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Before deployment, the following two steps need to be confirmed
- The hardware and software environment meets the requirements, refer to FastDeploy environment requirements
- FastDeploy Python whl package installation, refer to FastDeploy Python Installation
This directory provides an example of infer.py
to quickly complete the deployment of Smoke on CPU/GPU. Execute the following script to complete
#Download deployment sample code
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/FastDeploy.git
cd examples/vision/vision/paddle3d/smoke/python
wget https://bj.bcebos.com/fastdeploy/models/smoke.tar.gz
tar -xf smoke.tar.gz
wget https://bj.bcebos.com/fastdeploy/models/smoke_test.png
# CPU reasoning
python infer.py --model smoke --image smoke_test.png --device cpu
# GPU inference
python infer.py --model smoke --image smoke_test.png --device gpu
The visual result after running is shown in the figure below
fastdeploy.vision.detection.Smoke(model_file, params_file, config_file, runtime_option=None, model_format=ModelFormat.PADDLE)
Smoke model loading and initialization.
- model_file(str): model file path
- params_file(str): parameter file path
- config_file(str): configuration file path
- runtime_option(RuntimeOption): Backend reasoning configuration, the default is None, that is, the default configuration is used
- model_format(ModelFormat): model format, the default is Paddle format
Smoke. predict(image_data)Model prediction interface, the input image directly outputs the detection result.
- image_data(np.ndarray): input data, note that it must be in HWC, BGR format
Return the
structure, structure description reference document Vision Model Prediction Results