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298 lines (263 loc) · 12.3 KB

File metadata and controls

298 lines (263 loc) · 12.3 KB

Compiler Generator


Consumes Grammar.json file which contains definition of Context Free Grammar (CFG). The structure of JSON file is given in Section Grammar Structure.


Open cmd (or bash) go to the root of the project (directory CompilerCoursePr) and execute:

gradlew bootJar

The built application will be appeared at ./build/libs


The built app (jar file) is located at directory ./build/libs
First of all you must LOAD the Grammar. The Grammar defines 4 elements of CFG: Terminals, NonTerminals, Productions, StartSymbol.
You can load a predefined Grammar files in follow directory


After that you must specify txt fileName for analysis and compilation.

Grammar Structure

The structure of json document is described as follows

    "terms" : {  
          "name" : "[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+",  
          "num" : "[0-9]+",  
          "empty" : null,  
          "realNum" : "[0-9]+(.[0-9]+((E|e)(@+|-)[0-9]+|empty)|empty)",  
          "character" :  "\"_\"",  
          "+" : "+",    
          "-" : "-",  
          "*" : "*",  
          "/" : "/",  
          "(" : "(",  
          ")" : ")",  
          "//" : "//",  
          "/*" : "/@*"  
    "nonTerms" : [  
        "E", "T", "S", "F"  
    "productions" : [  
        {"S" : "E"},  
        {"E" : ["E", "+", "T"]}, {"E" : ["E", "-", "T"]}, {"E": "T"},  
        {"T" : ["T", "*", "F"]}, {"T" : ["T", "/", "F"]}, {"T" : "F"},  
        {"F" : ["(","name",")"]}, {"F" : "E"}  
    "start" : "S",  
    "keywords" : ["true", "false", "null"],  
    "meta" : {  
        "id" : "name",  
        "commentLine" : "//",  
        "mlCommentStart" : "/*",  
        "mlCommentEnd" : "*/",  
        "scopeStart": "{",  
        "scopeEnd": "}",  
        "operands": ["name","num","realNum","true","false","character"],  
        "operators": ["+","-","*","/"],  
        "aliases": {  
          "-": "um",  
          "+": "up"  
        "types": [  
          {"name": "double","size": 8},  
          {"name": "long","size": 8},  
          {"name": "float", "size": 4},  
          {"name": "int","size": 4},  
          {"name": "char","size": 2},  
          {"name": "bool","size": 1},  
          {"name": "void","size": 0}  

Keywords and meta data

You can set additional metadata to your Grammar.

  1. "keywords" : list of strings which represent keywords of language.
    Each keyword is treated as a terminal with same pattern as its name.
    When you are defining keywords you must ensure that overlapped pattern exists.
    Also, each character which is a part of keyword MUST BE IN patterns (regular expressions)
  2. "meta" : JsonObject which contains additional data for semantic analysis:
    2.1 "id" : The name of terminal, which represent an id - entry of symbol table.
    2.2 "commentLine" : The name of terminal, which represents the begining
    of the single line comment. Comments are ignored by parser.
    2.3 "mlCommentStart" : The name of terminal which represents the begining
    of the multiline comment.
    2.4 "mlCommentEnd" : The string which marks the end of the
    multiline comment.
    2.5 "operands" : The list of strings. Each element is a terminalName
    (property name of "terms" object). This property is used for semantic Analysis.
    2.6 "operators" : The list of strings. Each element is a terminalName
    (property name of "terms" object). This property is used for semantic Analysis.
    2.7 "aliases" : The alternative names for terminal symbols.
    Used for parsing of unary operators (which has the same pattern as its binary operator)
    2.8 "scopeStart" : The name of terminalName. Defines the begining of the
    new scope. Used for semantic Analysis.
    2.9 "scopeEnd" : The name of terminalName. Defines the end of the
    current scope. Used for semantic Analysis.

Regex syntax

The regular expressions syntax is described as follows:

  • a - regular expression which represent a single character string ("a").
    (You may type a multiple character sequence abb.... An operator of CONCATENATION ^ will be used implicitly.)
    (So if you type a abb the regex will be a^b^b. Of course you can use ^ operator explicitly BUT THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED!)
  • r1|r2 - the UNION of two regular expressions (r1 and r2).
  • [A-Z] - the characters class. It is shortance for UNION operation. (i.e it is equal to expression (A|B|...|Z) ).
  • (r) - the GROUPING of regex (r1).
  • _ - any single character. (The character code range is [0..65535])
  • @ - escape symbol. (like a \ in many programming languages).
    Use to ignore operators (such as ^, |, (, ),*,+,_). Any single character preceded with @ is treated as an operand
    Example: regular expressions : @*, @+ are treated as * and +.
    They both match strings : "+", "*".
    So to use @ as operand you must type @@. It is unnecessary to use @ in regexs with single character. (Expressions like "a", "+", "*" with length = 1)
    Any single character expression (i.e. full expression) is treated as operand.
    WARNING: the length of the expression is the length of the JsonString
    (** i.e. the length of the string which is a value of property `"pattern".
  • null - regular expression which matches empty strings.

Regex quantifiers

There are only two quantifiers are used * and + which means:

  • r1+ : one or more times exactly r1.
  • r1* : zero or more times exactly r1.

Regex details

After all regexs will be processed the minimal DFA will be built.
Technically this is not formally the DFA. It is based on model
used in Lex, JFLex and YACC programs.
WARNING: All regular expressions are CASE SENSITIVE.

There are reserved two character codes:

  • 0 - character code, which means '_' ,
    regular expression which matches any single character strings.
  • 1 - character code, which means null.

You can use terminalName which has null expression
in other regular expressions.

Code Usage

See class Exe to see how to use parser in your code.
The content of the file is shown as follows:

package ru.osipov.labs.exe;

import guru.nidi.graphviz.engine.Format;
import guru.nidi.graphviz.engine.Graphviz;
import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;

import ru.osipov.labs.lab1.structures.automats.CNFA;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab1.structures.automats.DFA;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab2.grammars.Grammar;

import ru.osipov.labs.lab2.grammars.json.InvalidJsonGrammarException;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab2.jsonParser.SimpleJsonParser;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab2.jsonParser.jsElements.JsonObject;

import ru.osipov.labs.lab3.lexers.DFALexer;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab3.lexers.ILexer;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab3.lexers.Token;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab3.lexers.generators.FALexerGenerator;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab3.parsers.LRAlgorithm;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab3.parsers.ParserMode;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab3.parsers.LRParser;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab3.trees.*;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab4.semantics.*;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab4.translators.IntermediateCodeGenerator;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab4.translators.SemanticAnalyzer;
import ru.osipov.labs.lab4.translators.TranslatorActions;


public class Exe implements CommandLineRunner {
    public static void main(String[] args){,args);

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        String p = System.getProperty("user.dir");
        System.out.println("Current working dir: "+p);

        //for IDE
        String sc = System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\src\\main\\java\\ru\\osipov\\labs\\exe";
        String dir = System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\src\\main\\java\\ru\\osipov\\labs\\exe";

        sc = sc + "\\Example_2.txt"; //INPUT

        p = p + "\\src\\main\\java\\ru\\osipov\\labs\\lab2\\";
        p = p + "grammars\\json\\C#_Cut.json";//Grammar.

        SimpleJsonParser parser = new SimpleJsonParser();
        JsonObject ob = parser.parse(p);
        if (ob != null) {
            System.out.println("Json was read successfull.");
            Grammar G = null;
            try {
                G = new Grammar(ob);
                System.out.println("Has cycles: "+G.hasCycles());

                //build lexer.
                FALexerGenerator lg = new FALexerGenerator();
                CNFA nfa = lg.buildNFA(G);
                DFALexer lexer = new DFALexer(new DFA(nfa));
                lexer.getImagefromStr(sc.substring(0,sc.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1),"Lexer");

                //Parse grammar which type is SLR or LR(0)
            catch (InvalidJsonGrammarException e){
            catch (IOException e){
            System.out.println("Invalid json. Json document is required!");

    private void SLRGrammarParse(Grammar G, ILexer lexer,String dir,String sc) throws IOException {
        LRParser sa = new LRParser(G,lexer, LRAlgorithm.SLR);//Parser algorithm: SLR(1)
        LinkedTree<Token> tree = sa.parse(sc);
        if(tree != null){
            System.out.println("Parsed successful.");
            Graphviz.fromString(tree.toDot("ptree")).render(Format.PNG).toFile(new File(dir+"\\Tree_SLR"));

            System.out.println("Tree nodes: "+tree.getCount());

            tree.setVisitor(new SequentialNRVisitor<Token>());

            //Sem Action 1: Delete useless syntax nodes.
            DeleteUselessSyntaxNode act1 = new DeleteUselessSyntaxNode(G);
            System.out.println("Useless syntax node are deleted. (symbols like \",\" \";\" and etc.)");
            Graphviz.fromString(tree.toDot("ptreeA1")).render(Format.PNG).toFile(new File(dir+"\\UsefulTree_SLR_a1"));

            //Sem Action 2: Delete chain Nodes (Rules like A -> B, B -> C).
            BreakChainNode act2 = new BreakChainNode();
            System.out.println("Chain was deleted");
            Graphviz.fromString(tree.toDot("ptreeA2")).render(Format.PNG).toFile(new File(dir+"\\ZippedTree_SLR_a2"));

            //Sem Action 3: Build AS Tree.
            MakeAstTree act3 = new MakeAstTree(G);
            System.out.println("AST was built.");
            Graphviz.fromString(tree.toDot("pTreeA3")).render(Format.PNG).toFile(new File(dir+"\\ASTree_SLR"));
            System.out.println("Tree nodes after processing: "+tree.getCount());

            //Semantic analyzer and IE code generator.
            SemanticAnalyzer semantic = new SemanticAnalyzer(G,tree);

            System.out.println("Definitions are read.");

            System.out.println("Parameters of methods in bodies are renamed.");

            System.out.println("Types were checked.");

            IntermediateCodeGenerator generator = semantic.getCodeGenerator();
            System.out.println("Has errors: "+semantic.hasErrors());
            System.out.println("Syntax errors detected!");

Technical requirements.

Compiled on JDK 1.8.0_161.