I. Web app development
- Authentication a) User login, logout b) User registration c) Standard password validation d) Forgot password validation
- API calls, JSON handling, Dashboard a) Fetch and display News image, title in home page (after logging-in) b) Redirect user to detailed user article on clicking news clip image c) User creates blog-blog title, content, date created(automatic) d) User delete his/her own blogs from dashboard
- Serializers - Django REST Framework a) Site-administrator can view existing blogs list in json format through api endpoint only b) Site-admin can delete, update, create blogs through api endpoints only
- Bootstrap designing (Optional) a) Usage of font-awsome based delete icon in dashboard b) Bootstrap form-controls for blogs creation form
The project consist of two major apps | allApps | ---> userAccounts ---> blogs
A -> userAccounts consist all of our logic for user authentication
B -> 1. blog consists of all of api fetching, creating new blog post, deleting on the website
2. CRUD operation only admin can perform created using django-rest-framework
-> endpoint
NOTE: In this project because, I am not processicing much of data, we are using sqlite -we can use the ->sudo mysql; ->mysql -u root -p; ->CREATE USER 'neeraj'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; ->GRANT PRIVILEGE ON database_nme.table_name TO 'neeraj'@'host'; ->GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO 'neeraj'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
In Settings.py we can configure the database
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'iitb_assignment',
'USER': 'root',
'PASSWORD': '******',
'HOST': 'hostname',
'PORT': '3306',