Most common species are allowed by default, be careful not to choose monster traits. Also keep in mind how your character will be perceived in the setting, sometimes they won't be met kindly. For everything outside of 2014 player's handbook ask me just in case. Link to the most common and allowed by default species. Write down your traits like speed and languages you know.
Please, use player's handbook (2014) to choose your class. You can also check this link to the list of classes. Artificers are allowed, for everything else please ask me first. Write down your weapon proficiencies and hit dice.
When you choose your class you can choose your equipment. You can replace your weapon with another usual non-magical weapon you're proficient with.
For some classes choosing the subclass is possible since level 1. You can use player's handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. For everything else consult me first. Use this link to the list of subclasses.
You can choose any alignment but evil alignments, unless we do evil only or monster style campaign.
Player's hanadbook and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything are allowed, for everything else ask me. List of backgrounds. Write down your starting equipment, personality traits, ideals, bonds and flaws (you can use player's handbook to choose or make up your own according to your class, race and alignment).
Why they decided to be in this campaign? What motivates them?
Roll 4d6 dice. Remove the lowest dice and add the other three numbers together. You can reroll low results if the sum is lower than 6. Write this number down. You need 6 numbers overall, so repeat it until you get numbers for all of your abilities. Then assign your numbers to abilties however you want. Keep in mind that your race can change change this number, so make any needed adjustments.
Check what skills and saving throws you are proficient with and mark them on your sheet. Use this table to define your ability modifier from your scores:
Score | Modifier |
6-7 | -2 |
8-9 | -1 |
10-11 | 0 |
12-13 | +1 |
14-15 | +2 |
16-17 | +3 |
18-19 | +4 |
20-21 | +5 |
22-23 | +6 |
Check if your species give you any additional bonuses and add it to your modifier, also add your proficiency bonus that you can find in the level up table of your class to the modifiers of skills and saving throws you are proficient with.
If you use a weapon you are proficient with, your attack bonus is your STR or DEX modifier for finesse weapons + your proficiency bonus. Your spell attack bonus is the abiltiy you use for spellacting (WIS, INT, CHA) + your proficiency bonus. Your spell save DC is 8 + spellcasting modifier + proficiency bonus.
Number of spells you know usually depends on your class and your spellcasting modifier. You should check your class description or ask me.
Your armour class depends on the armour you use. You can use player's handbook or follow this link to check your armour class. To calculate your hitpoints for first 3 levels use maximum number on your dice + CON. For example, if your hit dice is d8 and your constitution is 12, your hp for the first level is 8 + 1 = 9.
Your initiative is your DEX modifier.
10 + your wisdom + your proficiency (if you're proficient in perception checks).