The Dinsky Plus V2 Generator is a node that creates Kandinsky-style abstract art by generating shapes based on coordinate pairs. It offers various customization options including different color palettes, shape types, and weighting systems to create unique abstract compositions.
width (INT)
- Width of the output image
- Default: 1024
- Range: 64 to 4096 pixels
height (INT)
- Height of the output image
- Default: 1024
- Range: 64 to 4096 pixels
seed (INT)
- Random seed for reproducible generation
- Default: 0
- Range: 0 to 2^32 - 1
x_coords (STRING)
- Comma-separated list of X coordinates
- Default: "100,200,300,400,500"
- Example: "100,200,300" creates points at x=100, x=200, and x=300
y_coords (STRING)
- Comma-separated list of Y coordinates
- Default: "100,200,300,400,500"
- Example: "100,200,300" creates points at y=100, y=200, and y=300
shape_radius (INT)
- Radius of shapes (particularly circles)
- Default: 50
- Range: 1 to 500 pixels
line_width (INT)
- Width of lines when drawing line shapes
- Default: 5
- Range: 1 to 50 pixels
color_palette (COMBO)
- Choice of predefined color schemes
- Options:
- "kandinsky": Blues, oranges, and yellows (#69D2E7, #A7DBD8, #E0E4CC, #F38630, #FA6900, #FF4E50, #F9D423)
- "warm": Red to yellow spectrum (#FF4E50, #FC913A, #F9D423, #EDE574, #E1F5C4)
- "cool": Blues and greens (#69D2E7, #A7DBD8, #E0E4CC, #B2C2C1, #8AB8B2)
- "monochrome": Grayscale (#FFFFFF, #D9D9D9, #BFBFBF, #8C8C8C, #404040)
- "vibrant": Full spectrum (#FF1E1E, #FF9900, #FFFF00, #00FF00, #0000FF, #9900FF)
circle_weight (FLOAT)
- Probability weight for generating circles
- Default: 1.0
- Range: 0.0 to 10.0
- Step: 0.1
rectangle_weight (FLOAT)
- Probability weight for generating rectangles
- Default: 1.0
- Range: 0.0 to 10.0
- Step: 0.1
line_weight (FLOAT)
- Probability weight for generating lines
- Default: 1.0
- Range: 0.0 to 10.0
- Step: 0.1
The node uses a weighted probability system to determine which shapes to draw:
- Circles: Drawn centered on coordinate points with the specified radius
- Rectangles: Drawn between consecutive coordinate pairs
- Lines: Drawn connecting consecutive coordinate pairs
The weights determine the relative probability of each shape type being chosen. For example:
- Equal weights (1.0, 1.0, 1.0): Each shape has a 33.33% chance
- Weights (2.0, 1.0, 1.0): Circles have 50% chance, rectangles and lines 25% each
- Setting any weight to 0 removes that shape from consideration
- Coordinates are provided as comma-separated strings
- If parsing fails or insufficient coordinates are provided, default coordinates are used
- The system automatically pairs X and Y coordinates
- Minimum of 2 coordinate pairs are required (defaults are added if fewer are provided)
- Coordinates exceeding canvas dimensions are automatically clamped to valid ranges
- Returns a single IMAGE tensor
- Format: BCHW (Batch, Channel, Height, Width)
- RGB color space
- Pixel values normalized to 0-1 range
- White background
- The node is categorized under "DJZ-Nodes" in the ComfyUI interface
- Shape generation is deterministic for a given seed value
- The canvas starts with a white background
- Shapes are drawn in the order of the provided coordinates
- Each shape uses a randomly selected color from the chosen palette