- Base Control - Aaron & Jacob
- How the Rover Moves
- Drive Control
- Inputs
- joy
- https://github.com/ros-drivers/joystick_drivers - has a ros2 branch
- Space Mouse and ROS Driver
- Can this work with ROS 2?
- Port interface with Arduino code from RoverCoreOS
- Arm and Gripper - David & Drake
- Tower arm
- Arm Control
- Gripper Control
- MoveIt
- Science Task - Ryan & Renee
- Reading Sensors
- Manipulation
- Coordinate with Science
- Autonomous Nav - Hal & Gavin
- Vision
- Realsense Camera D435/D435i and ROS2 Driver
- Slamtec RPLIDAR A1
- Unofficial ROS2 Driver
- Mapping
- Path Planning
- ROS2 Navigation Stack
- ROS Discourse - stack overflow for ROS, has different channels for Navigation, MoveIt, etc.
- ROS Docs
- ROS2 Gazebo Simulation Tutorial