diff --git a/open-lst/USERS_GUIDE.md b/open-lst/USERS_GUIDE.md
index 00ef6dd..b27bdc9 100644
--- a/open-lst/USERS_GUIDE.md
+++ b/open-lst/USERS_GUIDE.md
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ The OpenLST project consists of:
 2. A small set of Python tools for programming and communicating with the
    OpenLST radio
 3. A reference hardware design including schematics, part specs, layout, and
-   Gerber files using [KiCad](http://kicad-pcb.org/)
+   Gerber files using [KiCad](http://kicad.org/)
 4. This user's guide
 ### Non-Features