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Selynna Sun edited this page Dec 12, 2018 · 28 revisions

In order to run quick_scan().py, there are a few dependencies we need to install beforehand.

Python 2.7

This is the version of Python we use. You can access the download page here.


DroneKit allows us communicate with the vehicle over MAVLink and helps us get parameters like state information, vehicle movement, etc. You can find documentation here.

To install, run sudo pip install dronekit, and ensure you're downloading using Python 2.7, not Python 3.

Xbee Python Library

The Digi XBee Python library allows us to interact with our xbee radios. Find more information about it here.

To install, run pip install digi-xbee. This is a Python 3 package, so ensure you aren't installing it from Python 2.7.


pySerial helps automatically select the appropriate backend for the serial port running Python. Find more information about pySerial here.

To install, run pip install pyserial.

OpenCV 3 for Python

OpenCV is our computer vision library for the vehicle. Find more information here.

To install, find the download link here.


pymavlink is a Python implementation of the MAVLink protocol, and you can find documentation here.

To install, run sudo pip2 install -U pymavlink. It's recommended to be used in Python 2, and not Python 3.

mavproxy 1.6.1

MAVProxy is a GC for UAV's. Find more information about it here.

To install, refer to this installation page. It has several dependencies - wxPython, gnureadline, billiard, numpy pyparsing.