In this guide, we'll create and run a complete Lux company that creates blog content. We'll:
- Define the company structure
- Create specialized agents with different roles
- Implement necessary tools (prisms, beams, lenses)
- Run the company and execute objectives
First, let's make sure we have all the necessary dependencies:
{:lux, "~> 0.2.0"},
{:jason, "~> 1.4"},
{:req, "~> 0.4.0"}
Let's create the tools our content creation company will need. We'll start with some prisms for different content-related tasks:
defmodule ContentTools.ResearchPrism do
use Lux.Prism,
name: "Research Tool",
description: "Performs research on a given topic",
input_schema: %{
type: "object",
properties: %{
"topic" => %{
type: "string",
description: "The topic to research"
"depth" => %{
type: "string",
enum: ["basic", "detailed", "comprehensive"],
default: "detailed",
description: "How deep the research should go"
required: ["topic"]
def handler(%{"topic" => topic, "depth" => depth}, _context) do
# In a real implementation, this would do actual research
# For demo purposes, we'll simulate research results
research = %{
topic: topic,
depth: depth,
key_points: [
"First key point about #{topic}",
"Second key point about #{topic}",
"Third key point about #{topic}"
sources: [
"Source 1 for #{topic}",
"Source 2 for #{topic}"
{:ok, research}
defmodule ContentTools.OutlinePrism do
use Lux.Prism,
name: "Outline Generator",
description: "Creates a content outline based on research",
input_schema: %{
type: "object",
properties: %{
"topic" => %{type: "string"},
"research" => %{
type: "object",
properties: %{
"key_points" => %{
type: "array",
items: %{type: "string"}
"style" => %{
type: "string",
enum: ["blog", "article", "tutorial"],
default: "blog"
required: ["topic", "research"]
def handler(%{"topic" => topic, "research" => research, "style" => style}, _context) do
outline = %{
title: "#{topic} - A Comprehensive Guide",
sections: [
title: "Introduction",
points: ["Background", "Why this matters"]
title: "Main Content",
points: research.key_points
title: "Conclusion",
points: ["Summary", "Next steps"]
style: style
{:ok, outline}
defmodule ContentTools.WritingBeam do
use Lux.Beam,
name: "Content Writer",
description: "Coordinates the content creation process",
input_schema: %{
type: "object",
properties: %{
"topic" => %{type: "string"},
"style" => %{
type: "string",
enum: ["blog", "article", "tutorial"]
required: ["topic"]
def steps do
sequence do
# First do research
step(:research, ContentTools.ResearchPrism, %{
topic: [:input, "topic"],
depth: "detailed"
# Then create outline
step(:outline, ContentTools.OutlinePrism, %{
topic: [:input, "topic"],
research: [:steps, :research, :result],
style: [:input, "style"]
Now let's create our specialized agents:
defmodule ContentTeam.Agents.Researcher do
use Lux.Agent,
name: "Research Specialist",
description: "Specializes in gathering and analyzing information",
goal: "Provide well-researched, accurate information for content creation",
prisms: [ContentTools.ResearchPrism],
llm_config: %{
temperature: 0.3 # Lower temperature for more focused research
# Implement the task handler for research assignments
@impl true
def handle_task_assignment(%Lux.Signal{payload: payload} = signal, context) do
case payload do
%{"type" => "assignment", "title" => title, "description" => description} ->
# Extract topic from description
topic = extract_topic(description)
# Use the research prism
case ContentTools.ResearchPrism.handler(%{"topic" => topic, "depth" => "detailed"}, context) do
{:ok, research} ->
{:ok, create_completion_signal(signal, research)}
{:error, reason} ->
{:ok, create_failure_signal(signal, reason)}
_ ->
{:error, :invalid_task}
defp extract_topic(description) do
# Simple implementation - in real world, would use LLM to extract topic
|> String.split(" ")
|> Enum.take(3)
|> Enum.join(" ")
defp create_completion_signal(original, result) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "completion",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "completed",
"result" => %{
"success" => true,
"output" => result
recipient: original.sender
defp create_failure_signal(original, reason) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "failure",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "failed",
"result" => %{
"success" => false,
"error" => inspect(reason)
recipient: original.sender
defmodule ContentTeam.Agents.Writer do
use Lux.Agent,
name: "Content Writer",
description: "Creates engaging written content",
goal: "Transform research and outlines into polished content",
beams: [ContentTools.WritingBeam],
llm_config: %{
temperature: 0.7 # Higher temperature for more creative writing
@impl true
def handle_task_assignment(%Lux.Signal{payload: payload} = signal, context) do
case payload do
%{"type" => "assignment", "title" => title, "context" => %{"research" => research}} ->
# Use the writing beam
"topic" => title,
"style" => "blog"
}, context) do
{:ok, content} ->
{:ok, create_completion_signal(signal, content)}
{:error, reason} ->
{:ok, create_failure_signal(signal, reason)}
_ ->
{:error, :invalid_task}
# Reuse the same helper functions as Researcher
defp create_completion_signal(original, result) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "completion",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "completed",
"result" => %{
"success" => true,
"output" => result
recipient: original.sender
defp create_failure_signal(original, reason) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "failure",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "failed",
"result" => %{
"success" => false,
"error" => inspect(reason)
recipient: original.sender
defmodule ContentTeam.Agents.Editor do
use Lux.Agent,
name: "Content Editor",
description: "Reviews and improves content",
goal: "Ensure content meets quality standards and style guidelines",
llm_config: %{
temperature: 0.4 # Balanced temperature for editing
@impl true
def handle_task_assignment(%Lux.Signal{payload: payload} = signal, _context) do
case payload do
%{"type" => "assignment", "context" => %{"content" => content}} ->
# Simulate editing process
edited_content = %{
original: content,
edits: [
"Improved flow in introduction",
"Enhanced clarity in main points",
"Fixed grammar and style issues"
final_version: content # In real implementation, would actually edit
{:ok, create_completion_signal(signal, edited_content)}
_ ->
{:error, :invalid_task}
# Reuse the same helper functions
defp create_completion_signal(original, result) do
id: Lux.UUID.generate(),
schema_id: original.schema_id,
payload: %{
"type" => "completion",
"task_id" => original.payload["task_id"],
"objective_id" => original.payload["objective_id"],
"title" => original.payload["title"],
"status" => "completed",
"result" => %{
"success" => true,
"output" => result
recipient: original.sender
Now let's define our content creation company:
defmodule ContentTeam.Company do
use Lux.Company
company do
name "Content Creation Team"
mission "Create high-quality, research-backed blog content"
has_ceo "Content Director" do
agent ContentTeam.Agents.Editor
goal "Oversee content creation and ensure quality"
can "review"
can "approve"
can "coordinate"
members do
has_role "Research Specialist" do
agent ContentTeam.Agents.Researcher
goal "Research topics and provide comprehensive insights"
can "research"
can "analyze"
can "summarize"
has_role "Content Writer" do
agent ContentTeam.Agents.Writer
goal "Create engaging and well-structured content"
can "write"
can "edit"
can "draft"
objective :create_blog_post do
description "Create a well-researched blog post"
success_criteria """
- Well-researched content with cited sources
- Engaging writing style appropriate for target audience
- Proper structure and flow
- Error-free content
- Approved by Content Director
steps [
"Research the topic thoroughly and gather key insights",
"Create a detailed outline based on research",
"Write the first draft following the outline",
"Review and edit the content",
"Get final approval from Content Director"
Let's start the company and create a blog post:
# Start the company
{:ok, company_pid} = ContentTeam.Company.start_link()
# Create a blog post
{:ok, objective_id} = Lux.Company.run_objective(company_pid, :create_blog_post, %{
"topic" => "The Future of AI",
"target_audience" => "tech enthusiasts",
"tone" => "informative yet engaging"
# Monitor the objective status
{:ok, status} = Lux.Company.get_objective_status(company_pid, objective_id)
# The status will include:
# - Current step
# - Overall progress
# - Any completed artifacts
# - Error information (if any)
You can monitor the company's operation in several ways:
- Check objective status:
{:ok, status} = Lux.Company.get_objective_status(company_pid, objective_id)
- List all active objectives:
{:ok, objectives} = Lux.Company.list_objectives(company_pid)
- Get agent status:
{:ok, agents} = Lux.Company.list_agents(company_pid)
- View objective artifacts:
{:ok, artifacts} = Lux.Company.get_objective_artifacts(company_pid, objective_id)
The company handles various types of errors:
- Invalid inputs:
{:error, :invalid_input} = Lux.Company.run_objective(company_pid, :create_blog_post, %{
"topic" => "AI" # Missing required fields
- Agent failures:
# The company will attempt to recover from agent failures
# You can check the error in the objective status
{:ok, status} = Lux.Company.get_objective_status(company_pid, objective_id)
if status.error do
IO.puts("Error: #{status.error}")
- Add more specialized agents to your company
- Create custom tools for specific tasks
- Implement more complex objectives
- Add monitoring and alerting
- Implement recovery strategies for different failure modes