title: SITCON x NCHUIT 台中定期聚 #12 暨 NCHUIT 期末成果發表
author: 中興資訊社 NCHUIT
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Use '%' to comment or directive (ex:css below)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% You can add some custom style rules here...
% for david % x = 20000 - 40000 % y = 20000 - 40000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% occupation of scale=1: %% x = 1200 %% y = 700 %% occupation of scale=2: [occupation of scale=1] * 2 %% x = 2400 %% y = 1400 %% occupation of scale=3: [occupation of scale=1] * 3 %% x = 3600 %% y = 2100 %% occupation of scale=4: [occupation of scale=1] * 4 %% ... %% the location of one step (slide) is originated from the center!
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Here we go...
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-20000 y=-20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-20000 y=-19300
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-18800 y=-20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-18800 y=-19300
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-18800 y=-18950 z=-350 rotate-x=90
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-18800 y=-18250 rotate-x=180
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=-18800 y=-18250 z=-1400
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-17400 y=-20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=-17400 y=-19300
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-16000 y=-20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=-16000 y=-20000 z=350 rotate-x=90
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-16000 y=-17500 z=350 rotate-x=90
其實純 JS 的部分是直接抄去年的啊...意思是說以後學弟妹都會用我們寫好的教學的是嗎...
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-16000 y=-15000 z=350 rotate-x=90
簡單來說就是把 Google 試算表當成我們的 API 來練習 Ajax
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=-16000 y=-12500 z=350 rotate-x=90
- 投影片
- 上課筆記
- 大概要做這個,不過只是殼
- 社課小幫手 大量了使用了這堂課所教導的內容
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=-14600 y=-12500
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=-14600 y=-11800
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide showOnlyWhenPresent x=-14600 y=-11450 rotate-x=270
隊名 | 成員 | 題數 |
投資理財有風險屁屁買賣沒保險 | 劉冠閎 沈柏瑋 莊士賢 | 3 |
宇鈞均YEE隊 | 王韋鈞 王鈞硯 林軒宇 | 3 |
sisker | 陳盈達 范浩翔 林師漢 | 3 |
室友好carry隊 | 張軒譯 | 3 |
資工對不隊 | 洪浩祐 李家駿 劉鴻文 | 3 |
程如code所說 | 張泰瑋 黃翔宇 林佑儒 | 3 |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide x=0 y=0 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=0 y=0 z=-3500 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=5000 y=5000 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=5000 y=5000 z=-3500 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=5000 y=5000 z=-7000 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=5000 y=5000 z=-10500 scale=3
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide x=20000 y=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide x=22000 y=20000
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=21400 y=21600
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=29000 y=22000 scale=4
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=30000 y=32000 rotate=180 scale=4
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide picture showOnlyWhenPresent x=38400 y=32000 rotate=270 scale=10
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide picture showOnlyWhenPresent x=38400 y=32000 rotate=200 scale=10
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture showOnlyWhenPresent x=33000 y=32000 z=-3000 rotate=300 scale=1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=34400 y=32000 rotate=270 scale=6
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE showOnlyWhenPresent x=36700 y=-32000 scale=6
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=36300 showOnlyWhenPresent y=-24000 rotate=20 scale=4
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=37000 showOnlyWhenPresent y=-25000 rotate=40 scale=2
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=37500 showOnlyWhenPresent y=-16000 z=-100 rotate=60 rotate-x=90 rotate-y=90 rotate-z=90 scale=2
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide x=30000 y=20000 scale=1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide x=31200 y=17000 scale=1
要從這樣: courses[code]
$.each( courses[code] , function(ik, iv) {
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide x=32400 y=10000 scale=1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide x=32400 y=10700 scale=1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE slide x=32400 y=16400 scale=1
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=34200 y=10350 z=10000 scale=2
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE center slide x=36600 y=10350 scale=2
!SLIDE unclickable showOnlyWhenPresent x=35000 y=12050 scale=5
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE unclickable showOnlyWhenPresent x=35000 y=22050 scale=5
選課小幫手產出來的個人課表(json)-> Tiagenda
選課的時候想要查課程評價怎麼辦? -> 課程評鑑查詢系統
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE picture x=40000 y=40000 scale=5
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=45000 y=45000 scale=5
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !SLIDE x=50000 y=50000 scale=5
%% The End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%