Version 1.1.0
Added RimCuisine2 compatibility:
- Smokeleaf Industry Reborn recipes which require hemp flour or fruits can have those ingredients substituted with RC2 flour and RC2 fruits, respectively.
- All Smokeleaf Industry Reborn recipes which involve grinding/processing smokeleaf seeds into flour/protein/milk/oil are now done at the RC2 Quern stone and RollerMill, instead of stove.
- RimCuisine2 core recipes which require milk, flour, meat can be substituted with hemp milk, hemp flour, hemp protein respectively.
- Hemp protein cannot be dried or canned like meats.
- RimCuisine2 Meals and Munchies recipes can use same substitutions as core.
Smokeleaf Industry Reborn v1.0.0
- launch of Smokeleaf Industry Reborn, an unofficial continuation of the Smokeleaf Industry mod (originally created by larSyn).
- versioning reset to 1.0 for new project.
- restructured research projects. Changed prerequisites for 'smokeleaf pharmacology', 'advanced smokeleaf processing', 'smokeleaf glitterworld'
- Changes to CBD and Infused medicine: slightly easier, and cheaper to produce. Reduced medical efficiency of both to be slightly less potent than industrial medicine, and Glitterworld medicine, respectively. These changes are intended to encourage early/mid game smokeleaf research and prevent core meds from becoming obsolete.
- revamped entire tolerance/addiction system. All drugs and edibles build tolerance for 'smokeleaf' instead of for each unique method of consumption. Addictions can be fed with any smokeleaf drug or edible.
- **implemented different stages of being high, similar to core drunkenness system. 'Stoned on smokeleaf' severity can range anywhere from 'slightly baked' to 'greening out', with benefits/negatives changing for each stage. Benefits and penalties have been adjusted to better reflect real world effects of consuming "smokeleaf".
- updated all mod item prices to follow core market value formula. Market value = cost of ingredients + (time to make - 0.216)
- prices of core meds (herbal, industrial, glitterworld) slightly adjusted to balance mod medical options provided.
- editing descriptions spelling/grammar/accuracy.
- balanced trimming. Trim times increase for auto trimmer and cultivation bench. Auto trimmer wastes 20% plant material, but large value gain from time saved. Cultivation bench takes more than 2 times longer than drug lab, but massive value gained from extra bud.
- now multiple use cases for trimming. use auto trimmer to process massive amounts of plant for extra value, or use cultivation bench to slowly and carefully trim small amounts of plant for even more extra value (from extra buds). higher gains per job will come from cultivation bench, but limited due to volume.
- these trimming balances were necessary after balancing market value prices of all smokeleaf industry items. lots of silver can be made now from selling smokeleaf products.
- hand trimming at crafting spot still sucks, and will always suck. avoid it!
- rebalanced edibles. changed ingredient quantities, numbers produced, normalized bulk production speeds, balanced prices.
- rebalanced all recipes and market values.
Smokeleaf Industry v1.13a
- removed Architect Sense support for new vanilla categories
- research balancing
- general balancing
- fixed VG Fabric and Medicine patches
- words
Updated to v1.10b
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- Fixed VGP Fabric conflict.
Updated to v1.10b
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- Fixed Chemfuel recipe producing Hempoline. (thanks Vlad0mi3r)
- Reduced Hemp solar panel cost. A note about the solar panels. They still store the same 1700w as the vanilla panels, but they transmit 10x more power when they are active. I didn't have time to make a new class to raise the storage capacity, but will look to do so in the future.
- Reduced market value of Hempoline.
Updated to v1.10a
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- Changed Auto trimmer power requirement
- Added Sea of Green (SOG - grows faster/less yield) and Screen of Green (SCROG - grows slower/larger yield) growing techniques
- Made nanosheets into "Stuff" - It is slightly stronger than plasteel due to the amount of work to make it.
- Changed Smokeleaf Plant description
- Removed all uses of SI products being fuel sources (except hempoline)
- Made the Space Bucket "Art" Furniture to add Beauty to it
- Added variant graphics for all smokeleaf plants
- Words
Updated to v1.9b
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- Fixed Cannagar Prereq.
- Fixed Biocoal Prereq.
- Fixed Nanosheet Prereq.
- Adjusted work amounts for Biocoal
- Edibles Category moved to the Drug Category
- Added Chemfuel recipe
- Combined Hempoline recipes into one
- Fixed Hemp Protein(Meat), Flour(Veg), Milk(Veg), and Seed Oil(Veg) not showing in Categories for recipes (thanks ZJK)
- CBD moved to moved to Medicine Category
- Devilsleaf Fabric research requirement lowered to Industrial Smokeleaf Processing
- Bulk Trimming recipes now require the next level of research to unlock, with a couple exceptions (thanks Canute)
- Words
Updated to v1.9a
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- Added "Hemp Biocoal"-can be used as a fuel source for benches and torches. Needed to craft "Hempene" (thanks to fractalesque for the idea)
- Added "Hempene"-an advanced material needed for advanced machinery.
- Added "Hempene Power Conduit"
- Added "Hempene Battery"-an advanced battery that stores more power than a vanilla one.
- Added "Hempene Solar Generator"-and advanced solar generator that produces more power and is slightly larger than a vanilla one.
- Made Edibles into Drugs. This should stop the 10 jobs in 10 ticks error and the pawns using the edibles to train animals. *This will require you to set up new Drug Policies, as the edibles don't appear in old policies- (thanks to Teknominja, jacobbyte)
- Fixed Hemp Protein. (thanks Vlad0mi3r)
- Made Hemp Biocomposite usable for crafting Components (thanks Madman666)
- Updated patches
- Words (thanks Nova82)
Updated to v1.8b
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- Renamed some conflicting Def names. Ceiling Lamps, Light Fixtures, and stone and wooden planters will have to be rebuilt.
Updated to v1.8a
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- Updated to ModCheck 1.6
- Lots of patch optimization
- Added a new texture for mature smokeleaf plants. (Thanks for the reminder JinxVanAshke)
- Added a "Crude Smokeleaf Joint". Replaces the regular joint at the Crafting Spot. *Note: If you have a Crafting Spot that has a bill for joints, you will need to deconstruct and rebuild it.
- Added a "Smokeleaf Cannagar" - a high tier smokeleaf "cigar" made with top shelf ingredients.
- Added a new texture for Devilsleaf Carpet
- Added "Hemp Protein" - now you can survive completely off of Smokeleaf.
- Added two new planter types. Stone (unlocks with "Smokeleaf Cultivation") and Wood (unlocks with "Industrial Smokeleaf Cultivation").
- Added two new grow lights. "Ceiling Lamp" (grows in a 3 tile radius) and the "Light Bank" (grows plants adjacent to it, draggable). Both can be placed above other objects, but plants will NOT grow directly beneath them. Both unlock with the Grow Lamp (Industrial Smokeleaf Cultivation).
- Adjusted Trimming recipes. The "Crafting Spot" now yields 2:1 (Smokeleaf Leaves to byproducts), the "Drug Lab" now yields 1:1, and the "Cultivation Bench" now yields 1:2 (Buds only).
- The Auto trimmer can process more Smokeleaf much faster and for less power at 1:1. (thanks JinxVanAshke, RyanRim)
- Added "Infused Meals" to the "Meals" category. (thanks Dub Scientist, GrimTrigger and Canute)
- Added "Infused Medicine" to the "Medicine" category.
- Moved "Hemp Fibers" to the "Plant Matter" category.
- Made Fibers, Seeds, and Buds able to be refined into "Chemfuel".
- Shortened the time for "Smokeleaf Lotion" to work. It is still a random chance, but the roll happens more frequently.
- Recipe rebalancing. (thanks AZ)
- More words.
Updated to v1.7
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- Added support for Architect Icons.
- Added support for Mod Sync Ninja.
- Updated ModCheck to v1.5.
- Optimized patches for speed, thanks to Nightinggale's and kaptain_kavern's tests.
- Adjusted Hemp Fabric stats.
- Added "Devilsleaf Fabric" - A Hemp Fabric/Devilstrand blended fabric.
- Adjusted skill gain for most things.
- Changed drug work skill to "Intellectual" from "Crafting" to keep in line with vanilla drug production.
- Removed crafting requirements for drugs to keep in line with vanilla drug production.
- Reworked skill requirements for medicinal products.
- Adjusted work amounts for most recipes.
- Added more items to traders.
MSI-VG Patch v1.4 Changelog:
- Moved Devilsleaf Fabric to Looms.
Updated to b18 v1.6
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- Updated ModCheck to v1.4
- Fixed Fuel patch. (Thanks Sixdd!)
- Added new Trimming Tools rotatable multi texture.
- Added new floor: Hempcrete Path
- Added renewable metallic material: Hemp Biocomposite (Crafted at a Smithy. It is weaker than steel.)
- Added new ingredient: Smokeleaf Seed Oil (Crafted at a Stove. It is used in some edibles recipes and as an ingredient for biocomposite.)
- Added new edible: Smokeleaf Candy (Crafted at a Stove. It is a slightly cheaper advanced edible.)
- Added Thing Categories for Smokeleaf Drugs and Edibles.
- Various tweaks to drugs, recipes and edibles.
- Slight tweak to colors for things made with Hemp, Hempcrete, and Hemp biocomposite.
- Words
- Balancing
MSI-VG Patch v1.3 Changelog:
- Moved Smokeleaf Seed Oil to Ingredients category.
- Moved Smokeleaf Seed Oil recipe to Food Prep Tables.
- Moved Smokeleaf Candy to Sweets Tables.
- Replaced Smokeleaf Seed Oil in Smokeleaf Candy recipe with VG Sugar.
- Added VG Fruits to Smokeleaf Candy recipe.
Updated to b18 v1.5
Smokeleaf Industry Changelog:
- ModCheck added. Thanks Nightingale!
- Compatibility patches included with main mod now.
- Stack limit for drugs increased to 400.
- Stack limit for Fibers, Buds, and Seeds increased to 400.
- Adjusted Hemp Fabric stats.
- New Trimming Tools texture.
- Hemp Fiber is now "Woody" stuff and can be used in corresponding recipes.
- Hemp Fiber can be used as a fuel, similar to wood logs.
- Hemp Fiber moved to Raw Resources.
- Added some base items to Outlander and Orbital traders.
- Added Hemp Stalk Flooring.
- Various small fixes.
MSI-VG Patch v1.2 Changelog:
- Updated for new VG modules.
- Moved Smokeleaf Butter and Hemp Milk recipes to Food Prep Tables.
- Moved Hemp Fabric to Electric Loom.
- Moved Smokeleaf Brownie/Cookie recipes to Electric Oven.
- Removed VGP's Bulk Joint recipe.
MSI-VG Patch v1.1 Changelog:
- Added all VG Fruits to the NutriLeaf Bar recipe.
- Added SI Hemp Milk to all VG milk using recipes (ie: cheese, ice cream, etc.)
MSI-VG Patch v1.0 Changelog:
Removed VGP's Hemp Cloth and it's recipe.
Hemp Fabric must now be made at the Loom.
Added VG "Flour" to all SI "Hemp Flour" using recipes (ie: cookies, brownies).
Added SI "Hemp Flour" to all VG "Flour" using recipes (ie: Bread, Pizza, etc.).
Moved Hemp Flour to the "Ingredients" category.
Hemp Flour must now be ground at the Milling Stone.
Added all VGP fruits to the Smokeleaf Smoothie recipe.
Added Sugar to the Smokeleaf Cookie recipe.
Increased cookie output to 3 (regular recipe) and 15 (bulk recipe).
Smokeleaf Cookies and Brownies must now be baked in the Oven.
Changed Biofuel recipe to be equivalent to Hempoline's recipe.
Added a bulk recipe for Biofuel.
Added Biofuel as a compatible fuel to the Hempoline Generator.
Removed Biofuel as a fuel source from all workbenches.
Updated to v1.4
- Fixed Hempoline being mineable. (thanks ptx and Kori)
- Fixed total stone block count being used for hempcrete blocks.
- Fixed Edibles addiction bug. (thanks Vlad0mi3r)
- Fixed Crafting Spot recipes.
- Adjusted Terrain costs/workToBuild.
- Added new Terrain type. Hempcrete Plate (requires Industrial Smokeleaf Processing)
- Added new Facility type for trimming stations (including the Drug Lab). Trimming Tools (requires Industrial Smokeleaf Cultivation)
- Added Hemp Milk. Added to any recipe requiring Milk. (requires Industrial Smokeleaf Processing)
- Added new edible. Nutrileaf Bar (requires Industrial Smokeleaf Processing)
- Smokeleaf Butter and Hemp Milk require refrigeration.
- 10x Trimming recipe re-added to Cultivation Bench.
- Added 2 new traits:
- Stoner - Resistant to effects of addiction.
- Smokeleaf Farmer - Growing and workSpeed boost.
Updated to v1.3b
- Moved some things around in order to make the Vegetable Garden Patch a little easier to make.
- Doubled smokeleaf trimming recipes ( ie: 2 smokeleaf leaves = 1 bud, seed and fiber, etc).
- Doubled smokeleaf rolling and trimming recipes at the Crafting Spot (ie: 4 buds = 1 joint, etc). I think this better represents the Neolithic level of knowledge. There would be some extra waste until they perfected all their methods (Drug Production research).
- Re-added smokeleaf rolling and trimming recipes to the Drug Lab and Cultivation Bench at the normal recipe. (ie: 2 buds = 1 joint, etc).
- Fixed some spelling mistakes. (thanks Orion TH)
- Fixed a strange bug where an empty list was necessary in the drug addiction def. (thanks ttamttam, this would have taken me forever to figure out.)
Updated to v1.3: The Return of the Crafting Spot
Made compatible with tribal starts:
- Research Smokeleaf Cultivation and Smokeleaf Processing tech level set to Neolithic
- Returned joint recipe to the Crafting Spot and added a (x5) recipe.
- Removed all joint recipes from Drug Lab.
- Added smokeleaf trimming recipe to the Crafting Spot and added a (x5) recipe.
- Hempcrete now requires Smokeleaf Processing and Stone Cutting to be researched.
- Stone terrain now requires Smokeleaf Processing and Stone Cutting to be researched.
- Hemp fabric now requires Smokeleaf Processing and Complex Clothing to be researched.
- Hemp carpet now requires Smokeleaf Processing, Complex Clothing, and Carpet Making to be researched.
Fixed drug tolerances/addictions:
- All drugs should have about a 7 day tolerance stage loss time and 30 days of addiction (vanilla settings for all drugs).
- All Edibles should have about a 3-4 day tolerance stage loss time and 15 days of addiction.
Other fixes:
- Lots of recipe adjustments. Mostly small tweaks to try and prevent late game stockpile issues.
- Added (x10) trimming and rolling jobs to the Cultivation Bench.
- Medicinals Lab is now unlocked by researching Smokeleaf Pharmacology.
- Space Bucket power raised to 350.
- Grow lamp power lowered to 1250.
- Added (bulk) recipes for everything.
- Changed (bulk) recipe research requirements to be the same as the single recipe.
- Adjusted smokeleaf medicines to make each a bit more useful.
- Adjusted drugs balance, including smokeleaf joints.
- Other things I didn't write down...
Note: The Grow Lamp default plant can't be changed as far as I can tell. So...that's not working and probably won't.
Updated to v1.2
- Adjusted market values
- Added Workgiver for Cultivation Bench (smh...)
- Made Grow Lamps default plant Smokeleaf
- Tweaked and added recipes
Updated to v1.1
- fixed crafting requirements
- moved some things around
- fixed some descriptions
- fixed smokeleaf butter, now it's edible
- tweaked generator
- fixed smoking animation orientations
- fixed research requirements
- tweaked some recipes