From 4584b3b0191baf3a9cd7f62d0a15f56a797a5d27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Picred <>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:08:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] feat: add python script template

--- | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++              | 60 --------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644
 delete mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02b89ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import asyncio
+import time, socket
+def testLogstash():
+    while True:
+        try:
+            sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+            sock.connect(('logstash', 5000))
+            sock.close()
+            print("[ingestion-manager]Logstash is ready!")
+            break
+        except:
+            print("[ingestion-manager]Logstash not ready")
+            time.sleep(5)
+            continue
+def main() -> None:
+    testLogstash()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    try:
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        print("[ingestion-manager]Program exited")
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 562b4ae..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring, missing-function-docstring
-import random
-def display_board(board):
-    for row in board:
-        print(" | ".join(row))
-        print("-" * 9)
-def check_winner(board):
-    for row in board:
-        if row.count(row[0]) == len(row) and row[0] != " ":
-            return True
-    for col in range(len(board[0])):
-        if board[0][col] == board[1][col] == board[2][col] and board[0][col] != " ":
-            return True
-    if board[0][0] == board[1][1] == board[2][2] and board[0][0] != " ":
-        return True
-    if board[0][2] == board[1][1] == board[2][0] and board[0][2] != " ":
-        return True
-    return False
-def is_board_full(board):
-    for row in board:
-        if " " in row:
-            return False
-    return True
-def main():
-    board = [[" " for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(3)]
-    players = ["X", "O"]
-    current_player = random.choice(players)
-    winner = False
-    while not winner and not is_board_full(board):
-        display_board(board)
-        print(f"It's {current_player}'s turn")
-        row = int(input("Enter row (0, 1, or 2): "))
-        col = int(input("Enter column (0, 1, or 2): "))
-        if board[row][col] == " ":
-            board[row][col] = current_player
-            if check_winner(board):
-                winner = current_player
-            else:
-                current_player = "O" if current_player == "X" else "X"
-        else:
-            print("That position is already taken!")
-    display_board(board)
-    if winner:
-        print(f"{winner} wins!")
-    else:
-        print("It's a tie!")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()