This document explains how to use the documentation system.
It should be noted that the documentation in this repository is NOT in the final format displayed on the web site. A build script is used to process the pages in this repository, to produce HTML pages for the web site.
The purpose of this repository is to have the documentation under version control.
An explanation of how to use the website build scripts is found in file:
A template for new documentation pages is found in file:
You can use HTML or Markdown. The build script converts Markdown to HTML. Currently kramdown is used (a Ruby Markdown converter).
Each documentation page goes into its own subdirectory.
Markdown pages must be named ""
HTML pages must be named "index.html"
Images should go into the "images" subdirectory.
See example of folder structure below.
The documentation uses the following folder structure:
Under each directory are subdirectories for different topics.
To give an example, these are the files for an actual documentation page:
It should be noted that the actual classification of document categories is specified in the file scripts/structure.rb. It is however essential to maintain the directory structure and place documents where they logically belong, to make it easy to update and manage documentation files. This also makes URLs consistent and readable.
Put images into the "images" subdirectory of the directory for the documentation page, and link using relative URLs.
Image formats/extensions used are ".png" or ".jpg".
Here is an example of an image tag:
<img src="images/advertising-android-annotated.png" />
On the generated website, relative URLs are used to the greatest possible extent. To make this work, while at the same time having a system that allows for pages to be moved and links to be updated, a special syntax is used.
URLs used as links should begin with the string "TEMPLATE_DOC_PATH" and then the full path to the page under the docs directory should follow. Here is an example:
<a href="TEMPLATE\_DOC\_PATH/cpp/examples/nativeuidemo/index.html>NativeUIDemo</a>
Each documentation page should have a header section with meta tags and document title. This header section is added to the beginning of Markdown or HTML files, and has the format given by the following example:
<!-- <mosyncheadertags>
<meta name="description" content="This guide shows how to use the
MoSync Camera API." />
<meta name="keywords" content="mobile
mobile,c,c++,open source,porting,dev,application,ide,cross
platform,programming,,mosync" />
<title>NativeUI Camera API</title>
</mosyncheadertags> -->
A template for documentation pages is in file:
If you use Markdown, it is good to know that GitHub uses its own flavour. To play well with both GitHub Markdown and Standard Markdown, the following should be used:
Do not use new lines in paragraphs. Write a paragraph as a single link (soft wrapped in the editor).
Do not use underscore for bold/italics, used asterisks instead. *Italics* and **Bold**. We will escape underscores so that they can be used do document CONSTANTS_WITH_UNDERSCORES.
Markdown guide:
The scripts directory contains scripts for building the documentation web site, and for managing analysing the documentation.
This directory contains a central script called "structure.rb" with contains a list of all pages in the documentation. When adding a new page, it needs to be added to this script. Further details about how to do this will follow. In the mean time, ask the documentation administrator to do this.
File contains further information on how to use the builds scripts.
Think of documentation as a catalouge of goodies to pick from. Or a bowl of candy with colourful and inviting items to try out. Or use your own picture to help create documentation that makes the reader to eagerly want to try out things and discover more. And writing plain on-the-spot documentation is always useful and appreciated ;-)