We also provide sources for certain containers, allowing users to experiment with them. To build containers, users need to have access to the docker images repository.
Before pushing containers, login into the desired repository. For the
repository, it will look like this (assuming env varNGC_CLI_API_KEY
is set to the proper NGC key, refer to this NGC document for details):docker login nvcr.io -u "\$oauthtoken" -p $NGC_CLI_API_KEY
For example purposes, our internal repository is shown below. Users can adjust it to the repository of their choosing. In our case, the related env var would be defined as following:
export REPOSITORY_URL=nvcr.io/nvidia/omniverse
, build steps are the following from the root:export CONTAINER_URL=$REPOSITORY_URL/conditioning-for-precise-visual-generative-ai-imagegen-stub export CONTAINER_VERSION=$(head -n 1 imagegen_stub/version.md) docker build -t $CONTAINER_URL:$CONTAINER_VERSION -f imagegen_stub/Dockerfile.stub imagegen_stub docker push $CONTAINER_URL:$CONTAINER_VERSION
, build steps are the following from the root:cd kit-streamer export CONTAINER_URL=$REPOSITORY_URL/conditioning-for-precise-visual-generative-ai-streaming export CONTAINER_VERSION=$(head -n 1 VERSION.md) ./build.sh -ru ./repo.sh package_app --container --target-app omni.app.conditioning_for_precise_visual_generative_ai_streaming.kit --name kit_conditioning_for_precise_visual_generative_ai --image-tag $CONTAINER_URL:$CONTAINER_VERSION docker push $CONTAINER_URL:$CONTAINER_VERSION
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