MoFlix is a Netflix Semi-Clone iOS mobile application built with React Native, using The Movie Database (TMDB) API and a custom API built with ExpressJS.
Version 1.1 Scroll down to view previous versions
The custom API handles the returning of the dashboard panels and allows the creating of new panels for each section, the TMDB API takes care of retrieving the movies and tv shows details.
- Dashboard - Panel Based dashboard displaying the Trending and Popular Movies & TV Shows.
- Categories - View All Categories and View By Category
- Favorites - Add movies or tv shows to your Favorites list.
- Search - Search for a movie ot tv show.
- React Native: React Native is a JavaScript-based mobile app framework for building natively-rendered mobile apps for iOS and Android.
- React Query Powerful asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. TS/JS, React Query, Solid Query, Svelte Query and Vue Query.
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- react-native-helper-views
- mesan-react-native-panel - A React Native Panel Component with various types (grid, showcase, carousel, carousel-decked, default)
- react-native-filter-component - Filter Component for React Native
- React Native Youtube iframe - A simple wrapper around the youtube iframe js API for react native.
- React Native Orientation Locker - A react-native module that can listen on orientation changing of device, get current orientation, lock to preferred orientation. (cross-platform support)
- React Native Linear Gradient - A LinearGradient element for React Native
UI toolkit Cross Platform
- @rneui/base - React Native UI toolkit for making cross platform applications
- @rneui/themed - React Native UI toolkit for making cross platform applications
- react-native-vector-icons - Customizable vector icons
Navigation - React Navigation - Routing and navigation for React Native apps.
- @react-navigation/native - React Native integration for React Navigation.
- @react-navigation/stack - Stack navigator
- @react-navigation/elements - A component library containing the UI elements and helpers used in React Navigation.
- Navigation Dependencies
Other Navigation Dependencies
- react-native-reanimated
- react-native-gesture-handler
- @react-native-masked-view/masked-view
Async Storage
- React Native Async Storage - An asynchronous, unencrypted, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native.
Version 1.0