title: NCHUIT 2016 Demo Day author: PastLeo
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Use '%' to comment or directive (ex:css below)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% You can add some custom style rules here...
.step.slogen h2 { margin-top: 20%; }
.step.center-list ul { margin: 0 auto; display: table; }
.step.opaqueWhenActive:not(.active) { opacity: 0.3; pointer-events: none; } .step.opaqueWhenActive.future { opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; }
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% occupation of scale=1: %% x = 1200 %% y = 700 %% occupation of scale=2: [occupation of scale=1] * 2 %% x = 2400 %% y = 1400 %% occupation of scale=3: [occupation of scale=1] * 3 %% x = 3600 %% y = 2100 %% occupation of scale=4: [occupation of scale=1] * 4 %% ... %% the location of one step (slide) is originated from the center!
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Here we go...
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE opaqueWhenActive picture center x=0 y=-875 z=0 scale=6
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE opaqueWhenActive center picture center-list x=0 y=-875 z=10000 scale=6
- 講一下這學期我們做了啥
- 然後就來玩遊戲!
- 旁邊都有點心,到了晚上還有 Pizza 😎
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen showOnlyWhenPresent x=-3000 y=-1750 z=18000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE center picture center-list x=-3000 y=-1750 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE center picture x=-1800 y=-1750 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen showOnlyWhenPresent x=-600 y=-1750 z=18000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE center picture center-list x=-600 y=-1750 z=20000
- Using Git-it, Repo, by taichunmin
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=600 y=-1750 z=20000
, cp
, vim
... by RayLiu
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen center picture x=1800 y=-1750 z=20000
... by taichunmin
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen center picture center-list x=3000 y=-1750 z=20000
- Slides / 上課練習 - 聊天室 / The Game by jd615645
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% y=-1050 !SLIDE slogen x=-3000 y=-1050 z=20000
權限控制、軟體安裝、Docker、Nginx by chgu82837
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE center picture x=-1800 y=-1050 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE center picture center-list x=-600 y=-1050 z=20000
- Slides / The Game / Repo, by lukechu1997 and tim54100
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE center picture center-list x=600 y=-1050 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen showOnlyWhenPresent x=1800 y=-1050 z=18000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=1800 y=-1050 z=20000
- 小心大呆鵝——李家駿、洪浩祐、陳盈達
- 中興肥宅——王文樺、陳鐿文、蔡辰彥
- 史上最強山下智久護衛隊——杜津、劉鴻文、劉冠閎
- nyycrazymonkey——魏子庭
- somebody--尹昊廷
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen showOnlyWhenPresent x=3000 y=-1050 z=18000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE center picture center-list x=3000 y=-1050 z=20000
- 感謝樂富的教學!
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=-3000 y=-350 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=-1800 y=-350 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=-600 y=-350 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=600 y=-350 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen showOnlyWhenPresent x=1800 y=-350 z=18000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=1800 y=-350 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=3000 y=-350 z=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=0 y=-875 z=20000 scale=6
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen opaqueWhenActive center-list x=0 y=-875 z=30000 scale=6
- 第一名:藍芽鍵盤
- 第二名:資訊社圖章 X 3
- 第三名:閃電狼海報
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=-1500 y=-1312.5 z=40000 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=1500 y=-1312.5 z=40000 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=-1500 y=-437.5 z=40000 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slogen x=1500 y=-437.5 z=40000 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture center x=0 y=-875 z=50000 scale=6
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture center x=0 y=-875 z=60000 scale=6
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture center x=0 y=-875 z=70000 scale=6
%% The End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%