixed: Fluid dupe bug that I will not explain to you.
- Fixed: Tier 2 wireless network card not receiving wired messages.
- Fixed: Return value of
when the block breaks too fast. - Fixed: Server racks not sending messages to mountables quickly enough.
- Fixed: Relays not displaying traffic accurately.
- Fixed: Relay message relaying issues.
- Fixed:
config option set to 0 not working. (svitoos) - Fixed: Crash with
. - Fixed: Geolyzer's
. - Fixed: Crash with remote terminals.
- Fixed: A Robot without inventory deleting the items it drops.
- Fixed:
too long without yielding
sometimes not triggering when it should. - Fixed: Crash when blowing up a computer while code is running.
- Fixed: Another fluid dupe bug that I will definitely not explain to you either. Stop asking.
- Fixed: Available architectures not always being what they should be.
- Fixed: Crashes in AE2 integration.
- Fixed: The AE2 ME Interface part not having network control.
- Fixed: AE2 ME cells not having all intended information on inspection. (wkalinin)
- Fixed: Crash with AE2 when power usage is disabled.
- Fixed: AE2 interface not being recognized as components when channels are disabled.
- Fixed: Some AE2 integration not working on 1.7.10. (wkalinin)
- Fixed: Another crash with AE2 when power usage is disabled.
- Fixed: Specific AE2 integration being very slow.
- Fixed: Crash with IC2 Classic.
OpenOS fixes/improvements
- Fixed: Error related to installing OPPM.
- Fixed: OpenOS timers being starved during blocking pulls.
- Fixed:
alias to reset the screen resolution to its maximum. - Fixed: Certain TCP connections in Network loot disk
- Fixed: Various vt100 fixes
- Fixed: Now errors properly on using
with bad__string
List of contributors
AmandaCameron, wkalinin,
LizzyTrickster, svitoos,
kchanakira, seebs,
3TUSK, ZeroAurora,
Patch 1.7.4
New Features/Support
- Misc: when powering on, drones may fly a bit higher
- will fly a above their starting block to get above nonfull blocks (such as chests)
- Misc: more robot names
- Misc: robot/drone swing respects harvestability of block vs tool
- Fixed: zero sized files (bufferChanges failing to do its job)
- Fixed: client crash when using remote terminal out of range
- Fixed: inventory controllers now honor specified target slot
- Fixed: T1 wireless cards now properly ignore wired messages
- Fixed: waila integration by checking for nulls with relay block
- Fixed: practical logisitics integration by not passing null for EnumFacing
- Fixed: locking items in hotbar when gui is open
- Fixed: some container names localized
OpenOS fixes/improvements
- Fixed: fixed event timing issues when pulling smaller timeouts than a current timer
- Added: tty handles '\v' code to move cursor down one line
- Misc: some openos cleanup
- Misc: more memory savings
- Misc: slightly faster boot up times
List of contributors
payonel, Wilma456
Anar Abdullayev, TheCodex6824
Patch 1.7.3
New Features/Support
- Misc: Greatly improved Lua execution speed (asiekierka)
- That means OC now executes Lua code roughly 70% faster than before.
- Misc: Improved Filesystem and block data saving performance
- Saving computers to disk is now anything between 5 and 500 times faster than before, depending on your system. Maybe even more.
- Added: The Net Splitter is now a
component- This allows using computers to connect and disconnect various parts of your network.
- Make sure not to accidentally disconnect your controller!
- Added: New feature for filesystems: Locked mode!
- A locked filesystem is read-only and cannot be unlocked unless recrafted or its mode is switched between managed and unmanaged, either action wiping the drive.
- The name of the player who locked it is shown in the tooltip, allowing authenticated sharing of data.
- Added: Bundled redstone support for ComputerCraft (SquidDev)
- Added:
- They only return the name of the variable, and nothing else.
- Added:
, anddetect
to geolyzers - Added: Allow using morse code patterns like
- Added: redstone component's
can now accept values larger than 15 - Added: Allow the keyboard to connect to screens in more ways than before, e.g. facing a side of the screen other than its front
- Added: Readded Project Red support on Minecraft 1.12 (BrisingrAerowing)
- Added: Driver for the Reactor Chamber from IC2
- Added: Inventory GUI for the rack-mounted disk drives
- Can be accessed either by clicking on the rack or by right clicking the drive in your inventory.
- Added:
to trade offers from the Trading Upgrade to help with sorting them - Added: Readded AE2 power support on Minecraft 1.12, meaning you can now power your computers directly off the ME network again.
- Added:
to debug card - Added: More accessible information from Draconic Evolution items
- Added: Waypoints can now be placed facing up or down
- Added: You can now craft two linked cards together to link them to one another
- This will unlink them from any previously connected Linked Card.
- The link channel is also exposed as a property on the item that transposers etc. can read, meaning that you can easily manage multiple linked cards.
- Added: Allow
on owned Ender Storage chests (payonel and amesgen) - Added: You can now trigger wake-on-LAN over Linked Cards
- Added:
to config for (dis)allowing certain dimensions for the chunkloader upgrade - Added:
function that returns the address of the inserted floppy disk - Added: Forge Energy support to items
- Battery upgrades, tablets, and hover boots can be charged in Forge Energy compatible devices
- Battery upgrades also support power extraction, allowing them to recharge Forge Energy devices acting as normal batteries
- Added: The Analyzer now reports the internal components of an Adapter block when right-clicked
- Changed:
event for bundled signals- Now includes the colour that changed, and only reports the old and new values for that colour
- Changed: The order in which cases are filled with components is now based on the slot tiers
- Changed: OpenComputers is now a lot more quiet in the server log. (kmecpp)
- Changed:
, andtransposer.transferItem
return values- Instead of
, they now return the number of transferred items on success.
- Instead of
- Changed: Use less annoying particles for nanomachines
- Changed: Increased default number of platters in an (unmanaged) Tier 3 Hard Drive from 6 to 8
- You will have to update an existing config yourself by changing
- You will have to update an existing config yourself by changing
- Misc: Improved cable rendering (SquidDev)
- Misc: Robot inventories should now be compatible with even more modded inventory manipulation things
- Misc: Robot Crafting (the Crafting Upgrade) should now be compatible with even more modded recipes
- Misc: Screens should now stop working a lot less on server restarts etc. and be generally a lot more robust
- Misc: Robot
should now be a lot more robust and work with a lot more modded items like Hammers and Bows from Tinkers' Construct - Misc: Robot tank interactions should now work well with a wide range of modded tanks.
- Misc: Improved chunkloader upgrade (svitoos)
- Chunkloaders are now allowed in Microcontrollers.
- Misc: Added more unicode glyphs to font (asiekierka)
- Misc: The default Lua EEPROM now uses less RAM
- Fixed: Inventory loss during minecraft server crashes
- Fixed: Crash when placing microcontroller
- Fixed: Allow the robot to swing at anything that would block its movement
- Fixed:
command not always working on servers - Fixed: Item duplication bug involving robots and voodoo magic
- Fixed: Robot
commands not always actually returning whether the robot really moved or not - Fixed: Forcing the use of the LuaJ architecture not forcing the use of the LuaJ architecture
- Fixed:
checking the wrong side (cyb0124) - Fixed: "Unknown error" when transfering fluid to certain machines
- Fixed: Item duplication bug involving drones and Wither voodoo magic
- Fixed: Potential error with IC2 on launch
- Fixed: Robots eating items they shouldn't eat when crafting
- Fixed: Angel Upgrade not doing the one job it had
- Fixed: Robots being really bad at trading with villagers. They were sent to business school so now they are a lot better at it.
- Fixed: Robots forgetting how to move
- Fixed: Item duplication bug involving robots and drones doing shady business with one another
- Fixed: Network floppy disk not installing
- Fixed: Fluid duplication bug involving robots being bad at draining fluids
- Fixed: Drones getting funky after a wake-on-LAN
- Fixed: Weird item update glitches involving robots and certain blocks like AE2 Interfaces
- Fixed: Item duplication bugs involving EEPROMs' desire to behave like quantum particles
- Fixed: Various fixes to AE2 integration
parameter inexportIntoSlot
of the Export Bus is now an optional parameter
- Fixed: Crash with Applied Llamagistics
- Fixed: Crashes when you try to spawn computers by... unconventional means
- Fixed: Setting
in the config not actually doing anything - Fixed: When a robot gains experience, it now properly triggers modded effects that happen on XP Orb pickup
- Fixed: Confusing Analyzer reports on computers that are shut down
- Fixed: Microcontrollers now properly shutting down internal components
- Fixed: Leash upgrade erroring for addon developers (josephcsible)
- Fixed: World Sensor Card crafting recipe on Minecraft 1.10 and above
- Fixed: Client crash involving cables and chunk loading (thiakil)
- Fixed: Tablet screen freezing on certain events
- Fixed: Terminal servers not properly connecting their Remote Terminals
- Fixed: Lightning issues with ShaderMod (paulhobbel)
OpenOS fixes/improvements
- Added:
command that clears the screen and resets the resolution to maximum - Added: rc errors are now being logged to /tmp/event.log
- Added: -f option to cp
- Added: aliases as part of tab complete in shell
- Added: devfs psuedo files can now be zero-size
- Added: Allow processes to handle hard interrupts
- The process metadata now contains a
field that is triggered on hard interrupts
- The process metadata now contains a
- Added: Support for
characters to tty - Added: Cut and Uncut to
(AntiBlueQuirk)- Ctrl+K to cut, Ctrl+U to insert a line
- Misc: tty and cursor logic separated, reducing memory cost for custom cursor behavior with term options
- Misc: Improved command substitution, now more like Linux sh
- Misc:
is now the program used forman
- Fixed: Various vt100 fixes
- Fixed: Processes now close file handles on exit
- Fixed: Autorun on read-only filesystems
- Fixed: Crash in
List of contributors
payonel, Vexatos,
asiekierka, SquidDev,
kmecpp, BrisingrAerowing,
cyb0124, svitoos,
AntiBlueQuirk, josephcsible,
amesgen, thiakil, paulhobbel
Patch 1.7.2
New Features/Support
- Added: Sheep Power (and ocelot power)
- Carpeted Capacitors exist now. They work and connect just like normal capacitors and form blocks with them.
- Carpeted Capacitors generate power when sheep or ocelots walk on them.
- Power is generated when at least 2 of a type of animal are present. A single sheep and a single ocelot generate no power.
- Ocelots are notorious for their tendency to summon electrostatic fields from the feline dimension. They generate more power than sheep do.
- Yes, this means you can now use OC without any energy-producing mod again without having to change the config.
- Insert interesting reference mentioning electric sheep here
- Changed: Lua 5.3 is now the default architecture for newly crafted CPUs
- CPUs that were crafted prior to this update will continue running whichever architecture they were set to, or Lua 5.2
- Added: Tier 1 Wireless Network Card (TheCodex6824)
- Can only have one open port at a time
- Has a signal strength of 16 blocks
- The already existing wireless network card is now the Tier 2 card, has not been changed in any other way.
- Added: Creative Component Bus (Xyxen)
- Allows servers to support up to 1024 components
- Added: You can now change the name of a robot using another computer.
- Added
to robots. - Computers connected to the robot can access the robot as a component to call these functions.
- The Robot must be shut down for this to work
- Added
- Fixed: Certain characters and glyph width in screen rendering
- Fixed: Blocks with inventories failing to save under certain circumstances
- Fixed: Drones with chunkloader upgrades not always properly loading chunks (TheCodex6824)
- Fixed: AppliedEnergistics 2 integration
- Certain filters for
not working getCpus()
not returning the correct numberexportIntoSlot()
not working- Added
to gathered item data
- Certain filters for
- Fixed:
not erroring properly - Fixed: Made cable collision box closer to cable shape (SquidDev)
- Fixed: Crafting Upgrade not always crafting what it should be crafting
- Fixed: Crafting Upgrade making items uncraftable
- Fixed: Motion Sensor still not working properly
- Fixed: Robots interacting with items that directly modify their inventory (like IC2 fluid cells)
- Fixed: Potential memory leak in networking code
- Fixed:
on the Debug Card on Minecraft 1.10 and above (BrisingrAerowing) - Added:
for the Debug Card on Minecraft 1.10 and above (BrisingrAerowing) - Fixed: Crafting a robot or drone with an EEPROM not working on Minecraft 1.12
- Fixed:
on the Inventory Controller Upgrade and Transposer has been backported to Minecraft 1.7.10. - Misc: Updated French translation (Naheulf)
OpenOS fixes/improvements
- Fixed: install.lua now should work more like one would expect
- Changed: uuid.lua is now generating valid RFC4122 version 4 UUIDs (jobe1986)
- Fixed: Various fixes to vt100 support
- Fixed: Memory leak in process loading
- Fixed: Made modifier keypresses more specific in /bin/edit
List of contributors
payonel, Vexatos,
Xyxen, TheCodex6824, SquidDev,
BrisingrAerowing, jobe1986,
Naheulf, SDPhantom,
Zerotiger, anar4732
Patch 1.7.1
New Features/Support/Fixes
- Changed: Diamond Chip recipe
- You now require cutting wire to cut the diamond.
- Added: ExtraCells and Mekanism integration (DrummerMC) [1.10.2]
- Added: ComputerCraft support is back [1.12.2]
- Fixed: Accessing disk drives and other containers in Tablets [1.11.2]
- Fixed: Putting items into Database Upgrades [1.11.2]
- Fixed: IC2-Classic mod incompatibility
- Added: Allow getting yaw of player through tablet component (ChristoCoder)
- Fixed: Microcontroller interactions with EnderIO item conduits
- Added: Maximum packet parts to device info of modems (Linked and Network Cards)
- Fixed: Drones now properly work with chunkloader upgrades (TheCodex6824)
- Fixed: Tablets not turning off their screen properly (AmandaCameron)
- Fixed: Motion Sensor line of sight
- Misc: Updated various translations
- Russian (S0ZDATEL, Fingercomp, makkarpov)
- Traditional Chinese (mymagadsl)
- German (Nex4rius)
OpenOS fixes/improvements
- Fixed: Issues with booting OpenOS on very slow servers
- Added: Allow custom error objects to print to stderr
- Added: Allow mount points to use existing directories
- Added: Bind mounts to mount a directory as another directory
- Fixed: Allow .shrc to use tty stdin
- Added: Lua REPL input is now parsed with an implicit
(SquidDev)- Adding a
in front of the code to explicitly add it still works.
- Adding a
- Changed: Shell history no longer adds items if they are duplicates (SquidDev)
- Fixed: CTCP messages in IRC client (Michiyo, skyem123)
- Fixed: Reverse lookup of keys in Keyboard API
- Fixed: event.cancel and event.ignore
- Fixed: Protect lua shell from serialization OOM failure
- Fixed: Too long without yielding error in /bin/tree (LeshaInc)
- Misc: Improvements to the vt100 library
- Misc: Various minor improvements to reduce memory usage
List of contributors
payonel, Vexatos,
S0ZDATEL, Fingercomp, makkarpov,
mymagadsl, Nex4rius, ChristoCoder,
DrummerMC, LeshaInc, SquidDev, Michiyo,
josephcsible, skyem123, TheCodex6824,
AmandaCameron, Pwootage
Version 1.7.0 - Herman Toothrot
New Features/Support
- Added: 1.12 and 1.11 support
- Added: New OpenOS thread library
- Added: Support for forge energy.
- Added: Re-add ComputerCraft integration.
- Added: Re-add Project: Red integration.
- Added: Re-add WR-CBE Integration (thanks gamax92)
- Added: Re-add IC2 integration.
- Added: Re-add Waila/Hwyla integration.
- Added: Motion Sensor is now an upgrade
- Added: Converter for fluid tank properties.
- Added: zh_CN and ru_RU localization
- Added: AE2 Integration (thanks Leon)
OpenOS fix/improvements
- Fixed: numerous areas of code cleanup
- Fixed: memory cost reduced, Now requires ~140kB to boot to shell prompt
- Fixed: boot time reduced dramatically
- Fixed: /bin/ls fix for -p option to show / on dirs
- Fixed: /lib/event fix for dispatching signals to timers
- Fixed: /lib/keyboard reduced memory cost and fixed support for numpad in terminal
- Fixed: loadfile fix to allow relative paths
- Added: Separate core tty code from /lib/term, added vt100 support
- Fixed: ENV and _G fixes for load, lua shell, and shell environment
- Fixed: edge case in quoted whitespace in shell commands respected
- Fixed: mv and cp error message conformance and cleanup
- Fixed: install tool fixes
- Fixed: fix exit code issues with ls and piping
- Added: pastebin updates for https
- Fixed: serialization performance greatly improved
- Added: ls coloring now uses vt100 color codes in LS_COLORS
- Added: new file listing tool: /bin/tree (thanks LeshaInc)
Other fixes/improvements
- Fixed: robot screen freeze issue
- Fixed: iron nuggets removed (vanilla has it now)
- Fixed: Little bit of scala cleanup, API refactoring
- Added: getAllStacks and getInventoryName to transposers and inventory controller upgrades for better inventory management. (thanks thiakil)
- Added: More robots names (thanks Nexarius)
- Added: Mouse release sends drop event even without drag
- Fixed: Made tank controllers work better with blocks that provide multiple tanks.
- Fixed: filesystem.copy() (#2432) (thanks SDPhantom)
- Fixed: Make wtrunc count missing glyphs as 1 (thanks gamax92)
- Fixed: Infinite loop in manual.
- Fixed: Robots not being able to use all items properly.
- Fixed: case where computers could run minecraft host machine cpu too high
- Fixed: table returned by getAllStacks().getAll() being 0-based.
- Fixed: Equipment slot actions.
- Fixed: bounding box issues that affect things like waypoints
List of contributors
Sangar, payonel, Vexatos
modmuss50, SDPhantom, thiakil
gamax92, asiekierka, Wilma456, stone3311
Nexarius, loveyanbei, 28Smiles, cyber01, LeshaInc
Patch 1.6.2
- [MC1.10.2+] Update: Improved JEI integration. (Vexatos)
- [MC1.8.9+] Fixed: agents dropping items potentially deleting some. (Vexatos)
- [MC1.8.9+] Fixed: getName() on nanomachines crashing. (Vexatos)
- [MC1.9.4+] Fixed: blocks potentially not deinitializing on unload, leading to all kinds of issues (UUID changes in particular). (Sangar)
- [MC1.9.4+] Fixed: broken keyboard rendering. (Vexatos)
- [MC1.9.4+] Fixed: commands breaking /help. (Vexatos)
- [MC1.9.4+] Fixed: missing potion effects in nanomachines. (Vexatos)
- Added: Allow addons to register their floppies for loot disk cycling. (Vexatos)
- Added: Allow debug cards to send messages to one another and text to a debug card. (Vexatos)
- Added: Fire item toss event when agents try to drop items into the world. (Sangar)
- Added: MFU. (Vexatos)
- Fixed: Card container in tablets not working. (Vexatos)
- Fixed: pastebin get, low mem loadfile. (payonel)
- Fixed: screens stopping to respond in some configurations when their chunk is loaded. (Sangar)
- Fixed: Several drones are dropped if screnched quickly. (Vexatos)
- Fixed: Waila's issue. (Sangar)
- Update: German localization. (Vexatos)
- Update: LuaJ and JNLua for better UTF-8 handling. (gamax92, Sangar)
- Update: OpenOS 1.6.1. memory, performance, devfs, relative links, term safe slow write. (payonel)
- Update: OPPM floppy to use new install features. Also updated OPPM. (Vexatos)
- Update: Plan9k. (magik6k)